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  1. dannym

    Sick Angelfish (pics)

    Im pretty sure its orange or like a sort of brown/orange colour im pretty sure its not red or turning red, if it was red or might be red what would that imply? And is there any measures i could take just incase? Maybe a big water change i dunno??..
  2. dannym

    Sick Angelfish (pics)

    Ok my poor little angry man has died, which is very sad for me as he was one of the first fish i bought Its worrying now because my other 3 Angels have the same stains although they at the moment are fine RIP Little Angel :( Thanks for your help Wilder
  3. dannym

    Sick Angelfish (pics)

    No hes not bloated and hes not swimming to one side, hes not really moving about at all, if anything hes acting like as if he was blind, but hes eyes look like the others they just look normal i dont know if you can see to well but if you look at the first and second pics i posted and look at...
  4. dannym

    Sick Angelfish (pics)

    No hes eyes look ok and dont look cloudy i noticed the stain on him around a week ago but put it down to the protozin as some of the other fish have a slight stain, but hes not eating and he seems off balance, hes upright and not swimming odly but hes just sort of floats up into things, i have a...
  5. dannym

    Sick Angelfish (pics)

    Hi Wilder It looks more like a stain, hes not so much flicking hes just very still hes hiding behing a plant at the bottom of the tank at the moment I fear the worst for him, he really does not look good and i have no quarentine tank Any suggestions at all??
  6. dannym

    Sick Angelfish (pics)

    I recently had an outbreak of whitespot and treated my tank with protozin, i just wondered if it could of stained my angelfish, all 4 seem to have a slight discolouration but one in paticular is worse the top of hes head has gone a orange sort of colour, hes also got some in hes eye part of hes...
  7. dannym

    Plec With White Blisters (pics)

    My Ammonia is 0 My Nitate is 40ppm My nitite is 0 I always check my water stats regulary The white spots on hes tail are more like marks but could of been blisters that had popped im not sure But im worried about him i have had him just over a year now and would hate to loose him Any ideas?..
  8. dannym

    Plec With White Blisters (pics)

    Hi all Im very concerned with a common plec that i have he seems to of come out in what looks like white blisters/boils on hes head, hes also got 2 white marks on hes tail, similar to the white spots on hes head but not raised I have tried to take a picture of him, i wondered if anyone had any...
  9. dannym

    White Blisters On My Plec

    Hi all Im concerned with a common plec that i have he seems to of come out in what looks like white blisters he has 3 on hes tail and one on hes mouth i have tried to take a picture of him but he doesnt come out of hes rock much but i wondered if anyone had any ideas hes also got a small hole...
  10. dannym

    Nitrates At 50!

    Hi, I think your Nitrate level is a bit too high id say around 40 is the maximum The other filter media you mentioned is it from a currently cycled tank? If so maybe you could shape it to fit into your other tank That would help! Danny.
  11. dannym

    What Do I Do With My Filters?

    Ok thankyou im only a novice and did not want to come across like im the expert im just worried about my fish On the back of the leaflet it says remove carbon and zeolite media from tank and return when dosing is complete (which is 4 days) Common sence tells me not to take them out but i have...
  12. dannym

    What Do I Do With My Filters?

    Anyone?.... Im pretty sure i need to remove the sponges but im still a novice at keeping fish can someone please tell me what i need to be doing please, Do i take both of my black sponges & my green out and leave them out for the 4 days whilst im medicating, i really need to know as i have...
  13. dannym

    What Do I Do With My Filters?

    Oh man now im confused! The guy in the aquarium said remove the media and it also says on the back of the bottle to remove carbon and ammonia sponges which i did about 2 hours ago I have just put my sponges back in the water is this too late now? if so what do i do Thanks
  14. dannym

    What Do I Do With My Filters?

    Hi all I just started my first dose of medicene for my fish (Protozin) as a couple have what looks like some fungus infection Anyway i followed the instructions as it says to remove my carbon filters and my ammonia remover media as well so i done that but wont i loose my benefical bacteria...
  15. dannym

    Fish Medicene

  16. dannym

    Fish Medicene

    Hi all im after some advice please 2 of my platties have what looks like some sort of fungus infection, i have just been out and bought the correct medicene but it tells me that i have to take out my carbon filter and zeolite filter (whatever that is) i have a juwel 190l trigon which holds...
  17. dannym

    Adding More Plecs

    Hi all I have 2 questions, firstly.. I wanted to add another plec or 2 to my 190L tank but was wondering if plecs were territorial the plec i have at the moment (common plec) is about 4 inches long and has been in my tank for about 3 months (since i had the tank) if i was to get 1 or 2 baby...
  18. dannym

    How To Move A Tank

    Its on a stand heres a pic
  19. dannym

    How To Move A Tank

    Hello all Im after some help please I have a 190L Juwel trigon and want to move it from one side of my living room to the other, what would be the best way of doing this?... The tank is bloody heavy even when 1/4 full And its the only tank i have, i desperatly need the tank moved asap...
  20. dannym

    Is A Fighting Fish Ok In My Tank?

