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  1. M

    Does Anyone Have A Jebo R310?

    Hi I have purchased a second hand Jebo R310 of ebay for my mum, but it doesn't have any filter media in it. I have it up and going with some fiber in it and although it works fine I have a problem with the water rising too high and over flowing at the back. Could anyone who has one supply me...
  2. M

    Do Guppies Jump?

    Could you use a soldering iron to melt a gap in the lid?
  3. M

    Do Guppies Jump?

    What is it made of? Sorry!, we don't always have the same stuff as you guys here in OZ! (like the python cleaning thing that looks really good! :rolleyes: )
  4. M

    Do Guppies Jump?

    What sort of lid is it? Can you just turn it "upside" down so the left hand corner cutout is on the right side?
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    Help! Have Babies :o

    Sorry if I have missed some info! :blush: but some of your "guppy" fry look a lot like mollie fry instead?
  6. M

    Do Guppies Jump?

    Lost two guppies (on two separate occasions :blush: ) when I placed them in a bowl while cleaning out the tank.
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    Where abouts in Melbourne are you? I can give you a little bit of Java Moss, I only just found it myself at one of my local aquariums. Also we have found this plant to go well in our tank:;products_id=25
  8. M

    Fish That Are Not Worth Buying.

    We can't seem to keep Rummy Nose Tetras alive. Really like them though.
  9. M

    Can Anyone Determine...

    Your sunset platy is a male going by the clearer second pic. The MM is female. They are the same to sex as a guppy. Mind you when they are immature they can look more like a female and turn out to be male.
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    My first lot of fry I fed once a day, then I read on here to feed them about 4 times a day, so I did with my second batch, and the difference in the growth rates was huge. Also was able to watch one guppy giving birth and she tried to eat them as quick as she gave birth to them!! She managed to...
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    Snails :o

    Just crush them and leave them in the tank, The guppies will love eating them!! Mine do anyway!
  12. M

    Spilt Milk

    If the milk is still wet, press down towels on it to soak as much as you can out, keep changing the towels. When you have a minimum residue left pour over water and do the towel thing again, do this over and over until when you pour on the water it stays clear and you can no longer see any milk...
  13. M

    Bidding For Fish Item On Ebay

    Here you go:
  14. M

    Bidding For Fish Item On Ebay

    Hi If its the same as Ebay Australia, then when things reach a certain price then the bidder names automatically change to bidder 1 Bidder 2 etc, its a recent thing from ebay to stop other people and scammers contacting the bidders, or something like that anyway. I'll go see if I can find the...
  15. M

    Pleco I.d Please?

    He was in a tank with a heap of sucker fish and this little guy, while I was standing there admiring him a older couple where asking prices $7 aus for the suckers, How much for that one? $10 Aus my heart starts beating faster waiting for them to snatch him up! But they decided on the $7 sucker...
  16. M

    Pleco I.d Please?

    Hi Picked up this beautiful boy (?), I :wub: him! Had a look around and would love some of your opinion's of what he is! Then I'll tell you how much I got him for! Thank you
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  18. M

    Golden Orf With Eye Popping Out

    We recently had a gourami who suddenly had "pop eye" in one eye, after looking around on the web I decided to leave it alone for another 24 hours. Over that period I noticed it seemed to be improving with the redness going down and the swelling. Within 64 hours he is amazingly well, with no...
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    Kh? Should I Add Some Crushed Coral?

    Thanks so much for your reassurance!!! :)
  20. M

    Kh? Should I Add Some Crushed Coral?

    Can any one comment for a Aussie!? :rolleyes:
  21. M

    Kh? Should I Add Some Crushed Coral?

    Hi Moved house and the tank has been in current position for 8 weeks, Readings are currently: Tank size: 122cmx35cmx45cm pH:7.1 ammonia:0 nitrite:0 nitrate:n/a kH:10mg/l gH:100mg/l tank temp:27 degrees Tank inhabitants: Tetras, barbs,mollies,platties, gouramis Mainly plastic plants, some live...