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    Two Fish Tanks For Sale! East Mids!

    come on.. wanting a quick sale. open to offers.
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    Two Fish Tanks For Sale! East Mids!

    Looking for quick sales. Pm me with interests please. Juwel Vision 180 for sale with matching stand, Colour: Black - £80 (might need resealing around the edges as its had gerbils in for the past few months) A Light-Glo fish tank. It is two and a half feet. comes with several plants. has...
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    Do You Have Other Pets Besides Fish?

    Hey. i wont put pics up as i probs have tooo many. >< Well i own; 1 Fish Tank Betty - Mini Dashound, Fern - Cat, Rhino & Hippo - Leopard Geckos, Harry, Ron & Draco - Gerbils, Melon - Guinea Pig. And maybe a hamster in a few weeks time. :) But then also there are 2 other dogs, 5 more cats, 11...
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    Poor Piggies! :(

    Dunno if you guys know about this. But have you seen this?!!!/group.php?gid=129658180403772 :o its shocking.. there is no way i would let any of my piggies get like that! and i feel sorry for this lot. :(
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    Help Please!

    Hai. err... i have been having problems with my tank... i have had 4 fish die, since yesrerday. I did a water change yesterday, and found my heater was cracked, so i have tempererally put a 25W heater in it, and going to get a 50W heater in a min... Since wednesday the water of my tank has been...
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    (heterandria Formosa) small fish...hehe odd with the killie its fun to watch though...:P
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    Wanting To Get A Pair Of Gourami's

    ok....thanks for the warning. so you say to get 2 females and 1 male. there anyother way to sex them other than the dorsal fin?
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    Wanting To Get Gourami's

    ok.. thanks for the help. dwarf it is then. is there anything i should look for when sexing them appart from the shape of the dorsal fin.
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    Wanting To Get A Pair Of Gourami's

    ok. thanks for the help.
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    Wanting To Get A Pair Of Gourami's

    hi. i am wanting to get a pair of gourmis, but was wondering whether a 59litre/15ukgallons is big enough. i am thinking of selling my other fish, bug keep the flagfish. are they ok with flagfish? and would someone be able to recomend a type of gourami that would be a good size for my tank. i do...
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    Wanting To Get Gourami's

    hi. i am wanting to get a pair of gourmis, but was wondering whether a 59litre/15ukgallons is big enough. i am thinking of selling my other fish, bug keep the flagfish. are they ok with flagfish? and would someone be able to recomend a type of gourami that would be a good size for my tank. i do...
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    Happy Birthday Emmsy!

    Happy Birthday emmsy. have a great time! :D
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    Red Spots On Fish

    hey. my mum has been looking at online websites where she gets her medicians from for our animals. they do everything that the vets do but not kanamycin. do you know any websites that might sell it? thanks. nat and she is going to ring the vets later today to see if they have it.
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    Red Spots On Fish

    ok thanks. i'll go talk to my mum now. and get her to get the stuff. thanks again.
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    Red Spots On Fish

    ok thanks alot for both of your help. where can i get some of the treatment from?
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    Red Spots On Fish

    i am using the king british bacterial control. says it treats bacterial infections, gill rot & external ulcers.
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    Red Spots On Fish

    ok thank you
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    Red Spots On Fish

    i have read both of them about the hole in the gils. and im am unsure. and since i have got back into the hobby again about 5 months ago, and with all the fish i have i have only had one fish die, and she died while in the breeding trap after giving birth to 3 fry. so i expect that was due to...
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    Red Spots On Fish

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    Red Spots On Fish

    ok. and the gills, well they loko slightly open and moving of course, but at the top it looks like someone has stuck something in them as there is like a slight hole at the top. as if someone has punchered them. and its also red at the top.
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    Red Spots On Fish

    nope nope, just had a look, but will have another look later when its darker. but at the moment i cant seem to see any sort of golden spots or glowing marks.
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    Red Spots On Fish

    hmm...flicking? not really. and as for rubbing, unless you call swimming with there bellies on the gravel rubbing then yes, otherwise no. they just seem to stay in one place breathing quite rapidly, and only seem to move when startled or when food is about.
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    Red Spots On Fish

    well im not sure how to describe the patches but they just look like someone has put dirt on them but wont come off. they also seem to be breathing rather rapidly. what is best to use to help with septicemia?
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    Red Spots On Fish

    anyone? please
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    Red Spots On Fish

    hi, i have been treating what i thought were oto's, but are actually golden algea eaters with king british bacterial control treatment. and nothing seems to be happening. there are 4 all together and only one is fine. 3 of them seem to have red spots at the end of there nose. i have recently...
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    My Beardie

    aww hes soo cool. i saw some baby ones the other day in a pet shop. they were cute. although i dont think i'd want to hold one, they look a prickly. do you handle him? and is he all prickly because he looks a little... how old is he?
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    How Big Can A Goldfish Get ? This Big.........

    i sawthat in the newspaper today about a goldfish that was huge. and i thought that was big. but its not compared to that goldfish Bruce.
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    Red Spots On Otto

    thank you. i will get some med asap. and for isolating, i can one the fry in my tank have gone. which will be tomorrow
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    Red Spots On Otto

    ok, i have just notied that one of my other ottos also has 4 red spots on his/her mouth/nose. so if anyone could give my any idea of what this could be and how i could treat it. all comments thanks
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    Red Spots On Otto

    hey, i have 4 ottos in my tank and have recently noticed one of them is quite a bit bigger than the others, and has 4 red spots near his/her mouth/nose... all my other fish seem to be ok. Also this otto looks alot paler than the other 3, but is still swimming and eating well. And the spots look...
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    My Guppy. Damaged Tail

    anyone else have any ideas on what to do? like if there is any medication i can give to her.
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    (heterandria Formosa)

    aww they are soo cute. really small. how old are the babies?
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    My Guppy. Damaged Tail

    ok thanks. would she be alright in my platy fry tank? all the fry are going on saturday so she'll then have to tank to herself for a bit.
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    My Guppy. Damaged Tail

    Hey, i have recently noticed that one of my female guppies tail look like it has been shredded. I have a female platy, a male platy, a male guppy, 2 other female guppies, 4 ottos and a plec in the same tank as her. the tank is 59litres. i have also noticed that one of the other female guppies...
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    My Fry

    ok, i think my fry are guppies. And i have notived that one of my females are slimmer than i last saw her. i cant find anymore fry in my tank, but i'll keep an eye out. i only have 6 at the moment. do some guppies only have 6 fry somtimes? and i just thought that it was strange as she didnt show...
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    My Fry

    you have to admit though, it is kind of entertaining.
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    My Fry

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    My Fry

    Hey, last night i found 3 fry in my tank. i am not sure whether they are guppies or platies. is there a difference between guppy and platy fry? These fry seem to be longer and slimmer where as all my platy fry have been kinda short and stubby. I think they are guppies, although last nigh my...
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    My Platy

    ok. so shes a calico blue. thank you for your help. and laurafrog. i have 20+ fry that are about 5weeks old. and they are gorgeous just like their mummy.
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    My Platy

    cool. shes gorgeous either way. i love her. love her little face she gives.