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just as a note on aggressive fish and corner tanks

i've got an oscar is a 92 gallon corner tank, and because of the lack of floor space he's claimed the whole tank as his own and bullied companions even when they'd been together since babies. put an aggressive medium sized cichlid in that tank and you won't be able to add any more free swimming fish ever, you may get away with some catfish/plecs but that's about it.

Never thought about that one, i guess this finally rules out against another fish..

just so you know that if you do go with pretty much any of the fish mentioned above for this tank you probably won't ever be able to put other fish in with it even if there is plenty of room.

Especially with texas cichlids and rivulatus cichlids.My texas was a little bully [or should i say murderer] lol.I don't know if your a fan of short bodied convicts or natural jellybean parrots but both would be fine in that tank.Festivums would also be ok but have not got much character...Can't you buy a bigger tank :blush:
even then, Dont go for the Aequidens Rivulatus ( green terror) or any other cichlids from the Aequidens genus, All are generally large fish, too large for your tank. Stick with possibly a severum.. or as previously mentioned, a pair or Festivum cichlids, with this you can be more flexible with companions...
even then, Dont go for the Aquidens Rivulatus ( green terror) or any other cichlids from the Aquidens genus, All are generally large fish, too large for your tank. Stick with possibly a severum.. or as previously mentioned, a pair or Festivum cichlids, with this you can be more flexible with companions...

Severums are only a little smaller usually [could even be bigger] then gt's and have a much higher body.I think both would be ok if they did not get too big though.
Blue dempseys act the same as regular ones but cost 10x more. In a 41 G tank theres not many big cichlids you could put in there. I would rather put in 2 small cichlids that grow to 6-8" when maxed or 1 cichlid that gets to 8-10" when maxed.

You could try Green Terror's, Fire mouths as 2, convicts as 2, Theres so many to choose from.

a pair of convicts!!!! thats the way to go :)
only problem with cons is that they breed like crazy!!! if you dont have a spare tank to keep the fry in then you would have to keep giving the babies to your lfs, which they would be tired of doing after a while, or friends and family which probably wont be able to take all of the babies. You could get some angels in a high tank.
A green terror ( aquidens rivulas ) can grow potentially to 12", the severum is likely to stay at around 8". Severum may not be community fish, but are alot more placid than the green terror, also the green terror, is fish with a much higher body mass than the severum, and requires the length pf the tank as appose to its height. The severum should be fine in your tank.
A green terror ( auidens rivulas ) can grow potentially to 12", the severum is likely to stay at around 8". Severum may not be community fish, but are alot more placid than the green terror, also the green terror, is fish with a much higher body mass than the severum, and requires the length pf the tank as appose to its height. The severum should be fine in your tank.
You don't need to tell me all this, it's likely to be this and that i said they would probably be smaller, and honestly if your going to bother to wright the latic name correctly do it right lol -aequidens rivulatus.I have seen a massive green severum, atleast 11', but have never seen a rivulatus this big. :unsure: Though from what i have read they are supposed to be slightly longer.

So yeh, the golden severum can also potentially reach 12'
You don't need to tell me all this, it's likely to be this and that i said they would probably be smaller, and honestly if your going to bother to wright the latic name correctly do it right lol -aequidens rivulatus.I have seen a massive green severum, atleast 11', but have never seen a rivulatus this big. Though from what i have read they are supposed to be slightly longer.

So yeh, the golden severum can also potentially reach 12'

Potentially, but rarely does, the severum is a fish growing to about 8" and has a much smaller body mass than the green terror, and I was not telling you, i was informing the person who enquired about the larger cichlids as to not follow instructions from people like you.
The green terror is a large, active and heavily built cichlid which will require more than a taller 41 gallon tank. Severums are less active, more peacful and at a push, you could get one in there, But you could not adequatly house a green terror in that tank which you have. :good: ..
By the way cheesy, ill look up this latiC language you speak of. Sounds interesting.
You don't need to tell me all this, it's likely to be this and that i said they would probably be smaller, and honestly if your going to bother to wright the latic name correctly do it right lol -aequidens rivulatus.I have seen a massive green severum, atleast 11', but have never seen a rivulatus this big. Though from what i have read they are supposed to be slightly longer.

So yeh, the golden severum can also potentially reach 12'

Potentially, but rarely does, the severum is a fish growing to about 8" and has a much smaller body mass than the green terror, and I was not telling you, i was informing the person who enquired about the larger cichlids as to not follow instructions from people like you.
The green terror is a large, active and heavily built cichlid which will require more than a taller 41 gallon tank. Severums are less active, more peacful and at a push, you could get one in there, But you could not adequatly house a green terror in that tank which you have. :good: ..
By the way cheesy, ill look up this latiC language you speak of. Sounds interesting.

LOL i was waiting for someone to pick up on the "latiC" language. And i agree a GT has the potential to get to big for that tank.
I have 2 GT's one female one male the male is about 9 inches, they were originally in a 55 gallon, My GT for example has a great personality, when i walk in the room he acts like an oscar swimming from one end of the tank to the other, i felt sorry for him in a 55 gallon which really doesnt leave a 9 inch fish much room to move so i upgraded to a 125 gallon. I hear alot of people say that GT are possibly one of the most agressive fish you can get, i must have got a very passive GT as he has only killed a trimac and a gold fish when the female had egg. other then that he has never killed or ate a living fish.

However GTs are slow growing fish compared to some cichlds, I have had my GT for about 5 years, so you could keep him in there for maybe 2 yrs but then i would upgrade ur tank.
Because Gt's are a semi-large cichlid, they grow slower. This is just my weird view, but I just stereo-typicaly think of GT's are calm-ish.

Yup i agree i thought for awhile that my GT's and Green Severum would be trouble but they almost have the same attitude.
I think my 2 convicts and 2 firemouths i got in my 55 gallon have more a temper then my GT's
I say 2 rainbow cichlids (herotilapia multispinosa). Probably one of the best looking cichlids, with the biggest personalities, they're peaceful so you could have some other fish in there too (depending on overall stocking level), and they wont get too big for the tank.

Personally I think even a small severum (which an 8" one would be) would be far too big for a 40g tank. Anything bigger than rainbows, little firemouths or convicts is going to be severely cramped in there.

Rainbows, keyholes and angels would all be ok in that small a tank though.
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