
Catfish Jack

Fish Fanatic
Sep 5, 2007
Reaction score
Belfry, Ky
i was wondering if i could put some angels into my tank. its a 55g with 7 harlequin rasboras, 6 khulis, 5 cories, 4 black phantoms, 2 honey gouramis, and 1 bolivan ram. and if so, how many could i have?
thanks. the way these things reproduce, i wish some of these breeders on the forums could just send me some.
lol i would gladly give you some if you lived around my area. imo the khulis may face a small risk of getting picked off by angels, especially adult ones.
the khulis are all pretty big, and they have lots of hiding places. in fact i hardly ever see them.
I wouldn't really think it would be a problem... But then agian, I could be wrong. Maybe wait till' someone else posts something on this khuli matter.
yea, even though their shy, i love my khulis. i wish my new yellow and black ones would come out a bit though.

while i was visiting family in tennesee a while back, i checked out the fish at the local walmart. they had freshwater angels in a cups, like bettas.
yea, even though their shy, i love my khulis. i wish my new yellow and black ones would come out a bit though.

while i was visiting family in tennesee a while back, i checked out the fish at the local walmart. they had freshwater angels in a cups, like bettas.


Wal-Mart is soooo bad with fish!!
yea. my local walmart doesnt have fish. but theirs one about 20mins away that does. actually, there fish tanks are clean and they do a good job of taking care of them. the only thing bad i saw was he dwarf puffer tank. they had nipped eachothers fins off, but i dont see how they could have housed these as thy are so agressive. they shouldnt have even carried these to begin with.
Kuhli loaches have been fine with my angelfish in the past. The rule I've always gone by is to have smaller fish "grow up" with baby angels, so that they don't see them as a threat. I did that, with an angel who completely ignored a shoal of neons until I replaced some deceased neons with fresh ones, which he immediately tried to eat.
yeah they would. angels are kinda fragile though, especially when they are still small. this problem becomes worst with angels that u get from shops. my own bred batch was alot more hardy then the ones i go from outside.

edit* does not apply to all shops though
well, i guess it would be a good idea to get some breeders on the forums to send me some, haha. any takers?

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