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  1. *blacksnapemoor*


    what on earth is going onm how do i use my airstone i put it the water an nothing thats what lfs worker said to do can you help me please
  2. *blacksnapemoor*

    Full Of Eggs Or Food?

    i am not to sure as to what could be the problem but i suggest you do a good water change as clamped fins are normally a sign of bad water some of these answer could help people that no better what size is the tank/ water parameters/ other tank inhabitants
  3. *blacksnapemoor*


    are his gills red pr puffy as that can b a sign of gill flukes if so its better to find some thats nos about fish diseses look for wilder
  4. *blacksnapemoor*

    Just Had A Rollicking For Being Non Eco Friendly

    nothin wrong with bein eco friendly thw worls got right 2 yano but ye first he should take into account what hes doin the worst part is wer all gonna die no matter what so yeno lol
  5. *blacksnapemoor*

    Whould You Rather Have?

    ye grazin on other things 2 lol haha i sleep wit my fishes to (tecnically) haha we have sumit in common
  6. *blacksnapemoor*

    Whould You Rather Have?

    colin i love u(dont tell dean lol)but your pleco can carry on bein stuck 2 you for now btw is you tank in the bedroom lol?
  7. *blacksnapemoor*

    Anybody Got Any Advice?

    i think maby have the largest most caolarfull tank in the house an then take the other one to the offices it gives you a chance to show off an also brings a calm relaxed to the house an if you puit in one of the houses so so good places then it will take away the emphasis lol anyway good luck mandy
  8. *blacksnapemoor*

    Whould You Rather Have?

    aaronnorth a bit random i think you mean a lot random lol
  9. *blacksnapemoor*

    Hi Need Help With Albino Frogs

    lol thanks anyway. i dont no anythin bout frogs 2 i posted in the section you told me 2 wish me luck
  10. *blacksnapemoor*

    Whould You Rather Have?

    colin t you should a comedian then you would get a gf and u can stop having fantasys about your fish well i hope there fantasys lol
  11. *blacksnapemoor*

    Help With My Albino Clawed Frogs

    hi evryone i dont no if am posting in the right place. i have to albino clawed frogs in a 170 liter on there own there in water thats not warm but not col its about 30 degress this is because when they are at there propper temp they hide dont eat and are not very active at all. both my frogs...
  12. *blacksnapemoor*

    Whould You Rather Have?

    haha thats funny colin y did u think of that lol
  13. *blacksnapemoor*

    Whould You Rather Have?

    haha thats funnny colin t i think your joke back fired but am still rollin on the floor laughin lol(btw am a teen 2 lol)
  14. *blacksnapemoor*

    New Pics

    the blackmoors cute he got a name lol
  15. *blacksnapemoor*

    Whould You Rather Have?

    colin t u r hallirious
  16. *blacksnapemoor*

    Whould You Rather Have?

    i choose fish in general lol i just thought i would do this coz of a lil game me an my boyfriend wher playin i sed i choose my fish over you and he said i love you to much 2 choose haha lol so what whould you choose and why
  17. *blacksnapemoor*

    Super simple 5 minute sponge filter

    so for the air ppump thing i only have a power head an my lfs dont sell the tubing (the air pump one) so if i had a air stone thing ould that worki just pop it down the big tube
  18. *blacksnapemoor*

    Whoo Hooo! My New Tank!

    i think it lokks nice with or with a background on what type of background you thinking of getting?
  19. *blacksnapemoor*

    Hi Need Help With Albino Frogs

    hi evryone i dont no if am posting in the right place. i have to albino clawed frogs in a 170 liter on there own there in water thats not warm but not col its about 30 degress this is because when they are at there propper temp they hide dont eat and are not very active at all. both my frogs...
  20. *blacksnapemoor*

    Bronzecat Is A Numpty

    yay am with Phoenixbaby
  21. *blacksnapemoor*

    Why I don't want to work at a fish store.

    you should say yes u might have goldfish longer than ive been born but how many different ones have had lol i couldent work in one because id get fired for threting to drown them in the tanks lol
  22. *blacksnapemoor*

    Why Did You Want To Keep Fish.

    well went to fish store an bought snape(my blackmoor wich i sadly lost due to stupid equipment about 4 months after i bought him) an fell in love i got a lil bowl for him an worried so much that my whold life revoled around snape then as got gillmo(veitial goldie) and fell in love now i have a...
  23. *blacksnapemoor*

    Bronzecat Is A Numpty

    looks like bronzecat isnt the only numpty
  24. *blacksnapemoor*

    My New Betta Boy

    MARLYBETTA I LOVE YOUR SIIG I AM HAPPY WITH THAT RESEARCH COZ I CANT SPELL LOL btw geogures fish i have a pink 1 to woo maby we should start a pink bettas club
  25. *blacksnapemoor*

    What On Earth

    thanks ill keep an i on him
  26. *blacksnapemoor*

    What On Earth

    i have just been admiaring my betta when it swam to the glass and opend up its mouth wen i saw a very small white tube in its mouth what is this is it ok
  27. *blacksnapemoor*

    My Goldfish Are Messed Up?

    what tank sise do you have? the rule of thum is 20 gals for the first fish and 10 gals for each additional fish makes sure the water is clean and declorinated keep an i on the injured fish for any infections and split them up asap. Fancy goldfish and commen/comet should be kept seperate as they...
  28. *blacksnapemoor*

    Humm Can This Be Done?

  29. *blacksnapemoor*

    Battle Of The Sexes

    im a girl. i would happily keep evry single fish there if i had the money/space/time lol btw where are the goldies
  30. *blacksnapemoor*

    Good Loners For A 55 Gal

    i wouldent go with a male betta it will probly fight and you may end up with dead fish
  31. *blacksnapemoor*

    New Tank Is Here 280ish Gallon

    natural weak points if thats the bend then ar semi circles weak points sorry if i make no sence iif i do please ignore this post
  32. *blacksnapemoor*

    My Pets

    love the chicks i had ducks lol
  33. *blacksnapemoor*

    Humm Can This Be Done?

    can i get a bottom dweller and male betta to happily live to gether in the same tank
  34. *blacksnapemoor*

    New Tank Is Here 280ish Gallon

    no joecoral it dose look a bit bent at the far end an am sorry if i jink but it looks a bit like a coffin thats probly just me an if you think the looks you get of your wife are bad you havent seen the ones i get off evryone lol by the way amasing tank
  35. *blacksnapemoor*

    Bronzecat Is A Numpty

    haha aww blees bronzecat you numpty
  36. *blacksnapemoor*

    Home Sweet Home

  37. *blacksnapemoor*

    Home Sweet Home

    netty what have you got inside your coconut could you put them straghit in could i use this for coldwater
  38. *blacksnapemoor*

    So Then....

    whats strees coat do i need that? if so do i need to put it in with dechol as well?