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  1. R

    Whitespot! Cannot Shift It!

    The Ich started when I introduced the loaches. I couldn't really tell you about the temperature of the water, I visited my LFS and they told me not to worry about it, saying that the temperature will be right, but there can be all sorts of factors affecting it, but it usually sits at 24...
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    Whitespot! Cannot Shift It!

    Cheers mate. I've got some salt handy, I'll use that. I can't understand why after dosing these fish with these meds, that they still are flicking on things and show a lot of white spots visible, it's like I'm fighting super-ich Haha. Another thing mate, I've raised the temp on my heater to 30...
  3. R

    Whitespot! Cannot Shift It!

    Hello everyone, having some real bother with white spot. It's affected my clown loaches and my silver shark, I've treated it with Sera-Med Protozol 2-3 times now, and done a 75% water change last night, raised the temp in the water to around 28-29. But I cannot shift it! Am I doing something...
  4. R

    Cleaning Fliter Media On Aqualantis Biobox

    Does anyone know a better way of cleaning them, i seem to just take the plastic box out, which I can't open, and wash in removed tank water? Is there a better way than this, cos my tank is still kinda "dusty"
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    Columinaris/ Mouth Rot

    Are those safe with loaches?
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    Columinaris/ Mouth Rot

    White and fluffy, Im in the UK.
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    Columinaris/ Mouth Rot

    Can please give me any advice in curing mouth rot, bearing in mind the fish I have in my Sig, Thanks.
  8. R

    Mouth Rot.

    Spot on :good:
  9. R

    Mouth Rot.

    One of my fish has mouth rot and i have been treating him lately, I was wondering if anyone knows the signs that he is on the road to recovery? Such as anything that I should watch out for? A link or anyone who has a in depth article about this disease would be perfect for me? Cheers people!
  10. R

    Minimum Size For Qt Tank.

    They aint stayin in that tank forever? I do realise how big they grow, but for now they seem ok in those tanks til I can get the room to set a large one up.
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    Minimum Size For Qt Tank.

    Just for small fish.
  12. R

    Minimum Size For Qt Tank.

    Hi Im thinking of setting up a QT tank, sick of getting sick fish from my LFS, So If you would be kind to know what the very least size I would need ( very little room), And what else Filter heater Etc. Thanks people.
  13. R


    Thats awful, Theyre such colorful additions to a tank.
  14. R

    Clown Loaches Cucumber

    Cool, Ill give them a try also. :)
  15. R

    Clown Loaches Cucumber

    Think ill skip the banana :look: , thanks for the others though. :good:
  16. R

    My Small Aquarium

    Will do :good:
  17. R

    My Small Aquarium

    :lol: Yeah my girlfriend picked the gravel, Must be a girly thing :lol:, also I managed to actually get a shot of my shark!
  18. Shark.jpg


  19. R

    Clown Loaches Cucumber

    Oh ok, I took mine out after a half hour, I think ill give them some more tonight, I was worried in case got released into the water, Thanks! Oh and by the way is there anything else Loaches like to eat? This is the first cucumber I gave em and they seem to have enjoyed it, Thanks mate.
  20. R

    My Small Aquarium

    Here he is, It took ages to get a half decent photo of him. :)
  21. Betta.jpg


  22. R

    Clown Loaches Cucumber

    Cheers :good: , So how long do you usually leave in the tank, About 15 mins?
  23. R

    Clown Loaches Cucumber

    How would I go about feedin my two loaches a cucumber? would I boil it?
  24. R

    Help To Reduce Ammonia And Nitrite Levels

    I have a 120 litre tank, In my Signature, And lately I have had a sudden amount of death in the tank, And I can only pin it down to a High increase in ammonia, which was 2.0mg/l measured by Interpets Liquid test kit, And Nitrite Measured as 0.25mg/l measured with the same kit, Can Anyone give...
  25. R

    Help, Fish In Danger!

    Gave their second dose yesterday, the white spot on his nose still seems to be there, Im prayin hes gonna be ok.
  26. R

    My 120g Tanganyikan Tank

    Those fish are amazing, and the quality of those pics is top drawer. Great Post
  27. R

    My Small Aquarium

    Yeah my girlfriend picked that, It was my first attempt, got the tank for nothing of a friend, just the glass and added all the other stuff, In the long run I would have preferred black gravel or some type of sand, hopefully though, gettin a juwel vision 450, Should have that lookin nice a lot...
  28. R

    My Small Aquarium

    Well got to say its Roman Gravel, its been submersed in that water for over a year now? No dye runnin off yet, But if it makes you fell better ill let you know if it fades a little? if that will cheer you up :shifty:
  29. R

    My Small Aquarium

    The Betta seems to get along with the other tank mates, the red eyes have the odd chase with him, but he seems to be fine, yeah I plan on adding a lot more plants, Ill try and get pic of him soon mate :good:
  30. R

    Juwel Vision 450 Ltr Setup (inc Photos)

    That tank is awesome, Id love something like this if I have room, well when I eventually get my own place I hope I have something as half as cool as yours.
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    My Small Aquarium

    This is my small aquarium, the two loaches are soon to find a new home in my larger aquarium. :)
  32. Mytank_resize_.jpg


  33. R

    Help, Fish In Danger!

    Thanks, Ill try that, I would hate to lose this fish, He is one the my main attractions in my tank, Hopefully Ill get him treated in time before he gets worse. Thanks again, your a good help.:good:
  34. R

    Danio Ready To Burst!

    I had this same problem with two Danios, I had a shoal of 6 ended up with 0!, The ones that had the huge bellys dissapeared first, then slowly the others, by dissapearing, I mean actually dissapearing, havent a clue on where they went, I cant offer much advice but Try a quarintine tank? Maybe...
  35. R

    Help, Fish In Danger!

    anyone?????? :unsure:
  36. R

    Help, Fish In Danger!

    Just one small white spot on the very end of his nose, Is the bacterial problem bad? I cant get to the fish store til morning, and they aint guarenteed to have it?, So I may have to order it online?, Will my fish live long enough to treat him?
  37. R

    Help, Fish In Danger!

    Oh and also had some deaths lately in this tank, which is quite destressing, as I take great care in maintaining my pets, I had a Rosy barb, all of a sudden both eyes were protruding and he eventually died, kept hanging round the filter. and also a young silver dollar, grew like a extra hole...
  38. R

    Help, Fish In Danger!

    Hello, my large adult Silver Dollar has recently showed a white tip on the very end of his nose, I am worried this is a disease and if so, how could I treat it, as he is over 7 year old. Help Would be much appreciated on this. Thanks.
  39. R

    Missing Zebra Danios

    oh and also a red finned shark :blink: