Danio Ready To Burst!

Queen oF The Gravel

New Member
Mar 5, 2008
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I have 3 Small Zebra Danios. One of which has a Huge belly!! I know the fish can't Be pregnant so what is wrong with it. The other 2 are normal looking an so are the rest of the fish in their. The Fat Danio does not seem sick in any way, it swims around with the rest of them and is livlyalso Eats just like the rest of them.

Can any one help of give me some advice?

Many Thanks x
If it is feeding ok and swimming around normally it is probably a female that is full of eggs.
I had this same problem with two Danios, I had a shoal of 6 ended up with 0!, The ones that had the huge bellys dissapeared first, then slowly the others, by dissapearing, I mean actually dissapearing, havent a clue on where they went, I cant offer much advice but Try a quarintine tank? Maybe your water parameters are off?
by dissapearing, I mean actually dissapearing, havent a clue on where they went

Is the tank well stocked? I've been amazed how quickly my community tank will clean up a dead fish - I think I may have had an oto die recently, but can't find any trace of it anywhere to be sure its not just hiding. I did find a dead cory once, and it was pretty disturbing the effect a bit of fresh meat had on normally peaceful neighbors - I had to count up the survivors to figure out who'd died.
They are eating ok ye. If it is full of eggs how long would she hold them for? It has been like it for a little while, i have 8 fish in the tank (60 litre) all small fish, mollies, danios, flying fox ect.

I really dont ant my fish to be poorly :sad:
Unless danios are kept in cool conditions the females often develop eggs but don't breed. Then they become egg bound and are unable to release the eggs. It is quite common in tropical tanks to see fat female danios that stay fat all their lives.
To prevent this problem danios should be kept in cool water and every month the temperature can be raised a few degrees Celsius thus encouraging spawning activity.
Egg bound females will live happily for years they just won't be able to breed.

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