Siphoning Danios


New Member
Sep 30, 2007
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So, this morning I am doing my first water change since getting the zebra danio's. I take out 15 gallons, and am adding in the second bucket of water. Now, pulling water out i was very careful to keep the siphon buried in the stones so as not to suck up the little fish (they are very inquisitive and eager to help)

However, once I get the bucket up on a shelf, and the siphon started pouring water INTO the tank, I sat down to watch the danio's play. Through out the first bucket, the end of the tube was right up against the glass, and 3-4 of them would swim straight down, fighting the current coming out of the tube. For the second bucket, not thinking anything of it, i let the tube fall where it would, and sat down to watch a line of 5 danios swim as hard as they could, trying to reach the tube which was rushing water into the tank, at them.

When SUDDENLY, one of the little buggers manages to swim through the current and UP the tube. I about panicked, I thought sure he was gunna get stuck. Thankfully after going up about 3 inches in one shot, he stopped fighting the current and let it wash him back into the tank.

After that, i moved the tube back against the glass. No more playing in the current for my danios. lol

let them play.... fish are so slimy, they wont get stuck lol.
Danios enjoy a current, let them swim in it, and I'm sure the exercise won't hurt, either.

That fish must be a very good swimmer, though. :lol:
my pearl danio's do the same and always do it with the outlet pipe of the filter they love it and yeah great exercise for them to lol. id leave them to it, they wont get stuck. iv even had one go up the pipe on taking water out and ended up in the bucket luckly he was fine but never tried it again lol
lol. I suppose I could try it again. Although, to clarify, they still played in the current after i moved the hose, they just have to swim down instead of over.

It is really really cute. I'm curious to see what the long fin blues do when I do the water change- they tend to follow the zebra's lead.

I wasn't uber excited to get these guys- i mainly just wanted some shoaling fish to go with the pleco's ill be getting soon, but i really like em, theyre full of energy.

Today I used a cup to get water out to test, and they kept trying to investigate- swimming into my fingers and contemplating jumping in the cup..


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