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  1. kym_sharpe_3

    My Fish Tank *pictures* :)

    Thank u and moved!
  2. kym_sharpe_3

    I've Moved This Topic In Here :):)

    :rolleyes: Take a look, I want to show my tank off too as Panda cichlid is :P you can see my fish :P ner ner (i love you really) Tell me what you think good or bad comments all welcome!
  3. kym_sharpe_3

    My Fish Tank *pictures* :)

    :rolleyes: Take a look, I want to show my tank off too as Panda cichlid is :P you can see my fish :P ner ner (i love you really) Tell me what you think good or bad comments all welcome!
  4. kym_sharpe_3

    Photographs Of My Aquarium

    I Think your tank looks pretty :)
  5. kym_sharpe_3

    Any Ideas People?

    thanks alot been a big help like always:)
  6. kym_sharpe_3

    Any Ideas People?

    hello thank you for the reply she has not gone thin or tummy bloated. i have not seen her poo really, i think it is internal parasites that was my first thought but ive never seen it before so i was unsure, it looks sometimes like little red blood worm coming out but like a millmeter long?
  7. fishheheheheh_005.jpg


  8. fishheheheheh_003.jpg


  9. kym_sharpe_3

    Any Ideas People?

    I am not sure if this is classed as a emergency but my female cockatoo has a swollen anus its like sore and red, here is a picture she has had it for about a month now it has got worse but she is still eating and not lost no weight, any information would be great thankk yyyoououu x :) i think...
  10. kym_sharpe_3

    Any Ideas People?

    I am not sure if this is classed as a emergency but my female cockatoo has a swollen anus its like sore and red, here is a picture she has had it for about a month now it has got worse but she is still eating and not lost no weight, any information would be great thankk yyyoououu x :) i think...
  11. kym_sharpe_3

    Any Ideas People?

    I am not sure if this is classed as a emergency but my female cockatoo has a swollen anus its like sore and red, here is a picture she has had it for about a month now it has got worse but she is still eating and not lost no weight, any information would be great thankk yyyoououu x :) i think...
  12. kym_sharpe_3


    Will one blockhead cichlid get along well in a 30 gallon tank which has two keyholes in it (the keyhole cichlids are not a breeding pair) the tank is well planted with bogwood and rocks. any information would be welcomed :) thanks
  13. kym_sharpe_3

    Looking For A Realy Good Shop

    its in nottingham? can you get that way at all?
  14. kym_sharpe_3

    Looking For A Realy Good Shop

    Marquatics sherwood!
  15. kym_sharpe_3

    1x Puffer, 2x Keyhole Cichlids, 1x Pleco

    Why the hell are people making negative comments about this? I thought this forum was for help and ideas not for slating people, the person who Pandacichlid gets his fish and information from is a very highly recommend person, this topic was for helpful criticism not for slating people and...
  16. kym_sharpe_3

    Any Help Please *gourami?*

    Anyway lol, enuff about results :) any more ideas for my poor fish?:(
  17. kym_sharpe_3

    Any Help Please *gourami?*

    thats what i thought :) i fed my gourami a pea he is looking a little better do you think i should carry on with feeding peas?
  18. kym_sharpe_3

    Any Help Please *gourami?*

    he is in with a pearl gourami,two honeys,two female simease fighters,two corys,knife fish,6widow tertas,croaking catfish and one female baby cockatoo cichlid. nothing has changed did my last water change four days ago, been happening for a week about now, water is broken with fliter tilted half...
  19. kym_sharpe_3

    Fully Cycled Tank, Finally

    hello i love you :) i will reply to your post as no one else is doing so :P xxx
  20. kym_sharpe_3

    Any Help Please *gourami?*

    ive posted a picture of him sitting on the bottom up there ^^^ nothing physical looks different nor behaviour he still eating only thing is when he swims he looks like he is really trying to swim but he looks bottom heavy. :( he will swim up the top for some air then goes back down again. *just...
  21. kym_sharpe_3

    Any Help Please *gourami?*

    well i said in my first post that he like swims with his tail down like its to heavy for him but he doesnt swim on his side or head first. he struggles to swim looks more like a effot to swim but i read something on the internet about SB and it said they can float up and not get to the bottom...
  22. kym_sharpe_3

