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  1. Z

    Can Anybody Diagnose This Disease

    i guess the next thing i would try that would be melafix. ive had pretty good outcomes with that.
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    Is My Ram Sick?

    Did she turn like a dark blotchy color? some places ive read on the internet say that rams do not have a long life span. I had some rams in a 20 gallon for about 2 yrs. they both died within a few weeks of each other. how long have you had them, do you know about how old they would be
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    Sand Substrate

    gotta question for anyone who has had sand for substrate"sp" instead of rock or gravel. is it easy to maintain? does it change color? is there a particular type of sand thats better then others? any suggestions are appreciated
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    as entertaining as this is i think you two need to each make one post that says "IMHO" that way it doesnt sound like your attacking each other and call it that mmmmmmkkk.
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    who got empty tank.
  6. Z

    New 3ft Tank, Help!

    Since you have Convicts in your tank try to keep stuff with the same temperment and size as convicts. Fire mouths usually work good with cons. the only issue you might run into is if you have a male and female con your tank could possibly get run over little cons. And cons can be very bossy when...
  7. Z


    I dont understand why people are saying that a severum would not work in this tank. An oscar or a GT would be to big combined with the fact they they both have the potential to get over 10" and both are very messy and need room to swim. I have kept oscars,GT's, JD's, and severums. and IMO you...
  8. Z

    A Little Suggestion Here?

    I agree with PoPoV JD and Oscars are very messy fish, IMO they both are very active when younger but just kind of sit around when older. A GT would be a nice addition, Im a big GT fan, Severums are good as well as Blue JD's. as for filtration goes this all depends on you and how well you keep...
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    Gt's And Flowerhorns

    cool thanks for the link. it helped alot.
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    Gt's And Flowerhorns

    Ok i got another dumb question... what does imo mean :unsure:
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    Gt's And Flowerhorns

    Oh ok i see what you meant, i may have to get yet another tank or get rid of the FH's if they get to agressive towars my GT
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    Yup i agree i thought for awhile that my GT's and Green Severum would be trouble but they almost have the same attitude. I think my 2 convicts and 2 firemouths i got in my 55 gallon have more a temper then my GT's
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    Gt's And Flowerhorns

    i musta missed somethin, what were you trying to justify? Yeah my GT is very passive doesnt bother anybody, hes only killed two fish, Thats kinda why im worried about my impulse purchase of the FH's.
  14. Z

    Anyone Who'se Dealt With Hole In The Head

    Clean water is key, i have one oscar that didnt seem to get any better with clean water, i tried some stuff called Metronidazole, which seemed to greatly improve his condition, I dont know if this stuff is what made him better or if he just got better all on his own as this is the only fish i...
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    LOL i was waiting for someone to pick up on the "latiC" language. And i agree a GT has the potential to get to big for that tank. I have 2 GT's one female one male the male is about 9 inches, they were originally in a 55 gallon, My GT for example has a great personality, when i walk in the room...
  16. Z

    Gt's And Flowerhorns

    I dont know, dont know that much about FH's yet, but ive heard that Jags, FH's, GT and Trimacs have some of the meanest tempers you can get. I guess i got a very passive GT he only gets mean when the female has eggs. I would love to have a Jag cichlid some day, maybe when i get another tank...
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    Unsure Of Clichids

    I have a Friend that has a 450 gallon tank he made his self. and has about 4 frontosa's in it, im not sure which kind. but he has them mixed with a vairety of cichlids, like peacocks, yellow labs and a variety of odd ball plecos. ansyways his frontosas are about 7-9 inches and havent grown much...
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    Gt's And Flowerhorns

    thanks for the reply, i knew i probably should have only got one, but i was afraid of one dying. Anyways my Male green Terror is my favorite i think he is the best looking GT if seen. i just hope the flower horns wont kill him. The GT has only killed gold fish and a Trimac only cause the male...
  19. Z

    Gt's And Flowerhorns

    Hey new to the forums here. I have a 125 gallon tank with an 8" male GT and 5" female GT as well as a 4" green severum. today at my lfs i bought 2, 1.5-2" flowerhorn cichlids. i was wondering if anyone has had any experience in keeping GT's with FH's so far the GT's dont even bother the FH but...