
hehe yeah, but your freddy is a lot more showy than my fred!

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and thats it for the moment (all breathe a sigh of relief!)
let me know what you think of my setup please guys, all advice welcome :unsure:
sorry, missed your posts earlier, must have gone on while i was adding the tank pics
awww they're lovely!
Thanks leanne, so are yours.
WoW moonlight is a stunner as well are you going to breed them?

And you got these from DPfishways.com

You gotta breed them and see what you get.
Yeah, they all came from DPFishways. I'm so glad i found out about them before i got my first betta! i know some people have got some nice ones from LFS but most of the ones i see are in little breeding traps in other tanks with no room to move :-( (although i suppose its better than cups as the water quality is better) but Modaz fish are all in proper little tanks. they just look so much happier! plus you can see them so much better when they have room to move about. and also all i really saw in LFS was veiltails and although some of them are really lovely i think my crowntail and superdelta are gorgeous! (boast boast, brag brag :lol: )

i really would like to try breeding them (although i have lots of reading to do on the subject first :unsure: )
i thought Moonlight and Dazzle could be an interesting pairing? and i want to breed vixen to comet as their coloring is so similar and i think the contrast between body and fins is stunning. other than that i guess i don't know what pairings i'd try. but as i say, i'm very inexperienced on the subject of betta breeding (only bought my first betta just over 2 weeks ago! and now i have nine! wheres it gonna end. its an addiction i tell you! :crazy: ) so not sure if it'll even work out! any advice (on pairings, breeding technique etc), don't hesitate to give it. :good:
Well i'll say breeding is a big step but once you start your love it, space for males is the only problem, but if you do let is know as I'll love to see what you get.
wow!!!! you said it was a big tank, sure right there :lol: they look really well and have egged up really quickly, looks like they have gone through a little pecking order scrap though, their fins will soon grow back so dont worry a bit a diluted melafix should sort that out.

the copper looks great, he was a lazy sod in the shop as well, sulked for a good few days when he came in as well so hes prob doing the same thing.
moonlight and gemini seem to be top of the pecking order, seen both of them flaring at the others and chasing them but they are fine with each other. clover is obviously at the bottom. she spends a lot of time hiding behind the filter, but doesn't seem too beat up. and at least there is plenty of space for them to spread out!

dazzle seems fine now, swims around his tank merrily enough and flares to the mirror. so i think he has settled in. just worried me a bit as comet was so happy and active from the start! i think dazzle is definitely a moody boy! :lol:
thats prob why clover is un harmed, no one can find her :lol: to beat her up, wise fish!!!!!!!! yeah CTs are a lot more active i have found than SD and HM. mind you if i were to be a betta i would be a SD, not too much tail to drag around and doze for most of the day. i went into the breeding room this morning and realized i'd forgotten to put the mesh back on when i went home the night before, got 5 SD in these tanks but none were in there and thought they had a mass suicide during the night but on a closer look they were all asleep under an almond leaf that i had added to each of their tanks.
blimey! heart attack time! :S lucky none of them were jumpers that would be heartbreaking. :-(

by the way, how much melafix should i add to the sorority tank? its approx 120L allowing for displacement by substrate, bogwood etc.

the bottle says 5ml per 38L of aquarium water, which works out at 15.78ml for the tank, but modaz you said diluted melafix? but i read on another post that melafix and bettafix are the same thing just different concentrations, so i should add the amount as stated on the bottle? sorry to ask so many questions, but i really don't wanna end up hurting/killing my girls because i got the dosage wrong.

on a different note, i was thinking about getting some indian almond leaf for my boys, do you think this is a good idea? or should i leave it for breeding time only? (when that eventually happens) and does anybody know if its possible to get an indian almond plant in the uk to keep in a pot indoors?
by the way modaz saw that black orchid CT of yours on ebay! what a stunner!
yeah hes a great fish, very placid, got another one that im planning on spawning shortly, just follow the instructions and then add 1/3 of the recommended into the water evenly, do this over a 5 day period and this should do the trick, yes pimafix and melafix are the same but pimafix is already diluted, melafix is ok to use but diluted.
if you want some almond leaves i have some at the shop that im using for spawning, i do add them to the betta tanks in the shop as well and they seem to keep them healthy and most of the males start to bubble nest under them before they sink. still yet to see if it improves on the size of spawns though as only recently added them to the spawners tanks

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