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  1. tanafish


    what kind of airation do you have? i have a breeding tank with an air wand, but other than that nothing else. mine spend alot of time at the top begging for food (NOT LIKE I DONT FEED THEM!!!) but they should be fine, quick q. why on earth did you add 10 fish to the same tank at once? keep an...
  2. tanafish

    Balloon Molly.

    i dont know about having access to a male once, but highfin balloon mollies are real, i have one and all he shows off his high fin to my females all the time. they are a hybrid molly so they can breed with other mollies. i have seen lyretail/highfin balloon mollies but i've never owned one let...
  3. tanafish

    Can My Balloon Mollies Breed?

    oh you'll know if you watch, the male swings around his little anal fin and *pop* into the female. mine mate ALL the time, and im convinced that all male live bearers are sex addicts, and if you dont see this behavior, it might just be that the male is too young. give it time and keep an eye out
  4. tanafish

    Can My Balloon Mollies Breed?

    i have three balloon mollies and they mate ALL the time, but i never see fry!! its driving me crazy because everything else in the tank breeds like crazy and they never seem to give birth. i've tried breeding nets, salty water, low light, high light, plants, small spaces, large spaces, and...
  5. tanafish

    Baby Cichlids! (w/ Pics!)

    neat! its a golden gourami, or something i've seen called a platinum gourami. they're sweet!!! i love Gouramis!! this one shouldn't get much bigger if s/he was is those conditions for as long as s/he was, they eat most flake and small floating pellets and feel for sunken food on the bottom with...
  6. tanafish

    Can Someone Please Help Me Id This Strain?

    this is going to sound dumb but, i have seen platties like this at wal-mart and less informed stores, i think its just an odd color from alot of mixed breeding!! sweet find tho, she's BEAUTIFUL :flowers: :wub: :blush:
  7. tanafish

    They Get Bloated And Die! Help!

    ok. just bear with me on this i have a 55 u.s. gal. tank set up and it has been fine until... one day our tank became over come with alge, just over night! so we treated the water with an algae killer (which i was scared of because at the time we had an algae eater) and after water changes...
  8. tanafish

    Balloon Molly Pregnate?

    its a 29 gal and the water is perfect in nitrates, Ph and whatnot. her tanks mates are 3 platties, another female molly (young), the male, and 4 tetra, one of which is like 2 inches long and 8 years old (i got him from a friend and have NO idea how he lived this long) and one 4 inch pleco who...
  9. tanafish

    What Fish Go Togehter

    a good rule is cichlids with cichlids, because they tend to be a little more than semi aggressive, and then it brakes down to size, i wouldn't keep a large semi aggressive fish with a tiny community fish. Semi-aggressive only means "i will eat fish that fit in my mouth" and community fish could...
  10. tanafish

    Balloon Molly Pregnate?

    I have a balloon molly (she was a gift and tattooed, poor thing) and my male mates with her ALL the time. i thought she was pregnate for a while but nothing ever came out. she's now like twice the size of my male and still nothing. could something be wrong with her? could he be eating the babies...
  11. tanafish

    Face Flaps On A Loach?

    i have a blue botia loach and i have noticed he does something weird, something i cant find anything about online. he has these little flaps under his eyes. i cant get a picture of him but he only does it when he yawns, or what looks like a yawn to me. i know now that they are social fish...
  12. blueloach.jpg


  13. tanafish

    Zebra Loach & Rtbs?

    i think other loaches do too, i've noticed my blue botia loach has these odd face flaps
  14. tanafish

    Whats Your Favorite Livebearer?

    Personally I love balloon mollies, they're cute, personable and fun to watch. I have 2 and mine mate and play all day and I've NEVER even heard of them being " crippled " and they dont seem any more deformed than a twin-tail betta or one of those bubble eyed gold fish, or even albino fish of any...
  15. tanafish

    Livebearer Background Information & Care

    WOW! this was so helpful, we've been working on a breeder tank for our mollies and platties, and i wanted more help. this was sooooo cool! thanks a bunch!
  16. tanafish

    Pregnant Molly!

    what a cheeky fellow indeed, it might sound mean but a small net on top of the breeding net should keep him from getting in, my mollies have been flirting threw the net but he hasnt jumped over... YET!
  17. tanafish

    Molly Explosion

    im an avid fish lover and owner, i have a tropical community tank and something crazy just happened. My orange balloon molly, skittles, has been pregnate since we got our white balloon molly, tic-tak, a few weeks ago and she gave birth in a very violent explosion. :sick: Her side ripped open...