Missing Zebra Danios


New Member
Nov 13, 2007
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I have a 60 litre tank with , what started as 5 zebra danios, but i have a male fighter, 2 clown loach, 6 neons and was wonderin why i started as 5 zebras and now left with one? id like some help with this, thanks.
hmm i dont know, aint they meant to be pretty hardy fish ???????? :blink:
Your tank is extremely overstocked. Unless they jumped from the tank (which danios can definitely do if there is an opening), they have died and been eaten by the remaining fish. I'm not certain what could have killed them unless they were just sick or diseased.

As I mentioned, your tank has too many of the wrong fish in it. Clown loaches need at least a 50 gallon tank and the rainbow shark needs at least 25 gallons. The betta will also get harassed by the remaining danio and possibly the shark. He may even attack the shark because of it's brightly colored fins.
I have a 60 litre tank with , what started as 5 zebra danios, but i have a male fighter, 2 clown loach, 6 neons and was wonderin why i started as 5 zebras and now left with one? id like some help with this, thanks.

Ummmm... sucked in by the filter?

I had this happen to three neons one time. Had me stumped until I looked inside the filter intake tube. Poor fellas!
Ummmm... sucked in by the filter?
Definitely a possibility. My son had a 3" pleco disappear and later found him in one of the baskets of his Aqua-clear filter. No clue how he got there. The pleco was fine and now, at about 6", lives in my 75 gallon tank.

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