Gt's And Flowerhorns

severum are much less aggressive than either GTs or FHs. keep an eye out for aggression and be prepared to rehome the sev.
Are Fh's more agressive than Jaguars?

Absolutly not. Jags are some of the most aggresive fresh water cichlids you can get!

The FH may take advantage of your GT. I meant by justify as in, what other people thought.

I think most people underestimate the GT. They are have a very calm looking disposition. But make no mistake that the GT is the most dangerous fish in your tank. Ecspecially having the female GT in their will definatly make things worse. Maybe not now but later on down the line. I would rehome the severums very soon.

no matter what imo fh's cant take down a GT easily. id rehome them or your other fish

Very true DiscusAngel. I have had loads of GT's. Iv had them with all kinds of tank mates. Oscars, Sevs, rope fish, sengals, etc. GT is always alpha fish. Most of the time it looks ok at first, then you wake up and find a blood bath! :crazy:
Your severum is already dead.Garanteed.Please take the fh's back :good:

This is very bad advice, I have a green severum in with a Red Devil whose agression is basically the same as a flowerhorn, A black Shark who because of its size can be more dangerous than nearly any cichlid, and a Jack Dempsey, they have been living togeather for years just fine. Cichlids are all different they have different personalities. Just keep an eye on them, your flowerhorn and severum just might end up being great tankmates. When dealing with cichlids, nothing is for sure even though some of the more close minded members would lead you to believe otherwise.
Your severum is already dead.Garanteed.Please take the fh's back :good:

This is very bad advice, I have a green severum in with a Red Devil whose agression is basically the same as a flowerhorn, A black Shark who because of its size can be more dangerous than nearly any cichlid, and a Jack Dempsey, they have been living togeather for years just fine. Cichlids are all different they have different personalities. Just keep an eye on them, your flowerhorn and severum just might end up being great tankmates. When dealing with cichlids, nothing is for sure even though some of the more close minded members would lead you to believe otherwise.
Ok, garbage.I see your point :good: .I have never owned rivulatus, but still from research and other peoples experience GT's are usually very aggressive, when my golden severums could live in a communtity tank if the fish were big.Mine only start attacking fish when they are breeding, but gt's are supposed to be quite the vicous fish ,even more vicious then texas cichlids.And when my golden severums and texas cichlid were juvies the texas cichlid nearly killed both of them,and they were slightly bigger.Just wondering but are all your fish fully grown/ some develope attitudes with age lol.

Your severum is already dead.Garanteed.Please take the fh's back :good:

This is very bad advice, I have a green severum in with a Red Devil whose agression is basically the same as a flowerhorn, A black Shark who because of its size can be more dangerous than nearly any cichlid, and a Jack Dempsey, they have been living togeather for years just fine. Cichlids are all different they have different personalities. Just keep an eye on them, your flowerhorn and severum just might end up being great tankmates. When dealing with cichlids, nothing is for sure even though some of the more close minded members would lead you to believe otherwise.
Ok, garbage.I see your point :good: .I have never owned rivulatus, but still from research and other peoples experience GT's are usually very aggressive, when my golden severums could live in a communtity tank if the fish were big.Mine only start attacking fish when they are breeding, but gt's are supposed to be quite the vicous fish ,even more vicious then texas cichlids.And when my golden severums and texas cichlid were juvies the texas cichlid nearly killed both of them,and they were slightly bigger.Just wondering but are all your fish fully grown/ some develope attitudes with age lol.


Well I think alot just depends on personalities and with cichlids personalities vary widely. For example, Ive tried to introduce a green terror into my community, the Green terror was killed so quick I wasnt able to pull him out in time. Im pretty sure it was a collabritive effort between the black shark and the red devil. However, neither one of those guys bothers my green severum. Another time I tried introducing an oscar but the devil developed a real hatred for him and had I not removed him, the devil surly would have killed him. The next week I very successfully introduced a leperinus, he is in there now and gets along great. Its been my experience that cichlids all have different personalities, highly unpredictable, and you never know how they will take to a new fish. I think there is a good chance the flowerhorn will tolerate the severum just fine, especially since the severum was in the tank first. I think the key to making these things work is just to keep a very watchful eye on the fish for the 1st month or so and if you get by with no problems usually you are in good shape, and if you are watching close and agression gets really bad, you are able to remove the new fish before any serious damage is dealt and no harm done:) AS for my guys, my black shark and leperinus still have lots of growing to do but my cichlids are all full grown. Here is a list of what is in my community:

1 Black Shark
1 Red Tail Black Shark
1 Red Devil
1 Green Severum
1 Jack Dempsey
1 Jewel Cichlid
1 Electric Yellow Cichlid
1 Electric Blue cichlid
1 Cobalt blue cichlid
1 Leperinus
Your severum is already dead.Garanteed.Please take the fh's back :good:

This is very bad advice, I have a green severum in with a Red Devil whose agression is basically the same as a flowerhorn, A black Shark who because of its size can be more dangerous than nearly any cichlid, and a Jack Dempsey, they have been living togeather for years just fine. Cichlids are all different they have different personalities. Just keep an eye on them, your flowerhorn and severum just might end up being great tankmates. When dealing with cichlids, nothing is for sure even though some of the more close minded members would lead you to believe otherwise.
Ok, garbage.I see your point :good: .I have never owned rivulatus, but still from research and other peoples experience GT's are usually very aggressive, when my golden severums could live in a communtity tank if the fish were big.Mine only start attacking fish when they are breeding, but gt's are supposed to be quite the vicous fish ,even more vicious then texas cichlids.And when my golden severums and texas cichlid were juvies the texas cichlid nearly killed both of them,and they were slightly bigger.Just wondering but are all your fish fully grown/ some develope attitudes with age lol.


Well I think alot just depends on personalities and with cichlids personalities vary widely. For example, Ive tried to introduce a green terror into my community, the Green terror was killed so quick I wasnt able to pull him out in time. Im pretty sure it was a collabritive effort between the black shark and the red devil. However, neither one of those guys bothers my green severum. Another time I tried introducing an oscar but the devil developed a real hatred for him and had I not removed him, the devil surly would have killed him. The next week I very successfully introduced a leperinus, he is in there now and gets along great. Its been my experience that cichlids all have different personalities, highly unpredictable, and you never know how they will take to a new fish. I think there is a good chance the flowerhorn will tolerate the severum just fine, especially since the severum was in the tank first. I think the key to making these things work is just to keep a very watchful eye on the fish for the 1st month or so and if you get by with no problems usually you are in good shape, and if you are watching close and agression gets really bad, you are able to remove the new fish before any serious damage is dealt and no harm done:) AS for my guys, my black shark and leperinus still have lots of growing to do but my cichlids are all full grown. Here is a list of what is in my community:

1 Black Shark
1 Red Tail Black Shark
1 Red Devil
1 Green Severum
1 Jack Dempsey
1 Jewel Cichlid
1 Electric Yellow Cichlid
1 Electric Blue cichlid
1 Cobalt blue cichlid
1 Leperinus

Ok, lets just let him make up his own mind :good:

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