Search results

  1. l33d5.dr

    Cory Cat Died For No Reason, Fish Are Inactive... What's The Probl

    Hello,could the smell be caused by bubbles trapped in the sand and the gas from the bubbles poisoning the fish. I remember reading somewhere that stuff can rot in the sand and produce sulphur (which would smell like bad eggs). Regular vacuuming helps prevent it. May be worth looking into, hope...
  2. l33d5.dr

    New Tank

    It may be worth mentioning your experience to the shop where you bought them from, you never know , it could stop them giving other people the advise they gave you . You are finding out the hard way why tanks should be cycled properly before fish are added.Keep up with the water changes and good...
  3. l33d5.dr

    Juwel Internal Filter - Clown Loach Problem

    Hello, I'm assuming that the filter is the compact type with the tall black filter casing that holds the sponges and pads.The only way fish can get in is through the really narrow inlets down the side and at the top of the black casing so only fry can get in that way.I lost the lid off my...
  4. l33d5.dr

    Auto Feeder But Not Every Day

    Glad I could help. Just a word of warning, condensation can get into the feeder and cause the food to clog up.There is an option to fit an air line from your pump but I stand mine on a couple of old books so it's about 3 inch above the lid and it works fine.
  5. l33d5.dr

    Auto Feeder But Not Every Day

    my auto feeder is made by pet mate and has 16 individual compartments so you can just leave a compartment empty to miss a day.Here's a link
  6. l33d5.dr

    Juwel Vision 180 Lighting Hood

    Water can get in if the seals in the end caps fail.You could drill a hole to drain it and dry it out then plug the hole with silicone sealant.New end caps are about £5, I got some from Seapets online.
  7. l33d5.dr

    Is This White Spot

    Hi , I'm no expert but I'm sure you can't treat with chemicals because of the clown loach.One way to treat is to increase the temp to about 30-31 which helps stop the white spot getting worse but make sure you have good aeration because oxygen levels drop in higher temps.I've heard you can...
  8. l33d5.dr

    2 Tanks Together 1300 Gallons,diy Foto Journal

    Amazing job by you and your little helper there. Just one question ...... how did you talk the wife into agreeing to do a project like that ?
  9. l33d5.dr

    Diy Feeding Hole ?

    That's perfect ! Just ordered 2 off e bay Thanks gareth
  10. l33d5.dr

    Diy Feeding Hole ?

    Thanks for the replies. Yes I think I know what you mean ColR lol. That's what I'll try and do.Thanks
  11. l33d5.dr

    Diy Feeding Hole ?

    Yes it's a jewel rio, a bit small I agree but they are only 3 months old and i'm hoping Santa will be bringing something bigger. It has no holes in the lid at all. Is the hole you mention a cut out at the back of the tank ? If so mine has inlet and outlet pipes from my filter as I removed the...
  12. l33d5.dr

    Diy Feeding Hole ?

    Hi everyone, I have a jewel 180 with Discus that are doing well but when I lift the lid to feed them it really freaks them out. Does anyone know if there is anything on the market where I can drill the lid and fit a feeding hole , or has anyone come up with a good DIY one.
  13. l33d5.dr

    1000 Us Gal Project

    Really enjoyed reading this thread,what an amazing tank.All that hard work was definitely worth it.Could you please post a video of feeding time,I bet that's something worth seeing.Hope your health is good and thanks for posting.
  14. l33d5.dr

    Automatic Feeders

    I think I'll just leave them then sounds like they'll be ok.Thanks for the replies.
  15. l33d5.dr

    Automatic Feeders

    Hi Mel Crikey I didn't think they could go for a week without food.They nearly take my hand off if they go a day without any.I'm only going for a week.Is that what everyone usually does just leave them or would some get a feeder.
  16. l33d5.dr

    Automatic Feeders

    Hello everyone, Going on holiday soon so will be buying an auto feeder,do any of you use one.If so could you recommend which one is the best to buy.Do they fit under the hood or do you have to cut a hole to fit them.Thanks
  17. l33d5.dr

    Female Honey Gourami

    Hello kay, Thanks for the reply.Unfortunately things got worse so I posted on the emergency forum and not long after that the gourami died.I think it was sick when I got it (3 days ago).I'm a newbie so I thought I was doing something wrong but all the other fish look healthy so I'll just keep a...
  18. l33d5.dr

