Do Guppies Jump?


Apr 27, 2006
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Washington USA
Long story short, the cheap-**** open bottomed metal stand I have has crossbars so I have to put the filter on the side that a lid doesn't usually fit on (like you know, they have a cutout on the left for a filter, well, my filter only goes on the right) so I can't have a proper lid. Are guppies big jumpers? Also, if I have 3 guppies (2f. 1m.) in the tank, is there any catfish (besides cories) or other fish I can get? It's a 10 USG/37 litre.
All fish can jump. Guppies seem less likely to jump. Oto catfish are good catfish to keep. I would get a minimum of five of these guys though. Expect to feed them and not have them survive on just algae.
Otos are good. But I heard they need mature/understocked tanks. So would it be okay to have it without a lid, then?

Basically like that, with a light. I can't really explain it but it's got a premade cutout in the back where the filter would go.
There's not much you can do with a filter on the side unless you custom make one. Even glass lids don't allow enough room. I say just hope for the best. Otos are actually pretty tough fish. It's the conditions they're shipped in and kept in in fish stores that weaken them. If you have a local fish store that has good stock, you might want to try them out. Otos should have a slightly fat belly. They shouldn't be skinny.

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