Funny Things Your Livebeareers Do


Fish Addict
Jul 30, 2007
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Hiding behind the aqautic plants.
Well Here you post all of the funny stories, or things that your livebeareres do.

I will start...

My female MM platy; Minnie, always blows bubbles onto my finger when I put it in. She loves to swim vertically with her mouth on the top, sucking in and blowing out. It is the same with food... So cool, and it feels really funny.
One of my mollies hardly ever eats the food when I put it in the tank. She waits until it sinks and then eats it out of the gravel.

And one of my platies chews the algae off the filter.
I have a 10 gallon on a bottom rack with some platys, they follow me when I enter the fishroom, and walk back & forth. This isn't real unusual, but they also follow the dog as he walks back & forth. The dog has yet to feed them, quite the opposite, when I feed the platys he watches them eat, and follows sinking flakes. Any fish food that hits the floor is his, it isn't going to go through the bottom of the tank, no matter how long he waits.

It end up with the platys swimming back & forth in front of the dog, and the dog looking at the bottom of the tank.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

my mollies always come over to the glass to say hello and nibble my fingers when i do water changes....... if i move my finger along the outside of the glass they follow it along :nod:
Before my Molly swallows her food, she lets it hang out of her mouth for 10 second before she eats it. It's like the end of a sucker is sticking out of her mouth:) :fun:
My silly balloon mollies (with their funny little faces) will swim one behind each other in circles around the edge of the tank--usually leading a parade of the barbs, too. It's hysterical. And even funny when one of the two balloons (smaller-silver gray) suddenly changes her mind and turns around mid-parade and BUMPS into the others behind her!

Great topic! -Wendy :fish: :fish: :fish: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
^ I second that!

I've taught my molly Driver to eat out of the eyedropper. I've been crushing the flakes in water and feeding them that way because they kept knocking out my plants rushing to the top. And the bigger fish would bite the smaller ones and eat all the food. This way it gets evenly distributed - unless I put the tip of the eyedropper under the surface, in which case the molly sticks her nose in there and sucks out all the food! I'll try to post a video of it, it's so funny.

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