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  1. MrMagoo

    Blue Rams Driving Me Crazy!

    suction pipes are best for that ive heard, That sounds like an idea.
  2. MrMagoo

    Blue Rams Driving Me Crazy!

    True but eggs are hard to get out of gravel without crushing them.
  3. MrMagoo

    Stocking Questions

    Ok Tiger I like that. Don't get the green Tiger Barbs... I just don't have luck with them. Corys....I think it would not be too good just cause they are too peaceful. Maybe an alge eater but they get 5 inches or so Betta? It will die in 2 days. I'm telling you. I like Red...
  4. MrMagoo

    Blue Rams Driving Me Crazy!

    I have these blue rams that like to make babies. The problem is that they are not good parents. They like to turn Sweeny Todd on them and eat them. They are in a tank with them and I have posted about this before. Will they ever be good parents?
  5. MrMagoo

    Thinking About Breeding Bettas.....

    I have some luck breeding easy fish like plattys, mollys, and guppies. Now I am thinking about going for bettas. They are awesome but the only kinds around here are the normal kind, crown tails, and half moons. I would only want crown tails or half moons to breed. What do I need to know, get, or do?
  6. MrMagoo

    Were Poppen Out Babies And Don't Know If I Am Ready...

    Well I took out the moms because they are known to eat the babies after birth from what I have heard. This morning on fry was caught in the filter thats why I put on the bubler. Around here sponge filters are not an option because nobody has them or can get them. What else can I do?
  7. MrMagoo

    Were Poppen Out Babies And Don't Know If I Am Ready...

    I have a 10 gallon with a 20 gallon filter. I have a molly and a guppie who just gave birth in there. They were the only 2 fish in there. After they gave birth last night I took them out and put on the bubbler. It has PETCO store green rock and some fake stuff to hide. Anything else I need...
  8. MrMagoo

    My Blue Rams Have The Eggs

    I have a 6 gallon with a male and female blue ram. I have one big thing of drift wood and green rock. She layed her eggs and the male stood gaurd over them then he ate them. There are still many left but I put the blue rams in a breeder so the eggs might have a fighting chance. Help would be...
  9. MrMagoo

    Cloudy Tank

    From what I have been through it is one of two things. One too much bacteria which I really don't think that is it. When you mix up water to put in your tank let it sit outside your tank. It could be how your conditioner is. My friend had that problem. So the day before you do your water change...
  10. MrMagoo

    The Big 90 Gallon With Questions For My Cichlids...

    1 Red Zebra 1 Electric Yellow or a Yellow Lab 1 All blue one no stripes 1 All white red eyes....its like a snow flake something 1 Peacock of some nature 1 Green with dark green camo.. 1 Blue with dark blue camo...
  11. MrMagoo

    The Big 90 Gallon With Questions For My Cichlids...

    I am getting my 90 gallon today and I have some time before I set it up. I will have a dark sand or mix. I have 7 cichlids that will be about 10 inches long each. I know I want the light that has the moon light at night. I just think thats awesome. This is my first huge tank so I want to show it...
  12. MrMagoo

    Very Low Ph Fish

    So what are good very low PH fish. Like 6.5 low PH?
  13. MrMagoo

    My Friend's Platy Died....

    She got this awesome platy and it just died in front of our eyes. Its almost like half of its body works. Its 3 days from the store and it was just fine for 2 days. We have similar water and it has been feed. It gave one last big push and it died. Was it old age maybe?
  14. MrMagoo

    How Do You Show Off Color?

    I was wondering about just your average tropical fish and for chiclids. Some say dark some say light. Which is more true?
  15. MrMagoo

    New To The Shell-dwelling Cichlid World

    I am setting up a small 10 gallon starter tank for my girlfriend. I am new to shell-dwelling world myself. It will have hard water and the gravel has not been decided yet. Right now some store green rock is in there but we want it to look nice. It has a regular filter for a 20 gallon on it. We...
  16. MrMagoo

    I Need A Sucker.....

    So what I know is this. 1 Yellow lab 1 red zebra 1 all blue no stripes 1 snow white something lol 1 cross breed of something.....I will try to get pics but he is way too active 1 yellow on bottom and black long stripes on top
  17. MrMagoo

    I Think My Fish Need Slim Fast!

    Problem is that I use sinking food and floating food. I think I might have to seperate them feeding them.
  18. MrMagoo

    I Think My Fish Need Slim Fast!

    How can I get them going back to the normal size besides feeding less? I have small ones that don't get food unless the others are feed well. :good:
  19. MrMagoo

    I Need A Sucker.....

