Betta With Cloudy Scales


New Member
Jun 25, 2007
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After I came back from my wedding, my Betta had a funny film on it. (I think the girl I had taking care of it didn't change the water properly) I thought it was body slime and treated it with several good water changes, salt treatment, and a Fungus cure (Acriflavine) I did two rounds of the fungus cure without any results. I stopped because I felt like the body slime was too advanced to cure. However, the fish is fine and it's been over a month since i've treated him. However this white substace is still on him. It's mainly on his head and gills and looks almost like he's about to shed his scales, but he's eating fine and seems to be just as active as ever. Is this something I should be concerned about? I tried taking a picture but the slime(???) doesn't show up.
I've seen this before. It's quite an unusual thing, although maybe not as rare as I thought. I tried fungus treatments, anti-bacteria, broad range meds. The lot. Nothing made a difference. It did eventually start to travel down his body but he seemed fine, if a little less active then normal, but being that he'd recently spawned I put it down to that.
The female never showed signs of it and neither did he til a few weeks after. He did eventually die only a few months later. But I don't believe that the oddity killed him at all.
If anyone else out there has any ideas about it I'd be happy to hear them. It isn't like cotton wool nor like sny other fungus I've ever seen. Only other thing it may be is a slime coat disease. Try treating for that. :good:
No, he looks perfectly normal except for the scales
Certainly sounds slime coat related....
Possibly caused by irritation from the water it was kept in at the wedding, if it is related to this then the use of meds may actually be prolonging it....
Then again if it is the commonly known form of skin slime disease you should be treating with an anti-protozoan first and foremost.
Could you get me the name of a website where that is sold? Could this really be life threatening for my betta if he's had it now for two months?Could you get me the name of a website where that is sold? Could this really be life threatening for my betta if he's had it now for two months?
Upon further observation, I can descrive the "slime" as looking like tiny bubble stuck to the surface of his skin. I don't know if that will help you at all with finding out what this is.

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