My 4 Foot Planted Tank


New Member
Oct 22, 2007
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Here is my 4 foot planted tank.

Its got many Amazon Swords, Crypts, Ricca, Cabomba, Java Fern, Anubias, Vallisnaria, Hair Grass, Dwarf Sword,

7x Neons, 1x B.N. Pleco

1x Apple snail, ?x rams horn snail(s)

Running 2x T5 36watt globes which are a little bit too purple for me...

eheim 2215 canister filter

Thats a really nice looking tank that you have put together there. Exactly what I like, very natural looking.... :good:

What do you plan on stocking up with..???
Thats a nice tank lovely done gr8 plants. But i would increase a bit the stocking.
thanks everyone. yeah... only neons... i sorta got into the primarily planted look and only have fish to add intrigue. i want something wierd in there like an african butterfly fish. and maybe a school of rummy nose.
the african butterfly fish would love it in there but would possibly eat the neons and rummy nose You could have congos perhaps with the african butterfly fish or leave the butterfly fish and have a large no of cardinals or rummys or both. I think oth those tetras as they mature look beautiful in a shoal and I'd love a spare tamk to do what you have done

loely very imprerssive

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