    Hello all.. I was given a japanese fighting fish by a friend of mine who was giving hes fish away, i was just after a bit of info on these little fellows as my friend knows less than me I put him in my tank about 30 mins ago but will he be ok with my other fish?.. I know you cant put 2 males...
  21. dannym

    Need Help Quick ! Filter Wasn't Working

    I believe prime is used to reduce ammonia & nitrates
  22. dannym

    Need Help Quick ! Filter Wasn't Working

    Hi there Im pretty new to fish keeping myself but you need to do at least a 50% water change every single day for about 3 or 4 days to keep your levels down, DO ONE NOW if you have not already! then after about 4 days, do about 20% Im sure someone with alot more experinace than myself will...
  23. dannym

    New Camera

    Nice pics :good:
  24. dannym

    Can I Add More Fish?

    Yes i have the standard juwel filter in there, the guy in the aquarium told me that i should not put tetras in there as my other bigger fish might eat them, i hope hes wrong as i wanted to put tetras in there
  25. dannym

    Can I Add More Fish?

    Hello all, I have a couple of questions here, firstly... I have a 190 L tank and want to add some more fish if possible, i have 2 Angels 2 Silver sharks 2 Blue rainbows 3 Molies 1 Pleco I know the sharks & plec may need a bigger tank at a later date, but i would like to add a bit more...
  26. dannym

    Does Anyone Know What Type Of Plec I Have?

    Hello all.. I have a few questions here Firstly can anybody tell me what type of Plec i have please?.. Secondly does anyone know why the Angelfish stipes come and go?.. And last but no means least! I need to add some more gravel to my tank whats the best way to do this Thanks Danny..
  27. dannym

    My New Tank

    My stingrays in the tank as it has my mature media it, i will keep it in there for another 2 weeks or so then take it out, my Juwel filter is running in there as well :good: Lol yes it was how did you know! I bought a background today, ill put it up tomorrow evening I know im probably...
  28. dannym

    My New Tank

    Hi all I just wanted to show my new tank off, its a 190 litre Juwel trigon... OOOhhhhhhhh!!! :hyper:
  29. dannym

    Dying Crab?

    hi my friend has a couple of crabs in hes tank im not sure what kind they are but the crab seems to be on hes back and cant stay upright, and hes very still does anyone have any ideas? thanks *Edit* In the lfs he came from they just said he was a tropical crab!?... would it be worth getting...
  30. dannym

    New Tank, Bad Water

    hello all, A friend of mine has just bought a 120 litre tropical tank (new) he bought the tank 2 days ago and added 2 crabs which seem happy enough, anyway he done a test which showed hes NO2 and NO3 to be high so i told him to do a 30% water change asap and then the same a couple of days...
  31. dannym

    Hot Tank!

    hi all, I bought a second hand juwel trigon 190 L tank and put my fish in last night I have just come home from work, looked at my tempreature and it says 90 (32) nearly 95 (34) In the juwel booklet it says the heater goes up to 28?? my heating (radiators) in the house was on (for about 20...
  32. dannym

    Filter Cleaning/changing?..

    hello all.. I have a juwel 190 L aquarium which i recently bought, but im confused as to what filter/filters i clean? There are 4 filters in all 1 black 1 green and 2 blue With my old 60 litre aquarium the filter only had 2 sponges which i occasionally cleaned in tank water, but surely...
  33. dannym

    Leaking Tank!

    Hi all, I went out to buy a used 190 L juwel trigon aquarium that i won off ebay anyway when i got to the guys house i asked him to fill the tank with some water to see if there was any leaks, and there was! it was slightly leaking from the bottom of the tank around the seal, the seal looks...
  34. dannym

    Adding Fish To A New Tank

    Also is there a quicker way to do water changes?.. I have this suction tube thing & it takes long enough to water change the 60 litre let alone a 190 litre! Cheers
  35. dannym

    Adding Fish To A New Tank

    So am i right in saying that i can pick the tank up (second hand btw) pour say three quaters of my old water to the new tank top up with treated water, then put my old filter in with my new filter then add my fish?..
  36. dannym

    Adding Fish To A New Tank

    Hi all, I have just bought a 190 Litre Juwel trigon aquarium, Which im picking up tomorrow. I currently have a 60 Litre tank & was wondering how i go about adding my fish to the new tank for eg: Can i just fill up my new tank with the water from my old 60 Litre (leaving a little water in the...
  37. dannym

    Silver Shark Died

    I have had problems with my water quality my No2 is 0,5 my No3 is 10 but my GH, Kh & pH are extremely high (still not sure what all that means i think my ammonia levels are ok), the members i have spoken to say my water quality is bad because im wayyy overstockedAlthough i have been 50% water...
  38. dannym

    Silver Shark Died

    Well i got home from work & found my silver shark floating on the top of the water :( I wonder if im just unlucky or have i contributed to his death, due to the lack of capacity?.. Are silver sharks hardy fish? Should i do a water change? This may sound like a stupid question but do fish...
  39. dannym

    Introducing Fish To A New Tank?

    Omg i cant believe how big my 2 plecs have got, i have only had them around 3 weeks and they have gone from about 1 inch to nearly 4 inches, its weird i never noticed until i got home from work tonight & thought S**T! they obviously grow very quick, i need that tank quick smart! Oh and when i...
  40. dannym

    Anyone Have A Fishtank For Sale?

    They do look similar but i dont think it is them, my ones look a little longer and a slightly diffent colour Oh also when i get my 200 litre tank :D how hard is it going to be to introduce my fish into it?.. shall i put the water from my old tank into the new one then just top up? And what...