Search results

  1. devon_charm

    Betta Smaragdinas.....

    Aww thats really sweet of you hun. If you want a pair go for it, but if you decide not to then let me know and i will go for them myself :) Wouldn't want you to go without as you've not had the pleasure of this sweet little fish yet :)
  2. devon_charm

    Post Pics Of Your Bettas Want To See Whats Out There As I Want One

    These males i'm conditioning at the mo ready to spawn. The pictures don't really show them to their full beauty and are really bad pics for me but you get the idea. Plus they are in Betta Tonic water too to help produce better spawns. I do have a lovely orange HM boy but sadly he is spawning at...
  3. devon_charm

    Bettas Sensors?

    Awww bless....but that is so damn funny :rolleyes:
  4. devon_charm

    Betta Smaragdinas.....

    Oooh i have wanted some more of these for ages!!! Such beautiful fish. If you have the chance i say go for them, they are great little fish
  5. devon_charm

    Where Are You From?

    Devon - UK...Thats why the name :)
  6. devon_charm

    I Want One!

    lol i'm so glad you got him, i was worrying about it but was very pleased to see him go to you :D Roll on Tuesday eh
  7. devon_charm

    My Problem With Feeding My Betta

    Your betta will be fine without food for a week sometimes when spawning a male will go without that long and thats on top of all the hard work he does and he survives so i wouldn't worry too much on it. Give him a good meal the couple of days befpre you leave and he'll do fine :)
  8. devon_charm

    Questions About Mating Bettas!

    Welcome to the forum :) Looks like every one has already covered your questions. Still do all the research you can as every one has different ways of spawning and ways that work best for them, I for one cant stand spawning in glass tanks (even though i used to) as I find it takes longer for the...
  9. devon_charm

    New Betta To A New Owner

    They are both vvery pretty :drool: I love my Gas colourd fish have to be one of my favs all round. You blue boy is unusual too in a way as so many blues have red wash in them.
  10. devon_charm

    I Want One!

    Haha my house does look like PAH what with all the bettas and then about 20 2fts for trops and spawning and the likes...good job my fella understands me :)
  11. devon_charm

    I Think Its Time.......:( Edit - He's Gone :(

    Please please don't use iced water this is just cruel as your betta will not die right away before he dies he will get to feel the pain of every thing freezing and just think how much it hurts when you get cold fingers when touchin ice cubes for too long...please try a different method if you...
  12. devon_charm

    Bubble Nesting ?

    This is very good advice i really suggest you do it
  13. devon_charm

    Betta Toothpaste Prob

    You know they might do one of them chew toy things that you can squirt it in, you know like they do for dogs?!
  14. devon_charm

    I Want One!

    Go on, you know you want to :P Sorry Dev i'll stop replying. As i said i'm sure you'll get him ;)
  15. devon_charm

    And One More For The Collection

    Haha my partner keeps saying the same to me...not wifey tho :lol:, more husband to be, next month any ways :D Tho i have told him that i will never give up my fishey love lol
  16. devon_charm

    I Want One!

    I better make sure i get the site all updated in time then hadn't i, can't have you hanging on any longer for him :)
  17. devon_charm

    I Want One!

    Well yav told eveyone now lol. I'm sure you will be :) He's a lovely active boy, started faring and prancing about as soon as he went in the photo tank. I'm glad you found one you liked any way.
  18. devon_charm

    I Want One!

    Friday/Saturday...I think i should change the time next time as it gets confusing when i say midnight lol
  19. devon_charm

    I Want One!

    I'm currently looking into starting transhipping myself as Kev has stopped, i import over 100 fish a month already so why not add a few order for other people right. Any way i have a few HM on my site at the mo that are going up for sale on Saturday to members. Feel free to have a look, the addy...
  20. devon_charm

    And One More For The Collection

    Oh wow, where did you get him from??
  21. devon_charm

    My First Ever Betta!

    He seems to have settled well in his new home. The tank look amazing too...What every one else has said is about right, He will stay at that spot until the "intruder" goes away.
  22. devon_charm

    An Issue

    Now that realy would be asking for trouble, she'd be ripped appart by you lot. Mind you from the sounds of it they deserve it :angry: stupid, stupid person
  23. devon_charm

    Bettas On Ebay

    i dunno that pic i saw of you a while back, the one with the pig tails, i would say you were the ugly :lol: :lol: Beautiful fish though :D and a great seller :good:
  24. devon_charm

    The Betta Lady

    Hi sorry for the slow reply, dont manage to get on here as much as I would like any more. I have shipment coming in early next week and it should be for sale by saturday if all goes well. As daz said, I do get shipments in every couple of weeks. keep an eye out but you can always check out daz...
  25. devon_charm

    Bettas On Ebay

    I sell bettas on both ebay and via my website and out of the hundreds I have sent out I have only ever had 1 doa, just check the feedback as suggested and it's always a good idea to ask seller for other pictures of the fish to be safe, get to know the seller ask them questions and ask about them...
  26. devon_charm

    Oooh I Got A Telling Off!

    lol i think i have a pretty good idea of might have been said after all the two of us have had our moments huh :rolleyes: Well she got a sharp reply last night and i've heard nothing since so hopefully thats the end of it but if not i'll do as you say and just block her :good:
  27. devon_charm

    Oooh I Got A Telling Off!

    As you may know i have been selling some of my bettas on ebay, well today i gets this email out of the blue for no reason... Yea ok so i forgot to remove a tiny bit from one of the males listings when i reused the templates, though i have never been pulled on it before. But what is this person...
  28. devon_charm

    My Betta Tank Journal

    Wow your tank is looking amazing :hyper: Can't wait to see him in there swimming around
  29. devon_charm

    Female And The Male Betta Issues.

    Researching every available scrap of info you can find on it before trying again but it really is worth the time and effort when you get fry :good:
  30. devon_charm

    Can't Diagnose This Illness! Help >.<

    I'm not sure if you can get it in canada (sorry for thickness) but Waterlifes Protozin treats it very successfully
  31. devon_charm

    My New Males...

    Thats a right couple of stunners you have there
  32. devon_charm

    Aslan The Betta

    he looks like a feisty lil fella. Very pretty indeed :)
  33. devon_charm

    Where To Get My Betta From!?

    Defo add the cories first
  34. devon_charm

    Food For Bettas?

    i wouldn't use them personally as i know things like that are usually some form of freeze dried bloodworm and if you use to much of freeze dried foods it can cause swim bladder problems. But i can't sware to this as i have not read the lable
  35. devon_charm

    My Betta Tank Journal

    I have that exact same tank, funny cos mine came from the local tip too lol. Its gunna look stunning hun, you'll have to post pics when its done and you have your fish in :good:
  36. devon_charm

    Food For Bettas?

    I wont use nothing but Atisons Betta Pro for my lil fishies as a main diet. I top up with live foods once a week
  37. devon_charm

    Omg The Bettas Lady's New Bettas!

    Ahh my avatar, he's gold and platinum bit of an oddity so my supplier told me. Sorry but ya can't have him :P
  38. devon_charm

    Week 5 Pics Now Up! See Bottom Of Post! Few More Added

    They are great pictures! Babies are so sweet :wub:
  39. devon_charm

    Omg The Bettas Lady's New Bettas!

    dare I ask which one?
  40. devon_charm

    Omg The Bettas Lady's New Bettas!

    He is a lovely lil guy, feisty too lol He's nice, not a solid pink but a light pink with dark pink in his fins and wow his flare :drool: i want to keep him but i'm not allowed :no: :lol: