New Tank Success


New Member
Jun 25, 2007
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I just wanted to say that I am new to the marine fish hobby and just loving it. Our LFS owner is actually a marine biologist and has given us some great advice with getting started. My husband and I got a 30 gal with a nice oak finnish to match the rest of the furniture. We have 50lbs of live rock in it and a ten gallon sump/mud filter in the stand. We added some BioSpira as recomended to by our LFS owner, who uses it on his own tanks and likes it (I know this is a bit controversial but meybe it depends on the shipper as to whether or not it stayed refrigerated). Anyway, the ammonia had a very small spike and then went down to a normal level (after only 5 days). We added our damsels/chromis and only lost 2 (one to stress in shipping I think). We kept the tank stocked at that level for a while and made sure that the levels were stable and then added a sixline wrass and a Dragon Goby. Everyone is happy and healthy and doing swimmingly! The tank levels have remained stable throughout and I can't wait to get more fish! (of course I understand that we still must wait) I just love this hobby, even with the couple setbacks! Of course, my favorite is the sixline who is very vain and swims about when you come to the glass just to show off his beatiful colors.
You wouldn`t be from around the leeds area are you???

As I know a shop here that has a marine biologist that owns it.

and we want piccys
Couldnt agree more with you on the sixline! there awsome. tank pics!
We're going to add a maroon clown or two, a dwarf lion, and a coral beauty. (This of course depends on how much bioload the tank can handle). I don't have a digital camera and haven't figured out how to get good pictures on my film camera, so the tank will probably be totally stocked by the time you get to see it, but I do promise to get some up eventually. I actually live near Los Angeles, CA.
I'd say no maroon clown in a 30g unless you want that to be the only fish in the 30g ;). Maroons get really aggressive as they age/grow, so beware that.
I am glad to report that we did get to add three new fish this weekend! We did decide to go with a pair of maroon clowns (having a pair hopefully will cut down on aggression, and my LFS owner said that he would happily take them back if they got too aggressive) We also added a coral beauty. They're all doing great and swimming happily!

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