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  1. S

    Danios And Tetras?

    Could you suggest some plant species that would work back there? I generally just drop in what ever looks good when I visit the LFS. Also, how close am I to the point of CO2 injection? I really would rather not have to deal with all that stuff LeeAnna
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    If You Could Open This......

    Wow... they're all gorgeous. Amazing picture quality ) LeeAnna
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    Danios And Tetras?

    Thanks for the responses! And theres plenty of plants- I want to make sure it has SOME clear space, for the plec's to swim (they're not necessarily big on heavily planted tanks- they'd probly tear them up) And theres a series of rock caves, a lil drift wood cave, and a v. large piece of...
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    Danios And Tetras?

    Well, I have a 55 gallon tank with a L75 and a L264 plec (abt 2.5-3in each), 3 queen loaches (babies as well) and 12 danios. I bought a betta for the tank (i know! I know! At hte time, it sounded like a great idea). Anyways, he did great for a week and then got depressed, hid in the caves and...
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    So-called Top/mid/bottom Dwellers

    Are these labels really supposed to be as firmly set as people make them out to be? Not that I have a huge amount of experience, but it seems to me that the fish pretty much go where they please, and only the bottom dwellers really follow these patterns. Actually, my betta and my danios (so...
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    Would You Recommend...?

    Hello! I have 12 danios, a betta, 3 queen loaches, and 2 more or less carnivorous plecs (iow- they won't eat veggies) in a 55 gallon. I have been feeding each its own food: the danios get flakes, the betta i target feed betta pellets, and i drop in the sinking shrimp pellets for the bottom...
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    55 Gallon Community

    When I bought the betta, i had not read anything about such problems, and since half the danios have relatively long fins themselves, I tried it. And its working wonderfully thus far. The betta basically does w/e he wants, and I make sure to protect him a bit at dinner time (if he comes up to...
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    Constant Flaring?

    He seems to be starting to calm down this morning, but he still finds it quite exciting... I just hope he can tear his attention away from it long enough to eat tonight! I do have a ten gallon I can put him in if he refuses to calm down... he just loves swimming in the 55, so i'd feel a bit...
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    Dead/dying Adf

    Well, what a NICE reply. The spike was purely because of the gravel change, the (55 gallon) tank was cycled before that- i asked around before the change, read up: but apparently not enough. I didn't realize how much bacteria I would be taking out (I thought most of it was in the sponge...
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    55 Gallon Community

    Here it is :) Tank contains 6 zebra danios, 6 long fin blue danios, 3 queen loaches, 1 L75 plec and 1 L264 plec and of course, the betta Plants include 2 kinds of swords, redroot and frogbit floating.. and a bunch whose names i don't remember. LeeAnna ps.. of course now that i've put the...
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  13. S

    Constant Flaring?

    So today I flared my betta for the 1st time, w/ a mirror... And he has been overly excitable ever since. And we just put a back ground up, and the goofy fish is going back and forth along the back of the tank, flaring at his shadow! Will he get used to this and stop?? I'm concerned about him...
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    Dead/dying Adf

    OK so yesterday I took out all my gravel, and put sand in. (bc most of my fishes, i have discovered, like sand better) And every one is uber happy- except one ADF. I found him laying on his back in a cave. I put him in a cup and took him and a water sample ot the LFS- they said my ammonia is...
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    New Betta

    Thank you, it is very informative. I finally found some information on that after I posted, so had scrapped the sorrority idea. I do have a 10 gallon I could move him to if i really wanted the sorority, but it is *supposed* to be the quarantine tank, and he REALLY enjoys the 55. Silly fish is...
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    Moldy Heads?

