Any Help Please *gourami?*


Fish Fanatic
May 28, 2007
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i have not been online for a while due to busyness!
hope everyone is okay
just need a little help if you can give any
my blue gourami who i had since the start of my tank (over a year now) is swimming funny
i thought it could be swim bladder disease but i have read up on that and it says they swim on the side
he is not doing that he is like swimming up like his back tail is to heavy for him? so he looks like he struggles to swim so he rests on the bottom
i got all my water tested yesterday just to see if everything is okay and it is, i didn't get the exact numbers of it but the ammonia was yellow (which i believe to be zero) nitrite was blue (which again is zero) my nitrate was light orange which my lfs said was quite normal and i should worry if it was red red which is was not.(testing was done by liquid testing kit)
so does anybody have any ideas?
cheers for reading :)
oh yeah he is still eating fine, all behaviour is fine apart from the swimming and the laying down more at the bottom (which i explain why i thought he was doing that)???

*** oh yeah the ph is 6.6 ***
*** i do my water changes every week 25% ***

Somebody help please?
It is swim bladder if the tail is weighing him down thats a sign of swim bladder.
When a fish rest on the floor not good.
Shelled peas.
Is the fish also bloated.
It is swim bladder if the tail is weighing him down thats a sign of swim bladder.
When a fish rest on the floor not good.
Shelled peas.
Is the fish also bloated.

he looks normal to what he usally does the only different thing is his tail when he swims and the way he swims. and that he lays on the bottom but he does move every so often he tries to swim and it makes me feel so bad as i cant help him :( if it is that how would he of got it? and can it be cured? and what other things do you think it could be? thank you for your help wilder :)
To be honest it not sounding good once swim bladder has advanced not much to do.Shelled peas and a bacterial med, can you issolate him.

ive just read the article it does sound like my fish but doesnt in a way if that makes sense?
atm i cant put him in the hos tank as the filter has broken so im waiting for my new filter to arrive at the shop then i have to cycle my tank
so they is no way i can safely islostate him. here is a picture of him

thanks for helping me
ive just read the article it does sound like my fish but doesnt in a way if that makes sense?
Could you elaborate?

well i said in my first post that he like swims with his tail down like its to heavy for him
but he doesnt swim on his side or head first. he struggles to swim looks more like a effot to swim but i read something on the internet about SB and it said they can float up and not get to the bottom etc but my gourami doesnt do that. and he does not have a fat tummy either.
How is his body shape?
Any mild differences, kink in the spine possibly?

ive posted a picture of him sitting on the bottom up there ^^^
nothing physical looks different nor behaviour he still eating
only thing is when he swims he looks like he is really trying to swim but he looks bottom heavy. :( he will swim up the top for some air then goes back down again.

*just been watching him with his light off and the back fin where it joins to his scales looks dropey sort of broken? but i dont no, is this a sign of SB?*
What else is he in with?
Probably swimbladder as wilder thinks.....
Could also (amongst others) be severe stress or severe shock, or even hypoxia....
Is the waters surface stimulated at all? Has his gill rate increased at all, in your opinion?
What else is he in with?Probably swimbladder as wilder thinks.....Could also (amongst others) be severe stress or severe shock, or even hypoxia....Is the waters surface stimulated at all? Has his gill rate increased at all, in your opinion?
he is in with a pearl gourami,two honeys,two female simease fighters,two corys,knife fish,6widow tertas,croaking catfish and one female baby cockatoo cichlid. nothing has changed did my last water change four days ago, been happening for a week about now, water is broken with fliter tilted half up and half down so water surface is being broken.gill rate is fine not moving any different no gasping or quick sudden breaths. sorry i didnt reply last night fell asleep!
IN most liquid test kits, yellow means ammonia is pleasant. If there is no ammonia, the solution remains clear.
thats the first i heard :S i thought if it was yellow then it was zero? as the liquid which was used was yellow out of the bottle and i thought if it didnt change then it was zero?
IN most liquid test kits, yellow means ammonia is pleasant. If there is no ammonia, the solution remains clear.
with Aquarium Pharmaceuticals test kits, this is not the case. Yellow indicates the absence of ammonia

thats what i thought :) i fed my gourami a pea he is looking a little better do you think i should carry on with feeding peas?
Gothcya, I use API and Doc Wellfish test kits and both of those are clear if theres no ammonia, so I assumed most were like that.

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