Search results

  1. Audfish

    Valentini Puffer

    I recently got a velentini puffer for my tank. I've had her for 3 days now but haven't seen her eat. We feed all our other fish the Spectrum pellets. Will he eat these? We also offer krill 3 times a week mainly for the maroons and anemones. Any suggestions for feeding her?
  2. Audfish

    Saltwater Mixing Issue

    I just use some measuring cups that I bought specifically for the aquarium. However, andywg seems to have a valid point. I only make 4.5 gallons at a time so the salt has been open fora while. I do use a hydrometer to measure so I've just been adding a tablespoon or two until the sg gets to...
  3. Audfish

    Saltwater Mixing Issue

    I use Instant Ocean for my water. When I follow the directions on the package (I even level off the measuring cups) the salinity is always lower than it should be (1.021 instead of 1.023) I airate the water with an airstone and I keep the house at 75degrees (same temp as tank) The pH is also...
  4. Audfish

    White Swirly Dots

    My husband and I have had our tank now for about two months. We're starting to notice these white dots growing on the glass. From a distance they look like spots but when you get close you can see that they swirl almost like a little snail. They are about 1 mm in diameter. Any ideas as to...
  5. Audfish

    Clownfish Breeding

    I am considering breeding clownfish in the future. Does anyone have any helpful advice/links on this topic?
  6. Audfish

    New Tank Success

    I am glad to report that we did get to add three new fish this weekend! We did decide to go with a pair of maroon clowns (having a pair hopefully will cut down on aggression, and my LFS owner said that he would happily take them back if they got too aggressive) We also added a coral beauty...
  7. Audfish

    New Tank Success

    We're going to add a maroon clown or two, a dwarf lion, and a coral beauty. (This of course depends on how much bioload the tank can handle). I don't have a digital camera and haven't figured out how to get good pictures on my film camera, so the tank will probably be totally stocked by the...
  8. Audfish

    New Tank Success

    I just wanted to say that I am new to the marine fish hobby and just loving it. Our LFS owner is actually a marine biologist and has given us some great advice with getting started. My husband and I got a 30 gal with a nice oak finnish to match the rest of the furniture. We have 50lbs of live...
  9. Audfish

    Angel Fin Rot

    Yes, a Koi angelfish. He's a beauty, his fins are impressively long. My little black guy is beautiful too, when his fins are ok. I like to imagine he's a batfish (since he's such a dark black) because I know I'll probably never have one. I removed the trouble Gourami the day it happened, my...
  10. Audfish

    Angel Fin Rot

    A few days ago my gourami went after my angelfish. His fins are very frayed as a result. I am very concerned about it developing into fin rot/ already being fin rot. It has not seemed to get any better nor any worse, and he's not eating as well as usual. However, I do not have access to a...
  11. Audfish

    Angel Ph Question

    I just got some beautiful new angelfish. I tested the water in the tank and it's at 7.5. I've read from many diffrent scources about their preference as far as pH, and I've seen all sorts of ranges. Has anyone had any success keeping them at this pH in a healthy condition (this is the natural...
  12. Audfish

    Gourami Whiskrs

    My new Gold Gourami does the motions to YMCA with them :lol: J/K but he does wave them about like he's trying to get my attention. Hey, look at me over here!
  13. Audfish

    Buying Fish Online

    I was considering getting a flame angelfish off the internet ( because they only charge $40 while my LFS charges $60 for the fish. Has anyone had any success/horror stories with ordering fish off the internet? Any success/horror stories with this particular dealer?
  14. Audfish

    Mud Filters

    My LFS dealer recomends a mud filter. What exactly is that and does anyone here use them? Is that the same as a sump?
  15. Audfish

    Live Rock/ Reef Safe

    Thanks, you were very helpful
  16. Audfish

    Live Rock/ Reef Safe

    I've heard lots of talk about fish that are "reef safe." When one says that they're going to have live rock in the tank does that qualify as a reef, or do you have to add extra corals to it? On many websites I see two sections, one for live rock and one for corals.
  17. Audfish

    Dwarf Lionfish

    So, can either of you recommend some fish species to go in with him that you perhaps particularly like. My husband wants a blue fish.
  18. Audfish

    What Do You Feed Your Lion Fish

    My husband and I are going to get a little dwarf lionfish. He went to the petstore and got to see them feed today. He gobbled down some little cut up bits of fish. Basically, It depends on what he's used to. One of the books I bought suggested that you ask to see the fish eat if you think...
  19. Audfish

    Dwarf Lionfish

    Mu husband just ordered the tank, it's going to be a 30 gal, so that will give him some more room. Are there any perhaps size limits you can give me? EX: nothing under 4 in... Won't they like battle to the death?
  20. Audfish