    Any Help Please *gourami?*

    hello ive just read the article it does sound like my fish but doesnt in a way if that makes sense? atm i cant put him in the hos tank as the filter has broken so im waiting for my new filter to arrive at the shop then i have to cycle my tank so they is no way i can safely islostate him. here...
  23. kym_sharpe_3

    Any Help Please *gourami?*

    he looks normal to what he usally does the only different thing is his tail when he swims and the way he swims. and that he lays on the bottom but he does move every so often he tries to swim and it makes me feel so bad as i cant help him :( if it is that how would he of got it? and can it be...
  24. kym_sharpe_3

    Any Help Please *gourami?*

    hello i have not been online for a while due to busyness! hope everyone is okay just need a little help if you can give any my blue gourami who i had since the start of my tank (over a year now) is swimming funny i thought it could be swim bladder disease but i have read up on that and it says...
  25. kym_sharpe_3

    Can Any One Help On This Please?

    yeah we did move the dectors around but she was still mean just wanted the 3ft tank to her self!. we have got rid of her as she battered the male cockatoo to death :( within four hours :( we have took her back to the lfs, and got a new male and the male n female are so cute together they rubbed...
  26. kym_sharpe_3

    Can Any One Help On This Please?

    do you think the krib is being nippy becuase she is on her own and was the first in the tank?
  27. kym_sharpe_3

    Can Any One Help On This Please?

    hmm what shall i do. its my bf tank and we did have a krib in their but he keeps attacking the male cockatoo so he had to be removed. he wanted a south American dwarf cichlid tank but is now stuck on whats going to happen if he puts other dwarfs in there. he is a sensitive guy and doesn't want...
  28. kym_sharpe_3

    Can Any One Help On This Please?

    can i put keyhole cichlids and cockatoo's together if so how many of each:) much help needed
  29. kym_sharpe_3

    Can Any One Help On This Please?

    any help???
  30. kym_sharpe_3

    Can Any One Help On This Please?

    would cockatoo cichlids and rams get on together? if so how would you suggest stocking them, and what other chilids would get on with these? or some other cute fishes which would go with them? (btw the tank is just over 3ft and onlyhas a male n female cockatoo atm just stocking it)
  31. kym_sharpe_3

    Honey Gouramis

    aw thats what mine looks like! where about is that, is it your way as in long eaton. marauqtics is a amazing place! mark who owns it has helped me so much! is your just a fish place or is it other animals? x
  32. kym_sharpe_3

    Severum Tankmates

    yeah someone else said they were okay when bredding or pairing off. maybe they like to have a lover:P mine always chased my other fish making them hide and gasp! :( nice to hear of a happy one!
  33. kym_sharpe_3

    Severum Tankmates

    i agree thats the same with me! they chased everything and nipped them!
  34. kym_sharpe_3

    Honey Gouramis

    wow he is so sexy! has he ever coloured up black on his front?
  35. kym_sharpe_3

    Honey Gouramis

    marquatics in sherwood :) and you?
  36. kym_sharpe_3

    Honey Gouramis

    have a look at my fish list on my profile :) Ive had him a couple of months with another male but he don't colour up as much as the other has more dominance! but he colours up from time to time! he is so amazing to watch! I'm sorry it took me a while to reply i ain't been online for a while...
  37. kym_sharpe_3

    Severum Tankmates

    i would not put males together as i have a few and i ended up taking them back to lfs because of the aggression. and the little golden severum died from the result of it. they like to have the whole tank as their Territorial and whenever the fish come out of hiding they go for them. even with...
  38. kym_sharpe_3

    Can Anybody Help On These Cichlids

    Apistogramma borellii scientific name for the dwarf umbrella you do have a valid point about the bottom dwelling cichlids and although they are all apparently peaceful cichlids they will show aggresion cus its in a cichlids nature to. I have one cichlid at the moment, but it's not south...
  39. kym_sharpe_3

    Can Anybody Help On These Cichlids

    the ram cichlids aren't territoral I don't think cus I have had two ram cichlids b4, the cockatoo cichlids are apparently not vicious when breeding. those two I know a decent amount about, but you could be right. I don't know much about the rest, but I'm wanting to achieve a south american dwarf...
  40. kym_sharpe_3

    Can Anybody Help On These Cichlids

    my boyfriend has a 3ft tank which he is settign up a south amercian cichlid community tank. he knows thebasic of the fish from books we have but he wants to be 100% sure with putting these fish together, if they will get on and if the tank is big enough for these fish. agassiz dwarf cichlid...