Can Any One Help On This Please?


Fish Fanatic
May 28, 2007
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would cockatoo cichlids and rams get on together? if so how would you suggest stocking them, and what other chilids would get on with these? or some other cute fishes which would go with them? (btw the tank is just over 3ft and onlyhas a male n female cockatoo atm just stocking it)
would cockatoo cichlids and rams get on together? if so how would you suggest stocking them, and what other chilids would get on with these? or some other cute fishes which would go with them? (btw the tank is just over 3ft and onlyhas a male n female cockatoo atm just stocking it)

can i put keyhole cichlids and cockatoo's together if so how many of each:) much help needed
i think you could also put in the keyholes :good: another pair :good: and get something like tetras and corys :good:

hmm what shall i do. its my bf tank and we did have a krib in their but he keeps attacking the male cockatoo so he had to be removed. he wanted a south American dwarf cichlid tank but is now stuck on whats going to happen if he puts other dwarfs in there. he is a sensitive guy and doesn't want them to get hurt so we need a tank with the dwarf cichlids but ones that like each other is they such a thing?
dwarf cichlids are the softest out of cichlids but obviously they still have should see the rumbles with south ameican cichlids......then he would realise what softies they are :shout:

why not leave it now and just get some corys ad tetras.....
my keyholes are very placid i had them in with 3kribs and never had a problem the worst offender in both my tanks are the red tailed sharks
dwarf cichlids are the softest out of cichlids but obviously they still have should see the rumbles with south ameican cichlids......then he would realise what softies they are :shout:

why not leave it now and just get some corys ad tetras.....
my keyholes are very placid i had them in with 3kribs and never had a problem the worst offender in both my tanks are the red tailed sharks

do you think the krib is being nippy becuase she is on her own and was the first in the tank?
dwarf cichlids are the softest out of cichlids but obviously they still have should see the rumbles with south ameican cichlids......then he would realise what softies they are :shout:

why not leave it now and just get some corys ad tetras.....
my keyholes are very placid i had them in with 3kribs and never had a problem the worst offender in both my tanks are the red tailed sharks

do you think the krib is being nippy becuase she is on her own and was the first in the tank?

Could possibly be. She probably had her territories planned out and the introduction of the other dwarf cichlid may have ruined what she wanted it to be. It is always best to re-arrange the tank before putting in a new Cichlid, this way they both have a chance to get a new territory in peace.
how big's the tank? if there's plenty of space for another pair of dwarfs to stake their own territory then you shouldn't have a problem, I've got a pair of Cockatoos, a pair of rams and a pair of Hongsloi's within my 120gl and they get on fine if they stay out of each other's way. I remember reading somewhere that each pair needs about 10-15gl and of course plenty of caves and things to hide in.
I tried having a single Krib and it just didn't work. I had her in a 4ft. tank with my Rams and a gourami and she was incredibly aggressive. Before I took her out the gourami's fins were pretty badly nipped. If you want to keep the krib, I think the only thing you could really do is get at least one more so that their attention is between themselves, but then again if they breed they are really aggressive all over again. I htink it is worth a try though. I just gave my krib away so that I could make room for more dwarfs though :good:
dwarf cichlids are the softest out of cichlids but obviously they still have should see the rumbles with south ameican cichlids......then he would realise what softies they are :shout:

why not leave it now and just get some corys ad tetras.....
my keyholes are very placid i had them in with 3kribs and never had a problem the worst offender in both my tanks are the red tailed sharks

do you think the krib is being nippy becuase she is on her own and was the first in the tank?

Could possibly be. She probably had her territories planned out and the introduction of the other dwarf cichlid may have ruined what she wanted it to be. It is always best to re-arrange the tank before putting in a new Cichlid, this way they both have a chance to get a new territory in peace.

yeah we did move the dectors around but she was still mean just wanted the 3ft tank to her self!. we have got rid of her as she battered the male cockatoo to death :( within four hours :( we have took her back to the lfs, and got a new male and the male n female are so cute together they rubbed up and down each other and are in looooveee (L) we have decied to make a community with this tank now and the two cockatoos. thanks for all the help guys :)
Sorry to hear the loss.

I think people exaggerate the peacefulness of Kribs a little too often. Sure they might be a little docile as far as Africans go, but when you compare them to Central/South American dwarfs there is no contest. The krib will tear them to pieces.

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