    Red Honey Gourami

    Hi wilder, Thanks for your reply.Not long after I posted this the gourami was dead.I only had it 3 days so I think it must have been sick when I got it.All the other fish and water stats are ok.I'm a newbie so I thought I had done something wrong and my girlfriend was really upset when she...
  19. l33d5.dr

    Red Honey Gourami

    Hi, I posted on the general chat forum about this gourami but things have got worse.She can't swim now when she tries she goes round in spirals.My gold ram attacks her if she goes near but she can't swim away she just goes round in a spiral.Anyone know if it's curable or is it better to end...
  20. l33d5.dr

    Female Honey Gourami

    Hi kay,I have 6 real plants and 3 pieces of bog wood.She doesn't seem to swim much if she moves she just floats on the current until she drops to the bottom and stays there.I don't know if I'm getting paranoid but I think she is a funny shape as well.She has a fat belly but her back end looks...
  21. l33d5.dr

    Female Honey Gourami

    Hello everyone, My female gourami spends most of her time laid on the bottom of the tank and only moves if another fish goes near her or comes up to the surface to feed.She feeds every day,all the other fish appear to be healthy and my water checks show everything is ok.Does anyone know if...
  22. l33d5.dr

    My First Fish

    Hi prudential, I've looked in a few books and some web sites and the info on clown loaches is very confusing.Some say they grow to 12" others say they grow to 4".Which is true.The biggest I've seen in lfs was about 4".If I buy a small one(about 1")how quick would it grow.I would like to get...
  23. l33d5.dr

    My First Fish

    Thanks for the replies.I got a male and female.The female is very shy at the moment,spends most of the time on the bottom but when I put a bit of food in she came out and joined in the feeding frenzy then went and hid again.The male does not go near her but will keep a check on them.The other...
  24. l33d5.dr

    My First Fish

    Hi everyone, At last my tank is cycled and today I bought my first fish.I've got 2 gold ram,2 honey gourami,6 rosy tetra.Would it be ok to add some blue ram,I always thought they were aggresive but read a few posts that say they are not.My tank is a jewel 180,the powerhead creates a really...
  25. l33d5.dr

    Will My Tank Still Cycle

    I'm going for a week.I never considered doing that with the fish food but after reading aphotic phonix's reply I think I'll play it safe and do that.Only problem now is waiting for my girlfriend to fall asleep then I can rumage through her knicker draw and pinch some of her stockings.Not...
  26. l33d5.dr

    Will My Tank Still Cycle

    ok that's what I'll do.Thanks :good:
  27. l33d5.dr

    Will My Tank Still Cycle

    Thanks for the reply. I can't get anyone to check on the tank while I'm away.I don't mind having to wait longer by putting extra ammonia in but I was worried if I put a large amount of ammonia in that I would do some damage and spoil the cycle.If it just means waiting longer then I think that's...
  28. l33d5.dr

    Will My Tank Still Cycle

    Hello, My tank is in the 3rd week of a fishless cycle.I've read somewhere on this site that if you stop adding ammonia and don't put any fish in then the bacteria will die because they have nothing to feed on.I go on holiday next week so does that mean the tank will stop cycling and I'll have to...
  29. l33d5.dr

    Juwel 600 Powerhead

    Hi jimbob, I've searched everywhere on the net and found lots of sites with spare parts but nothing that states if it's compatible with other filters.I think I'll try replacing the impeller but if you remember where you saw the powerheads please let me know.Thanks for taking the time to reply.
  30. l33d5.dr

    Juwel 600 Powerhead

    Hello, Does anyone know if I can replace a juwel 600 powerhead with a different make or is it the only type that will fit on to my filter.The one I've got is really noisy and starting to get on my nerves.I know I can replace the impeller but would rather use a diferent make that get good...
  31. l33d5.dr

    Can I Put Plants In

    Thanks for the replies.I don't mind waiting for the tank to cycle,it's just that I had some free plants offered so it's pointless accepting them if they will die.Thanks anyway.
  32. l33d5.dr

    Can I Put Plants In

    Hello, I have set a tank up which is being cycled at the moment and want to know if I can put plants in now or would the high levels of ammonia kill or damage them.Thanks
  33. l33d5.dr

    Should I Start With New Filter

    Thanks for your reply.I will replace the filter and start from scratch. :good:
  34. l33d5.dr

    Should I Start With New Filter

    Hi everyone, I'm new to this forum and I'm sure someone will be able to help with my question.I have just bought a tank from my sister who's had it for about a year.It's a juwel 180.I've had the tank stood empty for a week and have just started to clean it and set it up.Do I need to start with...