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  1. Espyish

    Oh Boy

    It sounds like either intestinal parasites or worms. You can usually get medication for it at your local pet store. Good Luck, Espyish
  2. Espyish


    Love Gemini and Cupid :drool:
  3. Espyish

    I Have Too Many Fish :(

    Any CT's?
  4. Espyish

    Golden Retriever

    It would probably be O.K if you rescued a senior Golden Retriever.
  5. Espyish

    New Tank Today

    Is it possible to get some hardier fish an put them in while I am cycling? Thanks, Espy
  6. Espyish

    New To Gouramies

    Exellent choice :good: I love Pearls!
  7. Espyish

    Recommendations For A 35 Gal.

    I am getting the tank today:0 I am so jittery and excited I can hardly type. It is a 36 gallon with the stand and accesories for only $50(USD) I am getting it today or tomarrow and start to cycle it ASAP!
  8. Espyish

    New To Gouramies

    I am new to gouramis also, I think Kissing Gouramis only get to about 6-7 inches long. But hey I am no expert:) BTW, what size of tank do you have?
  9. Espyish

    Hydra Eating Gourami

    I love the Pearls personally, but either of them would be good. now for the tough part....deciding! :unsure:
  10. Espyish

    Will Different Male Gouramis Fight?

    They should be fine....given that they have a large tank and lots of vegitation to hide in:)
  11. Espyish

    Kissing Gourami guys must be taking exellent care of him! :yahoo:
  12. Espyish

    What Behavior Do I Look For In Mating Pairs?

    That is usually a sign of a pair getting to know eachother. Otherwise, it could very well be aggression in two males. But, as long as they are not getting rough I woud say they are a pair. Pictures would be helpful.
  13. Espyish

    Which Do You Prefer?

    Gotta love the reds :good:
  14. Espyish

    What's Your Favourite Gourami?

    Pearl Gouramis by pretty :drool:
  15. Espyish

    Is This A Male Or Female Pearl Gourami?

    I am 90% sure that is a female:)
  16. Espyish

    Recommendations For A 35 Gal.

    I am thinking about all of these species, but in the end I will only choose a few that are compatible. Personal experiences with each species is loved as well as opinions and other good information. Barbus gelius (Golden Dwarf Barb) Barbus tetrazona (Tiger Barb) Hemigrammus rhodostomus...
  17. Espyish

    Some Newbie no-nos

    Another Rule: Don't keep coldwater fish with freshwater tropical fish. I made that mistake when I was first starting. LOL I have a Mini Fantial Goldfish in with some Platies and a Molly and it is fine but to be on the safe side, don't do it! Think BEFORE you buy. Never buy on impulse.
  18. Espyish

    I Am Getting A 25gal. Tank

    I double posted :blush:
  19. Espyish

    I Am Getting A 25gal. Tank

    Yes, thank you. I was wondering about the Tigers and the Angelfish, so if I take the Tigers out of the picture everything is fine right? And about the Zebra Plecos. I really do not like corydoras for some odd reason any other suggestions if I cannot find the Zebra Plec?
  20. Espyish

    I Am Getting A 25gal. Tank

    I am thinking about getting.... 2 Rams 1 Angel Fish 1 Cherry Barb 3 Tiger Barbs And one Zebra Pleco Is that over stocked? Or not?
  21. Espyish

    Help Me Name My First Betta

    I would love a brownish fish with turquise fins, or well... I don't know :rolleyes:
  22. Espyish

    Help Me Name My First Betta

    I am getting my first betta on Saturday! I am so excited!! I do not have a clue what to name the fish though. So, you guy can help me name my first betta :D I am getting a male and he will probably be a CT , HM or VT (listed in order of favorite to O.K) ;) List as many as you like, but I...
  23. Espyish

    What's Your Fav Tail

    I love CTs :wub:
  24. Espyish

    Ugh...wal-mart Is The Worst Place To Buy A Fish

    I was looking for a nice betta, and I decided to look in the other tanks just out of curiosity. I saw 50-60 fish in a ten-gallon tank 5 were dead. Also a fungus infested, emaciated fish was dead with no fins at all (fin rot) there was so much fungus that I could not tell what kind of fish it...
  25. Espyish

    Am I Paranoid? Fungal Crap On Betta Lady

    It could very well be fungus :sick: Separate from the tank if there are other fish and treat water with meds. you can buy at you local pet store. Also watch your other fish for sign of it too, It is not really contagious; but better safe than sorry,
  26. Espyish

    New Boy! What's A Good Name For My First Halfmoon

    Ever Read Harry Potter? Since he is a half-moon and Dumbledore had half-moon spectacles, you can call him Albus or Dumbledore.
  27. Espyish

    Anyone Wanna Help Me Choose?

    Me too:)
  28. Espyish

    What Happened To This Betta?

    If the meds do not work well you may want to consider this... A Way I found on a site......seems kinda cruel though.... Betta Care - Fin Rot Surgery Guest Author - Jill Florio and Eileen, AKA EmgBettaNut Jill here: One of my forum helpers wrote her detailed notes on fin rot surgery in the...
  29. Espyish

    Betta Is Rotting Away! Need Help!

    A Way I found......seems kinda cruel though.... Betta Care - Fin Rot Surgery Guest Author - Jill Florio and Eileen, AKA EmgBettaNut Jill here: One of my forum helpers wrote her detailed notes on fin rot surgery in the forum. She gave me permission to reprint her fine advice here. Please do...
  30. Espyish

    Recommended Fish

    I am getting a 50-75 Gallon Tank this winter and well, I need some recommendations for fish..... Needed: ~ A fish that can be with Platies and Mollies ~ It can fit :S ~ Can tolerate salty water ~ Can live in Medium-Hard Water ~ Is not too picky about water quality/Ph Preferred (not a...
  31. Espyish

    Funny Things Your Livebeareers Do

    Before my Molly swallows her food, she lets it hang out of her mouth for 10 second before she eats it. It's like the end of a sucker is sticking out of her mouth:) :fun:
  32. Espyish


    I says on the conatianer of salt "For Tropical Fish and Goldfish" Also, it is just a temorary tank:) I am getting a 100gal. soon, so they will not need to share tanks for much longer now.
  33. Espyish


    I just got a Silver Molly and I already have two mini fantail goldfish and two platies. The guy at the pet store said that only one in ten mollies will survive without saltwater, I did not want to take the chance so I got some salt. I know platies love salt, but what about the goldfish, can...
  34. Espyish

    Mini Fantail Goldfish

    They are in a five-gallon tank, water changes are bi-monthly and they live with two platies, and a molly. I feed them two small pinches a day of Animal Planet Color Enhancing Flakes. Also, I got them from a pet store that kept at least twenty of them in a ten-gallon tank.
  35. Espyish

    Mini Fantail Goldfish

    I have two "Mini Fantail Goldfish" They were kabeled that at the pet store. They are only about two inches long and are pretty thin intead of wide. I have had them for almost two years, and no size change so it is a "Mini". But, is it a real breed? :huh: