
Why am I browsing a fish forum at 2am?
Oct 28, 2003
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Camarillo, CA
In my cuteness enduced panic at the lfs I was so worried about getting the cutest ones that I forgot to check sex...

BUT! I got home and looked. I have one male and nine females! He's gonna be a pimp! He's my pretty black one with silver gills. There is one other black female and the rest are dalmation, orange, orange with black spots, one bronze looking one and one pearl.

As soon as I put them in the tank they started zipping around everywhere and exploring. They didn't hide out or anything! I noticed that they are staying near the top and getting air a lot. Could this just be because they are tired and stressed from the move or because I don't have enough airation? Should I get them an air stone or is this just a temporary thing?
Hmm... by "getting air" do you mean they are sort of making a sucking motion at the surface - almost looks like they are trying to blow bubbles? It's hard to explain, but if it's the behavior I'm thinking of, it's common for my Platies, so probably also normal in Mollies. However, I don't know what the aeration is like in your tank, though I doubt it is so bad they are gasping - that would probably be pretty obvious with other symptoms like flared gills. Is the surface agitation pretty good? If so, you probably don't need the airstone.

Also - your lil pimp is gonna enjoy himself, lol. At least you won't have to worry about the ladies gettin stressed by his constant attempts to throw themselves at them! :lol:
how lucky is that male huh, i wish i was him lol, ne ways about your fish are they struggling to get air or just near the top as mine seem to hang around the front and never hide in the plants at all they are so tame, prob give them time and theyll settle down doesnt sound like you have any probs should be ok
what kind of airation do you have? i have a breeding tank with an air wand, but other than that nothing else. mine spend alot of time at the top begging for food (NOT LIKE I DONT FEED THEM!!!) but they should be fine, quick q. why on earth did you add 10 fish to the same tank at once? keep an eye on your nitrates, ph and whatnot. i've heard that its bad for the bio filtration if you add too many at once..

how big is the tank?
That male is a very very lucky fish!!!!!!!!!! Mollies are surface feeder's/ swimmers, so it is normal, unless you have poor areation.
All of the poecilidae have an upturned mouth - some of them are almost horizontal from the mouth to the dorsal fin. This is an indicator of a surface feeder. My livebearers do the same thing.

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