My Platy


Fish Fanatic
Feb 13, 2008
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hey, this is my female platy. just wondering, what colour would you say she is?



although she looks alot paler than she does in the pics. there taken with my phone so there not that good.
Whatever the colour its very pregnant and will drop anytime soon.
looks like a blue mickey mouse or comet, depends on how much black is in the tail. Mickey mouse has a mouse head and ears in the tail. Comet platies have the black edge to the tail only.
i know shes preggers. Shes already had 20fry about a month ago. And gave birth to 3 live fry and 10 undeveloped fry. and only 1 survived out of the 3 live fry. and now she just swims around like mad being a fat greedy pregnant fish.
Colin, she doesnt have a mickmouse tail, its just black. Also, when i asked what colour is she,what i meant is that what sort of blue is she? because most of the blue pics i've seen are rather dark.
maybe a metallic blue or light blue. The pictures give two different colours
yeah i know the two pics give different colours. strange really. but shes more of the colour of the bottom pic and shines a bluey colour when in the light.
Yep, calico blue. Could be a comet/wagtail cross also. Comet is where the top two or three and bottom two or three rays in the tail are black and the rest is clear. I think those markings are too wide for comet, I'd say incomplete wagtail. Full wagtail is where the fins are all solid black. She's gorgeous - bet you get some nice fry when she drops.
ok. so shes a calico blue. thank you for your help.
and laurafrog. i have 20+ fry that are about 5weeks old. and they are gorgeous just like their mummy.

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