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  1. TNW

    Thinking Of Adding New Fish,what You Guys Think?

    Personal opinions... The angelfish, which you say are large, the shark and probably the cichlid could possibly make a fast meal of cherry barbs. Maybe consider a larger type, like the Rosy Barb, with similar colours too. More corys, definitely. Awesome fish! :good: Guppies and zebra danios...
  2. TNW

    Quickly Setting Up A Fry Tank

    So my baby guppies are starting to show some flecks of black, and getting a little bit bigger. At the moment they're inside a net keep, where they seem happy enough (around 15 of them), my original plan was to keep them together until they're sexable, then put all the females in a seperate net...
  3. TNW

    What Are My Loaches?

    So all this time I've been trying to figure out what they are, and it says on the fish all along? :lol: I love these fish. They even swim upside down under the fry-net for my guppies, trying to get the baby brine shrimp through the net. Most sources say that three is a good number for these...
  4. TNW

    What Are My Loaches? Sorry for the poor image quality (as usual, mobile phone camera). They're about an inch and a half, very active loaches with a long face. I have three of the little guys, which I thought were chain loaches. There was no label for them on...
  5. TNW

    I Got The Best Surprise This Morning!

    Thanks very much. :D Today they all seem happy, been giving them a small amount of baby shrimps and crushed a small flake up (figured it's best to get them used to it now!) The angel isn't so big (it's the black one this video I made of them some months ago, and he hasn't grown much since), and...
  6. TNW


    That looks like the bugger. Thanks. :)
  7. TNW


    Some years ago, I had a couple of small sucker-catfish. One was definitely an oto, but the other one was the same sort of size, only it looked like a plec, with a varigated design. Think of a plec that's about an inch long. Both were very elusive and never grew more than an inch and a half or...
  8. TNW

    I Got The Best Surprise This Morning!

    Thank you! :) One of the babies was sitting at the bottom of the plastic hatchery thing when he was put in there, but now all of them are swimming about quite happily it seems! I've no idea which one was the "sick" one. I've also got a spare net floating thingy to seperate the sexes when...
  9. TNW

    I Got The Best Surprise This Morning!

    I've always had guppies in my tanks, both males and females, and while my females always got fat then suddenly became "deflated", I never saw any baby fish. About 2-3 months ago, the last of my male guppies died, leaving two females widowed. They were both really huge though, so I thought maybe...
  10. TNW

    Dying Crab?

    Crabs can eat fish, it's usually recommended not to keep them together. Some crabs will even kill other crabs and have to be kept solitary.
  11. TNW


    Yep, had my larger angel nipping and chasing my smaller one. Had to move it to a different tank.
  12. TNW

    What Fish To Stock?

    EDIT: Misread, thought the italic bit was your own comment. Heh... Personally I'd stick with little shoaling tetras/rasboras/barbs etc, and get a pair of small cichlids for character (rams, keyholes, kribs etc).
  13. TNW

    Help Picking New Fish

    It's all about what you like. They're quite a few small shoaling fish that can be kept together that it's simply a case of what you think looks nice. Nothing with long fins, though - those serpaes are nasty little buggers, from what I've heard (never kept them myself - the reputation preceded...
  14. TNW

    New Fish?

    I suppose it depends on what life they're used to from the LFS. I find a fish can change drastically from the one you bought, once it's set up a territorial hierarchy, made a domain and gotten used to things.
  15. TNW

    What Is Better?

    Cannister! You can fit a hell of a lot more filter media in there, it looks like it does the business, and it doesn't blemish your tank with an ugly black box of fish-sucking death! The only downside is having to suck the tubes to get the damn thing working... >_>
  16. TNW

    Fish Out Of Water Experience

    A not-so happy ending... I bought five hatchet fish some months ago, unfortunately they didn't seem to be in such a good shape as two of them died soon after I bought them. One day I was scooping out some plant leaves floating about and noticed there were only two left. I looked all around the...
  17. TNW

    Moving To A New House

    I've had to move a fish tank fairly recently. Of the whole moving process, I found it to be most stressful! If you can, try and have the tank moved into the van last, so that it is the first thing you take out. Get it all set up while the rest of your boxes and furniture is being shifted into...
  18. TNW

    Will She Be Ok Alone?

