Mini Fantail Goldfish


New Member
Oct 1, 2007
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I have two "Mini Fantail Goldfish" They were kabeled that at the pet store. They are only about two inches long and are pretty thin intead of wide. I have had them for almost two years, and no size change so it is a "Mini". But, is it a real breed? :huh:
Nope not a real variety, what you have are most likely 'stunted' goldfish. What size of tank do you have them, how often do you do water changes, how often do you feed them and what are the water stats?
They are in a five-gallon tank, water changes are bi-monthly and they live with two platies, and a molly. I feed them two small pinches a day of Animal Planet Color Enhancing Flakes. Also, I got them from a pet store that kept at least twenty of them in a ten-gallon tank.
I'm afraid to say that's not what considered a good set up for those fish, have a read of this pinned topic: :).

It's also worth noting that mollies and platies are tropical fish, so should be living in water of a slightly higher temperature than goldfish are suited to.
If you keep goldfish at warmer temperatures, it speeds up their metabolisim which makes them produce even more ammonia. Can you get a water test for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate?
If you keep the platies and mollies at too low a temperature, their immune system doesn't work as efficently, making them much more prone to various afflictions.

Also, I got them from a pet store that kept at least twenty of them in a ten-gallon tank.
Remember that's temporary, as pet shops tend to sell their fish :good: .
If that's not the case, then this pet shop is either not very knowledgeable or not very responsible when it comes to fish.

The aquatics shop I work in has many small tanks around that size full of goldfish, however the fish are only there until they are sold, each tank receives about a 100% water change a week through a combination of bags of fish/water being removed and sold, tanks being topped up daily and 50% water changes if ever the nitrates are getting too high.
You need to find somewhere else to buy your fish if they label their fish like this. There are no mini fish where goldies are concerned, i have 3 fantails in a pond and the biggest is around 6 inches in body length alone and ive had him/her a year now. The china doll is the smallest growing to around 5 inches so your fish are stunted with being in a small tank.
Are yours normal looking goldies or fantail shaped? normal looking golds grow to around a foot.
Its not too late to help your fish by upgrading to a much larger tank and giving them weekly water changes. I also advise you to buy test kits and especially for ammonia.

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