    Can gibbiceps take a hit? I mean I will be having 8 cichlids in there. Plus I have been thinking of a cat fish or something just to be a bottlom feeder or maybe something like a rope fish or something you know? Just to see how it goes.
  20. MrMagoo

    I Need A Sucker.....

    What are some really good plecos to put with my african cichlids. I will have a 75 gallon in 2 months so I am planning it out well. I need one that can take a hit but something that is not your regular pleco. I kinda want to show off this tank. Any help will be great! Thanks all! :good:
  21. MrMagoo

    One Lucky Loach For My Ciclids

    Are there any good loaches for my 75 gallon ciclid tank? I am going for natural so something that would be in the habbitat of where they are from. Just africa really. I know I will need a pleco or something like that. Help on that would be good too. Thanks :good:
  22. MrMagoo

    New But Planning Huge!

    So what would work with many fish. The problem would be ich and stuff I would think. See I am still new and really needing to be pointed in the right way. I want it to be something to show off with color, looks, and personality. If I get too many if one gets sick they all will.
  23. MrMagoo

    New But Planning Huge!

    True but what about the way they are with the aggression? It would be slaughter with no place to call their own.
  24. MrMagoo

    New But Planning Huge!

    Thanks so much but with so many being there, Wouldn't that be a killing spree for space?
  25. MrMagoo

    New But Planning Huge!

    See I have the lace rock in big pieces and layerd to make odd caves. The red zebra is going crazy. So I am going to just get a bigger tank. Thanks though
  26. MrMagoo

    New But Planning Huge!

    I have had Cichlids for about 5 months now. They are in a 20 gallon. I know not smart but I have 3 small ones. 1 Yellow lab, 1 Red zebra, and one blue one with stripes going down. Well the yellow lab is scared of even flowing water so I am getting a 75 gallon. They fight more than what they...
  27. MrMagoo

    The Big 75 Gallon Question

    Ok....what did you have in mind? I still haven't put anything in stone yet.
  28. MrMagoo

    The Big 75 Gallon Question

    Thanks for the ideas. I am also kinda wanting the odd balls i guess you could say. Know any good ones?
  29. MrMagoo

    The Big 75 Gallon Question

    I am doing research on what fish would be good for a community tank. It will be 75 gallon freshwater. I love blue rams but I only want 2 males and 4 females. I would like a school of cardnal and neon tetras and maybe a school of cory fish. I thought maybe a Leopard frog pleco would be neat...
  30. MrMagoo

    What To Put In Tank

    Are you doing a fishless cycle? Also by 3 foot? How many gallons because tanks come in diffrent gallons but still could be 3 feet long.
  31. MrMagoo

    Ph With Blue Ram

    Ok. I looked around the web and it says to have no higher than 6.5 ph. This is why I don't like the web. There is no real deff. answer?
  32. MrMagoo

    Ph With Blue Ram

    The only thing is that the pet store has it at 7.0 and putting that much of a difference in there could kill it. Yeah this is just to keep them until I get the big tank.
  33. MrMagoo

    Ph With Blue Ram

    Its a 10 gallon that has the blue ram, pineapple swordtail, and 3 danios. The ph now is more like 7.6 maybe now.
  34. MrMagoo

    Ph With Blue Ram

    I will be getting a 75 gallon but I want to see how things are on a smaller scale. I have a blue ram that I want to center the tank around but I need low PH. Where I live its really really high. Almost off the scale high. So I have some PH up and PH down. I put in my first dose in and waited the...
  35. MrMagoo

    Advice On Sand For Tank

    I have a tank that has sand ment for salt water but it is a fresh water tank. It didn't raise my salt level and normally it is cheaper than the fresh water sand. Some people use playground sand but I just don't like the look.
  36. MrMagoo

    Rainbow Shark And African Cichlids?

    Would this work at all with lace rock and sand?
  37. MrMagoo

    New To The World Of African Cichlids

    I am testing to see if I can handle Chiclids. I plan on a 55 or 75 gallon tank in 6 months or so. Right now I have 3 tiny Chiclids and one Dinosaur eel. When I bought the Chiclids I was dumb and bought some not knowing what kind they are except they are asorted. I have one blue, yellow, and...
  38. MrMagoo

    New To The Chiclid World

    The sad thing and the most stupid thing I did was not know what kind. I bought it from PETCO and I have a blue, yellow, and orange one. Bichir yes thats what it is.
  39. MrMagoo

    New To The Chiclid World

    I am testing to see if I can handle Chiclids. I plan on a 55 or 75 gallon tank in 6 months or so. Right now I have 3 tiny Chiclids and one Dinosaur eel. The Dino eel is very small too so no worries on it eating them. The dino eel is supost to be awake at night but oh no he loves the day. So when...