    Dwarf Lionfish

    My husband wants to get a tank with a dwarf lionfish. What other fish can he be with. The tank is going to be a 20 gallon, so I know we can't put too many other fish with him. Does anyone have any experience with dwarf lionfish? I'd love to know what an owner thinks of having one and what do...
  21. Audfish

    Film Photography On Fish Tanks

    Sorry, but in the age of digital cameras, I decided to remain a Purist, like Ansel Adams (jk), I just don't like digital. Anyway, I've shot weddings, gone around Europe on a photo tour, and I've participated in lots of pet phtography endeavors. However, I've never shot a fish tank. When I did...
  22. Audfish

    Corkscrew Val

    I wanted to get a plant for my Betta, Bovie, so I went to the Fish store and the owner sold me some corkscrew val (I did tell him that the tank was 1 gal). I planted the stuff and now it looks like a mini forest on my desk. There were only four or five little bundles with roots but the leaves...
  23. Audfish

    Peacock Eels

    Just as a note, I do research the fish I buy. It's my naughty husband that doesn't. He buys a fish and I get the joy of finding out it will get too big. (EX: my posts about the three tinfoil barbs he got me) I looked this guy up on the internet and got a bunch of factoids, I wanted an opinion of...
  24. Audfish

    Peacock Eels

    Does anyone have any opinions or suggestions about peacock Eels? My husband bought one and put it in the tank and I would like to know a little more about it. Mostly, he seems rather useless as I've seen it four times over the last month I've had him (or Her).
  25. Audfish


    My Betta's just the same way, except he won't eat the betta pellets. He swims up, sucks it in his mouth, and spits it out. He usually swims around angrily untill I throw in some blood worms. I'm guessing Bettas are just like people in that reguard. Personally, I hate mushrooms but you may...
  26. Audfish

    Undergravel Filters

    I was wondering if anyone could tell me how an undergravel filter works. I have one in the tank with my little office pet, Bovie. It seems that all the debris just sits under the plate and doesn't go anywhere. Is that really what is supposed to happen or am I missing a piece? It basically...
  27. Audfish

    Changing The Filter Media

    Two questions about changing the filter media: 1) How long will a filter sponge last? One Month? 2) My filter allows me to "piggy-back" sponges so I can allow bacteria to form on the new sponge before I take the old sponge out. How long should I leave the old sponge in to allow sufficient...
  28. Audfish

    Betta With Cloudy Scales

    Upon further observation, I can descrive the "slime" as looking like tiny bubble stuck to the surface of his skin. I don't know if that will help you at all with finding out what this is.
  29. Audfish

    Betta With Cloudy Scales

    Could you get me the name of a website where that is sold? Could this really be life threatening for my betta if he's had it now for two months?Could you get me the name of a website where that is sold? Could this really be life threatening for my betta if he's had it now for two months?
  30. Audfish

    Betta With Cloudy Scales

    No, he looks perfectly normal except for the scales
  31. Audfish

    Betta With Cloudy Scales

    After I came back from my wedding, my Betta had a funny film on it. (I think the girl I had taking care of it didn't change the water properly) I thought it was body slime and treated it with several good water changes, salt treatment, and a Fungus cure (Acriflavine) I did two rounds of the...
  32. Audfish

    Bottled Water For Water Changes

    Thanks so much. The reason I was using it was because it seemed so clean and healthy for them. I will use my tap water from now on.
  33. Audfish

    Bottled Water For Water Changes

    Is it alright to put bottled water in my tank for water changes? I give it to my Betta and have been doing so for 4 months. The water I buy is actually tap water that has most things removed. I looked into the system and it gets out ammonium, bacteria, viruses, PH... ect. I actually took a test...
  34. Audfish

    Not Sure If This Is Emergency But Theres Something Up With My Fish

    Just wanted to say something to keep your chin up! I had just been given the best wedding present by my husband - a nice 30 gallon tank. I started to do research on fish and discovered that I should only add a few very hardy fish at first to help start the nitrate cycle. Then my husband...
  35. Audfish

    Help My Clownfish!

    No, I do believe that Velvet can attack saltwater fish as well. You could look up information on it under "Marine Velvet" There is a very informative page on it at ""
  36. Audfish

    Help My Clownfish!

    It looks kind of like Velvet to me. (from "Velvet (Oodinium) Velvet is a parasite that is often confused as ich. The difference is, velvet is smaller and infects predominately the body and looks like a fine powder rather than salt sprinkles...
  37. Audfish

    Fish Size Disaster

    My very sweet husband purchased me some beautiful tinfoil barbs. I had seen them in the petstore before and told him that I liked them. I wanted to do a little more fish breed research, but he suprised me with them. I then looked up the breed and found that they grow to about one foot in...