    So I was at walmart the other day, and I always check out the fish section, for the fun of it. (I NEVER buy fish there.) And the bettas.... it was horrible. Half of them were dead. And most of the other ones had this fuzzy, whitish clearish mold growing on their heads!!! I was so sad.... Is...
  17. S

    New Betta

    He has 12 danios (zebras and blue long fins) 3 queen loachs (possibly more to come) and 2 plecos (one L75, one L264) for tankmates... oh and 3 dwarf frogs. By difficulty in breeding, do you mean getting them to spawn, or convincing them to get along? Because if they don't spawn, i wouldn't...
  18. S

    New Betta

    Hello!! I never thought I would get one of these - they always look so sad sitting there in their plastic tubs. But, I have a 55 gallon community, and was looking for a 'top dweller' ... and long story short, I brought home a gorgeous new betta today. (his names Jessupha). My 55 has a HOB...
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    They Keep Fighting!

    My tank is a 55 gallon, there are 3 caves, not many plants - but I am getting plecs and can't really put in lots of plants if there's gunna be room to swim. It seems like they keep cornering them at one end of the tank and fighting over there by the sponge filter and the rock caves. I really...
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    They Keep Fighting!

    My longfin blue danios have been replaced by demons over night....... This morning I spent my usual time watching the fish and noticed that the LFB's were harrassing my zebra danios like theres no tomorrow- they corner one inbetween the rocks for the cave and the wall or floor and just harrass...
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    What To Put In A 1 Gallon

    No no no danio's. They LOVE to swim and play. And they love large schools..... putting them in a one gallon would be just mean, you'd either way over stock with no swimming room, or a very very social fish would be very very lonely. Not only that but danios like current, moving water. I can't...
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    Para Pleco

    55 gallon for now, will upgrade when they get bigger and i have room to do so. (3 years?) I'm just concerned about whether a para will get along better with another para, or something entirely different. I don't want to have to split them up when they get big. LeeAnna
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    Para Pleco

    Well I haven't read as much as I'd like on these fish (para pleco's) but i've read EVERYTHING i can find. My question is, if i get my LFS to order one for me, or get one off the internet, do you think the para would be happier with another para, or with some other smaller plec? I ask this b/c...
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    Doing A Cycle With Fish-should I Be Doing Daily Water Changes?

    I believe nitrate just has to be taken out through water changes. Heres a quote from "How to Reduce Nitrates Unlike ammonia and nitrites, the bacteria that remove nitrates do not like oxygen rich environments. Therefore, conventional filters do not harbor the bacteria that remove...
  25. S

    Adding Oto's To A New Tank

    Yes, my levels are way down- which is why I thought it would be okay to get them. That is a good point about the plec's first.. I just assumed I'd put them in last b/c I want the tank well established and ready for them. Perhaps I'll wait a bit longer then, and get my plec's first, and then get...
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    Adding Oto's To A New Tank

    Okay, so my 55 is nearly complete- I've got 12 danios in there now, and only intend to add a couple plec's and 6 oto's (small plecs, with possible upgrade in tank size if necessary when they grow). From my recent readings, i expect the tank to have leveled out from the shock of the last few...
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    Siphoning Danios

    lol. I suppose I could try it again. Although, to clarify, they still played in the current after i moved the hose, they just have to swim down instead of over. It is really really cute. I'm curious to see what the long fin blues do when I do the water change- they tend to follow the zebra's...
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    Siphoning Danios

    So, this morning I am doing my first water change since getting the zebra danio's. I take out 15 gallons, and am adding in the second bucket of water. Now, pulling water out i was very careful to keep the siphon buried in the stones so as not to suck up the little fish (they are very inquisitive...
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    Combining Neons With Tiger Barbs And Catfish

    I don't have time or I would do it- but try hitting Google and looking up the various fish, it should list compatibility. A rather nice rule of thumb- if one of the bigger fish can get his mouth around a littler one, he'll probably eat him, no matter how peaceful he may be.
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    What Else Should I Add

    FYI- the loaches will get very big (some sites say 10inches, with optimal care, even larger). I would be careful about adding more fish if you plan to keep everyone in that tank indefinitely- keep in mind that if you are using the 1in/gallon rule you need to calculate based on full size length...