

New Member
Oct 1, 2007
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I just got a Silver Molly and I already have two mini fantail goldfish and two platies. The guy at the pet store said that only one in ten mollies will survive without saltwater, I did not want to take the chance so I got some salt. I know platies love salt, but what about the goldfish, can they suvive in salt??
first, goldfish are coldwater fish, platies and mollies are tropical, therefore they cannot co exist, also if the platies are a pair the male will cause the female loads of stress which could end in death, as for mollies needing salt, it isn't necessary although they thrive more in slight salty conditions
Indeed, the salt that mollies like in their water is 'marine aquarium salt', which will make the water brackish if added in the right amounts.

Goldfish do not tolerate brackish water, so adding salt is a bad idea.

If the salt you purchased is just regular 'aquarium salt' (sometimes called freshwater aquarium salt, and the most common brand seems to be API), then you may want to return it to the store before opening it. It will not help any of your fish if added in the doses on the packet (which are extremely low, something like 2 tablespoons per 5 gallons I think) and could hurt your goldfish over a long period of time, while not benefiting the mollies in the slightest. This salt is just sodium chloride, and there's a good topic on it's use here:

If your interested :).
I says on the conatianer of salt "For Tropical Fish and Goldfish"
Also, it is just a temorary tank:) I am getting a 100gal. soon, so they will not need to share tanks for much longer now.
Extremely interesting link, thank you so much for posting that!
No problem, threads like that are the main reason I value these forums so much :).

I says on the conatianer of salt "For Tropical Fish and Goldfish"
Also, it is just a temorary tank:) I am getting a 100gal. soon, so they will not need to share tanks for much longer now.
Cool, cool :good:.

That salt is the stuff I was thinking of then, If you haven't already, you should certainly read that thread to save yourself money and the health of your fish :).

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