Red Spots On Fish


Fish Fanatic
Feb 13, 2008
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hi, i have been treating what i thought were oto's, but are actually golden algea eaters with king british bacterial control treatment. and nothing seems to be happening.
there are 4 all together and only one is fine. 3 of them seem to have red spots at the end of there nose. i have recently noticed a red patch on the side of one of them, and browny, greyish patches on another.
they are seperate from my other fish, and the water stats are fine.
can someone please help me.
Red patches are septicemia.
The greyish browny patches can be velvet to columnaris.
Can you describe the texture of the patches.
Any signs of flicking and rubbing or laboured breathing.
well im not sure how to describe the patches but they just look like someone has put dirt on them but wont come off. they also seem to be breathing rather rapidly.
what is best to use to help with septicemia?
hmm...flicking? not really. and as for rubbing, unless you call swimming with there bellies on the gravel rubbing then yes, otherwise no. they just seem to stay in one place breathing quite rapidly, and only seem to move when startled or when food is about.
I would switch tanks light out and then shine a torch on the fish, to see if you can see any golden spots or patches that glow up.
nope nope, just had a look, but will have another look later when its darker. but at the moment i cant seem to see any sort of golden spots or glowing marks.
Ok for now I would add the interpet med and increase aeration in the tank.
Not ideal adding meds when fish are breathing heavier.
What do the fish gills look like.
ok. and the gills, well they loko slightly open and moving of course, but at the top it looks like someone has stuck something in them as there is like a slight hole at the top. as if someone has punchered them. and its also red at the top.
So there a hole in the gill as that can be fish tb.
Lost any fish to bent spines or being really skinny.

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