Food For Bettas?


Fish Crazy
Oct 1, 2008
Reaction score
Cardiff, Wales
i heard bettas do not eat fish flakes like other fish, so what do they eat for a staple diet? i want to know so i can search
Betta pro pellets are good value for money :good:

Also live or frozen blood worm once or twice a week :good:
A lot of people use Attisons Betta Pro, or Hikari. They're small pellets. I feed mine Tetra Prima Mini granules. Since none of my LFS stock either Attisons or Hikari ( plus he loves his current food so I'm not about to change it )

Live foods are also needed. Bloodworm, Daphnia and Brine shrimp are all good live foods, or you can use frozen and defrost portions as you require them.

I also like to feed small young earthworms washed and cut up into manegable little bits. A slightly unpleasant job, but well worth it for the reaction . My bettas go BESERK for earthworm. You must only use worms from a compost bin though, never straight from the ground ( as they may have passed though soil that has been treated wih something, and this can be passed to the fish )

Don't feed live or meaty foods every day though. You don't want to bloat the fish. feed 2-3 times per week, and one day a week, feed either nothing at all or a little bit of a cooked, de-shelled crushed up pea. This cleans out the bettas system and guards against bloating. A bit like a detox day .
I wont use nothing but Atisons Betta Pro for my lil fishies as a main diet. I top up with live foods once a week
i wouldn't use them personally as i know things like that are usually some form of freeze dried bloodworm and if you use to much of freeze dried foods it can cause swim bladder problems. But i can't sware to this as i have not read the lable
Wouldn't use them either. Nothing like the real thing and if you can't get live locally you could get it mailed to you or just buy some frozen. They come in blister packs so you can just take out what you need and pop the rest back in the freezer.
you can use Freeze Dried on bettas as long as you soak it first. Ours are all on live daily and pellets once a week.
Can vouch for Daz'z bloodworm, have it delivered every week :good:
Thank you....really nice of you to say so :good:
I bought my forst Betta yesterday and he seems very happy but the food I was recommended in my local shop are flakes for tropical fish - he doesn't seem interested in the slightest when i popped one in and seemed not to show he knew it was there. I looked just now and saw him nibble some up off the floor of the tank... how often do I need to feed him and should I get some different food? He's quite lively and varies his time by playing in the filter stream and hiding behind a big shell. I don't hink he's ever 'flared up' on seeing me looking at him like I've read elsewhere. He seems quite happy. I was thinking of getting a couple of shrimp and some neon tetras. What do I need to feed them? Or do you think the betta will eat the shrimp and the tetras will nibble at the betta????


(you can sooo tell I'm new at this!)

Alison Jane (and Mango the VT Betta)

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