Can I Add More Fish?


Fish Fanatic
Sep 28, 2007
Reaction score
East London, England
Hello all,

I have a couple of questions here, firstly...

I have a 190 L tank and want to add some more fish if possible, i have

2 Angels

2 Silver sharks

2 Blue rainbows

3 Molies

1 Pleco

I know the sharks & plec may need a bigger tank at a later date, but i would like to add a bit more variety to my tank, what do you all think?...And what fish would be ok to go in the tank as im not sure what to get..

Also i have my stingray filter from my old tank in my new tank & was hoping i would be able to take it out now, its been in there around 3 weeks now & i have had no problems with any of my fish and my ammonia, nitates etc are all spot on (im fully cycled yayyy!) so it should be ok to take the filter out now, right?..

Thanks guys


You are running another filter at the same time right? (silly question I know), as of course, taking the filter out without another to replace it with may be a problem :p

If you want 'filler' fish (fish to give it more bulk) id go with a nice shoal or two of tetra/rasbora :)
You are running another filter at the same time right? (silly question I know), as of course, taking the filter out without another to replace it with may be a problem

Yes i have the standard juwel filter in there, the guy in the aquarium told me that i should not put tetras in there as my other bigger fish might eat them, i hope hes wrong as i wanted to put tetras in there

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