Plec With White Blisters (pics)


Fish Fanatic
Sep 28, 2007
Reaction score
East London, England
Hi all

Im very concerned with a common plec that i have he seems to of come out in what looks like white blisters/boils on hes head, hes also got 2 white marks on hes tail, similar to the white spots on hes head but not raised

I have tried to take a picture of him, i wondered if anyone had any ideas on what it might be

I had a slight outbreak of whitespot in my tank about a week ago which i treated with Protozin (all is clear) hes also got a small hole in hes tail and im pretty sure hes not been nipped hes the biggest fish in my tank by far and the other fish seem to stay out of hes way

any help would be greatly appreciated




Can you post water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and ph.
Do the blisters look like there going to pop, or any puss coming from them.
The marks on the tail how big are they, do they look fluffy or just bleached out.
Any red tinging on the blisters or marks on the tail.
Any signs of flicking and rubbing against objects in the tank.
My Ammonia is 0
My Nitate is 40ppm
My nitite is 0

I always check my water stats regulary

The white spots on hes tail are more like marks but could of been blisters that had popped im not sure

But im worried about him i have had him just over a year now and would hate to loose him

Any ideas?..
Seen the pic sorry is there any red around the spot as can't quite make the pics out to well.
Is he flicking and rubbing as have to rule parasites out.

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