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  1. G

    Want To Show Off My Marine Tank

  2. G

    Healthy Eating - Metabolism Change

    yeah dont forget about that one. i personally have found in the past ive over committed with exercise and eventually i dont want to go to the gym. now ive started again and am trying at least 2 days a week (the recommendation is more but im busy enough). as for food, i have the same problem...
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    Need Some Id's Please :)

    Yeah Cabomba is wierd, when it grows it GROWS and sometimes it just rots off guessing its all about parametres. Yeah thanks for the ID aaron and Snail. the stuff in the glass seems to be cladophora alg and I went and had a look at those moss balls you were talking about about. looks pretty...
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    Need Some Id's Please :)

  5. G

    Moes Planted Journal

    Hey might as well do a journal of my tanks. Here is the one in the living room. plants: ricca, vallis, hygro, hairgrass, cabomba, java fern, crypts. equipment: old heater, hydor prime ten, small powerhead... dunno LPH. Single 36w flourescent fish: old barbs ive had for ages that were...
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    Need Some Id's Please :)

    Hey guys just need some plant IDs hoping you can all help me out. also my cabomba flowered outside in our bowl. 1) What is this stuff growing out of the ricca??? i have no clue. Is it just some kind of extension of the ricca? it doesnt really seem to have much in common with it that why im a...
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    Fish Deaths

    what about the rummy nose though? all 5 look fine. they seem a lil stressed, but they havent faded colours or anything like that. they fed just before.
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    Fish Deaths

    Arghhhhhhhhhhh so angry/disapointed/astonished at my recent deaths. 6 neons 5 rasboras... dont know about the pleco yet, cant seem to find him though. Mysterious thing is my rummy nose seem in perfect health, as do my angelfish... what could it be? there has been a heat wave, of 40+ celcius...
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    Hydor Prime 10

    alright awsome... got it all primed up. like i said, ive owned it for 4 years, and only had problems with it recently. boboboy: it had the lower elevated bubble you were talking about; its was 5cm or so under the water level, so that really must've been the problem. but the thing is why would...
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    Hydor Prime 10

    had this filter for about 4 years now, and recently it started doing some wierd gurgling/splashing inside... the filter was basicly half full of water and somehow pumping water still, but slowly. changed the outflow pipe (had an eheim 2215 outflow thing) back to the prime 10 stock outflow pipe...
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    High Quality Flake

    What does everyone feed? whats good? what would be recommended? cheers.
  13. G

    78g Low Tech Planted - Pics

    i cant beleive the crpyts out grew the echinodorus in that time span. nice setup if u wanna keep your tank ultra clean.
  14. G

    Bn Pleco Spines

    yikes... yeah that could well be it... yeah i didnt really do much research on the G.K. because my girlfriend baught him to my house as a surprise gift, and only really mentioned that he's a fussy eater. Damn. Its still really strange... I guess ill have to do a check before I can rule out...
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    Bn Pleco Spines

    Ey everyone just found my Ghost Knife Fish dead. right next to the pleco... twitching away, which is wierd. Had him for about 3 days seems to have been doing well, feeding on bloodworms no problems. Anyway i came into my room not long ago and saw him dead near the pleco, and thaught maybe the...
  16. G

    My 4 Foot Planted Tank

    thanks everyone. yeah... only neons... i sorta got into the primarily planted look and only have fish to add intrigue. i want something wierd in there like an african butterfly fish. and maybe a school of rummy nose.
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    My 4 Foot Planted Tank

    Here is my 4 foot planted tank. Stock:Plants Its got many Amazon Swords, Crypts, Ricca, Cabomba, Java Fern, Anubias, Vallisnaria, Hair Grass, Dwarf Sword, Stock:Fish 7x Neons, 1x B.N. Pleco other.. 1x Apple snail, ?x rams horn snail(s) Running 2x T5 36watt globes which are a little bit...
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    New 80cm Aquarium

    that wood is awsome
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    My 5x2x2

    wow if u want plants but want low maintenace get some Java Fern, Amazon Sword or Anubias. stem plants can get annoying but my amazon sword has just been growing really slowly for a long time, barely any maintenace. also anubias and java fern just dont die and are slow gro.
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    Theres A Hole In My Bucket...

    yeah i got my eheim classic today and seemed ok, then i found a broken bit of plastic on the bottom and then the head of the filter had something rattling around inside. don't know if its an major problem but one of the internal clips has been snapped, and judging on the rest of the filter i...
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    New 6ft x 2ft x 2ft tank

    yeh go mentone aquarium. ive been going to mentone since i was 5 years old (when it used to be in Highett), so 15 years almost. They have good prices around the board. Theres a new one in Moorabbin right opposite Moorabbin station, they mostly do marine, but they have a few freshwater for a...
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    Quietest Canister?

    which canister filter is the quietest of all?
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    External Filters Users Reveiws

    hydor prime 10 have had this filter for a while and still works well. one problem i have recently encountered is the impeller get stuck in one position and stops turning! this is when i clean it out. i get it working again by shaking the filter or banging on the top, haha, primitive, but it...
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    Diy Canister Filter

    hmmm interseting, going to the hardware store tonight, might look into those o rings.
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    What Is The Weirdest Food You Have Ever Tasted?

    a live earth worm. $50 bet. wouldent do it again.
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    What Are You Listening To?

    dubstep and drum n bass
  27. G

    Injected Dyes A Thing Of The Past...

    I was looking up LED lighting systems when I came across this. "GLOFISH THE NEW GLOWING PET" and "GLOFISH, THE FIRST GM ANIMAL COMMERCIALIZED: PROFITS AMID CONTROVERSY" The future is here. Genetically modified Zebra Dianos which emit a glow in their skin under uv lights. Aparently they were...
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    Diy Canister Filter

    Here are some photos of my DIY Canister filter. I made it out of an Esky, or little water cooler thingie with a screw on lid. It actually works well, but i didnt silicon it properly the first time and a little hole sprung up in the lid and leaked some water. So im gonna silicon the hell out of...
  29. G

    Diy 6 Gallon Bucket Canister Filter

    awsome work man. i was doing work on my own DIY canister today ill show you some photos when the silicon dries. i thaught about making a big one, but its hard to find a container thats water tight and sealable in the right way to contain pressure. i decided to make a small container, 1 foot high...
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    Cuddling Bettas

    seperate them if they are fighting, but if they arent tearing each other appart then i guess you dont have to worry then. you do get stories of peaceful malawi cichlids, and normally agressive fish swimming with peaceful community fish. its rare, but it does happen. haha for example, i have...
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    Update Of The 125

    wow nice ammount of unusual fish there. havent seen one of those white ones before.