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  1. whiteley

    New Tank Coming......guppies Or Mollies?

    may i recommend some endlers, come in loadza diff colours and can have loads in a smallish tank like that
  2. whiteley

    Breeder Question.

    well i got a lid for mine, just imprevise, nake a lid for it, get something plastic, stab holes in it n sit it on top.
  3. whiteley

    Help Platy Fry

    When their not big enough to fit in the mouth really, could take upto 2/3 month lol
  4. whiteley

    Got Some Fry

    well i will be watching em!
  5. whiteley

    Got Some Fry

    well their 2 days old now, and i can see like a red colourappearing around the stomach area, only slightly though!
  6. whiteley

    Got Some Fry

    Ok people, got my first fry, as it happens i have just compleated cycling my hospital tank (cheated abit as i put some water from my big tank in, but its all fine, put my fry in there today, now is their a way to tell what type of fish they are? i have guppies, mollies and platy in there, platys...
  7. whiteley

    Got Some Fry

    wrong section, remove please
  8. whiteley

    Sealant Missing On New Tank

    Take it back! better safe than sorry
  9. whiteley

    Need Some Advice On My First Tank

    Take the tank back mate, last thing you need is it giving away, killingfish and trashing your furniture, and if you seal it yourself and it goes wrong you will feel even worse!
  10. whiteley

    Pregnant Platy Question

    If she is still fat i would imagine she has more to come, they do not just drop them all at once all the time, avoid moving her for a few more days as thiwill stress her and maybe cause her to abort. if she drops no more in 2/3 days then she might be uncomfertabe in the breeding box thigy (i...
  11. whiteley


    wha you mean? you mean like nobody buys fry?
  12. whiteley


    nice to hear
  13. whiteley

    What Size Recommanded

    the bigger the better!
  14. whiteley

    New Sailfins

    mine tend to do that as well, but i found breaking the flakes into smaller pieces they where ok! no idea y like!
  15. whiteley

    Different Varities Of Platies

    i usually see red wag tail or micky platties, never seen the yellow ect! gotta get 1 lol
  16. whiteley


    so when i get some i should put egg yolk in? as in egg i eat lol!
  17. whiteley

    My New Guppies Guide

    should be ok mate, but tetra safe for guppies?
  18. whiteley


    cooked egg yolk? eah!
  19. whiteley


    i got some really small fish today, someone here might be able to tell yo of the name, their family of the guppies, males are like bright colours, but females usually just plain white/ghost
  20. whiteley


    not saying money is a problem lol, just saying some folks do like to watch the money! anyhow hope it all goes well, and when u say you will buy a heater am i correct to presume you have cold water fish
  21. whiteley

    Different Varities Of Platies

    did not knw their was so mny colours
  22. whiteley


    temp is the safest bet, in m opinion,go wit temp, if it does not work then get some med, hey y will save yaselfa few quid as well
  23. whiteley

    Got A New Plattie!

    nope no strangness, she dies, what u get from buying a fsh frm a chainstore i suppose
  24. whiteley


    boil a frozen pea, peel skin off and put it n, do a few
  25. whiteley


    does no look it
  26. whiteley


    turn up the tank temp to about 86F, don't do it stright away, do it gradually over a few days, should help.
  27. whiteley

    Got A New Plattie!

    she aint well by looks of it, shejust sitting on bottom all the time :( swims around for like 5 mins then goes hides in plants and sits o botyom
  28. whiteley

    How Far Along Are These Guppies

    mine are due soon, put em in about a weekish b4 if u can, saves stress and chance of aborting is less
  29. whiteley

    Sailfin Molly Pregnant?

    not a sailfin that! look at the males top fin compared to females!
  30. whiteley

    Preg Guppie Pic

    cheers mate, got 2 of them same size. both in breeding box thingy, hoping i will get the action on vid!
  31. whiteley

    Preg Guppie Pic

    any idea how long? wonna try get it o vid! cheers
  32. 01082007_003_.jpg


  33. whiteley

    Feeding Question

    will try it tomorrow. never seen anything go so mad for food as mine do fo bloodworm lo
  34. whiteley

    Got Babies.

    could of aborted. idealy she should be left to it, movinher about just adds to stress. you will eventually get som survivers
  35. whiteley

    Spotted A Couple Of Baby Platys!

    congrats mate!
  36. whiteley


    would not say the blue micky is yet preg
  37. whiteley

    Feeding Question

    My fish have now got nto a routiene, basically when lid opens or i go near tank when it is aroundfeed time they know their in for food lol. anyway, as of late whenever i g to the tank they all come to the top as in they want feeding, i have in thetank 3 male plattys, 4 female plattys, 1...
  38. whiteley


    does not look like it to me, mine about same size like and is acting weared, but does not look to be ready to drop! coul be wrong
  39. whiteley

    Do Your Guppies Sleep With Their Nose Up And Tails Down?

    mine sleep on the floor/gravel lol
  40. whiteley

    Molly Prenatal & Postnatal Care?

    from what i understand, you will need the filter, and tank will of had to of been cycled. but for the heater i have been made aware that as long as the general room tempriture is warm, the water will become the same heat as the room over a corse of a few days, so you can keep them in a tank...