    I had a golden ram, then a few weeks later bought a blue ram. They completely ignored each other's existence. :lol:
  19. TNW

    Chinese Algae Eaters

    I'm even more confused now, you've listed four names but only three pictures, and which name goes to which picture? :blink:
  20. TNW


    Kuhli loaches have been fine with my angelfish in the past. The rule I've always gone by is to have smaller fish "grow up" with baby angels, so that they don't see them as a threat. I did that, with an angel who completely ignored a shoal of neons until I replaced some deceased neons with fresh...
  21. TNW

    Favorite Author

    I've actually already got the first book of that trilogy. :) Just going to finish ploughing through the Sword of Truth series... why I've kept with them this long, I'll never know...
  22. TNW

    Plants Type And Care

    Thank you very much for your reply Liam. :) I'm reading up on these plants now, and apparently the Hygrophila corymbosa will grow flowers if I don't prune it! One of them is already sticking out of the water (I'm sure it's grown an inch in the last 24 hours!) so I'm going to leave it be and see...
  23. TNW

    Favorite Author

    George R.R. Martin for his A Song of Ice and Fire novels, brilliant writing. Terry Pratchett's Discworld series. Recently read Robin Hobb's Farseer trilogy, very well writing and going to try more of her books.
  24. TNW

    Plants Type And Care

    I've never been much up on caring for plants, the most care I've really done is to add a nitrate free plant suppliment and to scoop out any damn snails in the tank! :shifty: The plants attached are in a fairly new setup. What's I like to know is: - What plants they are - If they're 100%...
  25. plants.jpg


  26. TNW

    Bullying Angel :(

    Honestly, I'd rather keep them both alone. I don't want to risk getting another boisterous angelfish.
  27. TNW

    Guaranteed Peaceful, Easy, Friendly Fish?

    Corydoras can make a wonderful little shoal in a tank, have never harassed any other fish in my experience and usually stay out of the way of the mid/top swimming fish. I've also had no bad experiences with female guppies, platies or swordtails, though my larger male would constantly chase away...
  28. TNW

    Changing Water In A Big Tank

    I feel like such a twit now... I've been taking out my water one bucket at a time, filling up a bucket with mixed hot/cold water to make sure the temp's alright, adding dechlorinator to each individual bucket and even sometimes adding it to the tank itself just to be safe. I'm presuming this is...
  29. TNW

    Changing Water In A Big Tank

    But surely it would be more cost-effective (in terms of conditioner) to treat only the new water, as you'd only treat the 25%/50%, rather than the full 90gal? I've never added chlorinated water... I don't even use a tap to wash my nets! Is it really that safe?
  30. TNW

    Khuli Loaches

    I have three kuhulis in a semi-planted tank with a couple of ornaments and a piece of wood, and I often see them out and about, either tangled up in a plant or scavenging about. I also have six corydoras catfish which might make them more sociable, I don't know. They're very peaceful fish.
  31. TNW

    Bullying Angel :(

    Well I just moved the bullied angelfish to my larger tank. His tail's been having new chunks taken out of it every day (the big bully angelfish's tail is absolutely intact). He's been eyeing up the smaller cherry barbs, but so far they've swam away from him and he lost interest, so hopefully...
  32. TNW


    I believe it's "in my experience" and "just my experience". I don't mind a few abbreviations here and there, so long as it's not the dreaded "lol". :P
  33. TNW

    Bullying Angel :(

    I really don't want anything like that happening with my angels... the one being bullied is a very beautiful and peaceful fish :( I would move it to my bigger tank, but it's only been set up a short while and I don't want him to possibly eat any of the cherry barbs I've placed in there as some...
  34. TNW

    Bullying Angel :(

    Thanks for your reply :) It's like you say, the two angel fish can often be seen swimming near each other, though it doesn't usually last for long. The black widows (skirt) tetras have never looked at another fish in the 6 months or so that I've had them, so I'm definitely putting the...
  35. TNW


    Definitely black widows, mine have been in a new tank, gotten mouthrot, finrot and ich, and not one has died from it. They're thriving to this day. :)
  36. TNW

    Kissing Gouramis

    I've always read that the males are the ones that "kiss"? Otherwise I believe it's very difficult to discern.
  37. TNW

    Bullying Angel :(

    I've had two angelfish since they were about an inch long, in a 3' tank with mixed tetras, corys, swordtails etc and they've been fine. One of them seems to have developed a mean personality though, and will sit in a corner of the tank and chase away the black widows and the other angel...
  38. TNW

    Mixing Gourami Species

    When you say paradise fish are the most aggressive, do you mean amongst other gouramis or will they attack my other fish too? The pearls are beautiful fish, so I've got no problem just having one or two pearls, just that I've heard they're a little shy (I'd post a picture of the tank layout, but...
  39. TNW

    Mixing Gourami Species

    The tank is 215L, so no problems there. However I am thinking of moving my seven neons from my smaller tank as I have two angelfish who're getting a bit big for comfort. I'm thinking of maybe getting a pair of paradise fish as my first fish, maybe a pair of dwarf or honey gouramis later. Would...
  40. TNW

    Mixing Gourami Species

    Hi, I've got a new 4' tank that I'd like to put some gouramis into. I was thinking of one blue/three spot, one golden and one pearl, maybe a dwarf or a honey too, along with some small tetras, friendly barbs (cherry probably) and loaches. I've heard that the males will squabble though, if I got...