Constant Flaring?


New Member
Sep 30, 2007
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So today I flared my betta for the 1st time, w/ a mirror... And he has been overly excitable ever since. And we just put a back ground up, and the goofy fish is going back and forth along the back of the tank, flaring at his shadow! Will he get used to this and stop?? I'm concerned about him stressing himself, but i REALLY REALLY don't want to take the background off, the tank looks so much better!

Well make sure he's not flaring TOO much!!!!
If he is, then you should take the background off. ;)
my betta Comet did the same thing when i first put black paper backing onto his tank. he flared constantly for an hour or so. now he just flares at it occasionally. i think just when he feels like it. your little guy will probably get used to it too, but keep an eye on him just incase. :good:
He seems to be starting to calm down this morning, but he still finds it quite exciting... I just hope he can tear his attention away from it long enough to eat tonight!

I do have a ten gallon I can put him in if he refuses to calm down... he just loves swimming in the 55, so i'd feel a bit guilty for moving him. That and then i'd have to find a new home for the neons in there...

Shouldnt really keep them as community fish anyways but meh, has bin known to work for a period of time :) good luck.

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