My Fry


Fish Fanatic
Feb 13, 2008
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Hey, last night i found 3 fry in my tank. i am not sure whether they are guppies or platies. is there a difference between guppy and platy fry?
These fry seem to be longer and slimmer where as all my platy fry have been kinda short and stubby.
I think they are guppies, although last nigh my platy was the only one showing signs of giving birth, where as my three guppies which are all preggers were all swimming around normally.
Could they be platy fry? or are they guppy?
If they are guppy, how would i be able to tell which guppy they are from?
I will try to get a pic of them later, but they seem to be a little lively at the moment and just keep swimming around.
All Comments welcome.
They do sound more like Platy fry than Guppy fry, as you said Platys tend to be stubbier! If they are guppies then wait and see if any of the mummys start looking thinner lol! :)
Guppy fry tend to be longer and thinner than Platy fry so they are more likely to be Guppies in my opinion.
Hey 5teady my daughter wont let me click off this page coz of your jumping fishy avatar lol! :D
ok, i think my fry are guppies. And i have notived that one of my females are slimmer than i last saw her. i cant find anymore fry in my tank, but i'll keep an eye out. i only have 6 at the moment. do some guppies only have 6 fry somtimes? and i just thought that it was strange as she didnt show any signs of giving birth, like the hiding in the plants thing like my platy does. All in all they are really small and cute, and are all doing well. thanks for all your help everyone, and when i can i'll try and get a picture of the little cuties.

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