Blue Rams Driving Me Crazy!


New Member
Dec 30, 2007
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I have these blue rams that like to make babies. The problem is that they are not good parents. They like to turn Sweeny Todd on them and eat them. They are in a tank with them and I have posted about this before. Will they ever be good parents?
sometimes fish are just not natural parents, sometimes they'll mess up the first few spawns then get the hang of it, but sometmes they'll just never be any good. i'm not sure on rams as a species, how readily people get them to take csare of their young. if it's just been a couple of spawns then maybe give them a few more goes naturally, if not and you want to raise the babies then i'd suggest a seperate tank.
sometimes fish are just not natural parents, sometimes they'll mess up the first few spawns then get the hang of it, but sometmes they'll just never be any good. i'm not sure on rams as a species, how readily people get them to take csare of their young. if it's just been a couple of spawns then maybe give them a few more goes naturally, if not and you want to raise the babies then i'd suggest a seperate tank.

True but eggs are hard to get out of gravel without crushing them.
sometimes fish are just not natural parents, sometimes they'll mess up the first few spawns then get the hang of it, but sometmes they'll just never be any good. i'm not sure on rams as a species, how readily people get them to take csare of their young. if it's just been a couple of spawns then maybe give them a few more goes naturally, if not and you want to raise the babies then i'd suggest a seperate tank.

True but eggs are hard to get out of gravel without crushing them.
suction pipes are best for that ive heard,
suction pipes are best for that ive heard,

That sounds like an idea.
they shouldn't be laying their eggs in the gravel. They normally breed on the surface of a flat rock. Offer them a few more spawning sites and see if that helps. At the very least if they lay them on a small rock you can remove the rock and eggs to a hatching tank.
Rams normally make good parents so give them a few more chances.
Do you have any other fish in the tank? Sometimes having dither fish in the tank can distract the adults and stop them eating the eggs and fry. Dither fish are small peaceful fish living in the same tank and are often chased away from the nesting site. A small group of Harlequin rasboras or Neon tetras can be used. As can most other small peaceful fish that tolerate the same water conditions as the rams.

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