Gt's And Flowerhorns


New Member
Apr 30, 2007
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Henderonville NC
Hey new to the forums here. I have a 125 gallon tank with an 8" male GT and 5" female GT as well as a 4" green severum.
today at my lfs i bought 2, 1.5-2" flowerhorn cichlids. i was wondering if anyone has had any experience in keeping GT's with FH's

so far the GT's dont even bother the FH but im guessing that will change later.

any input would be helpful
thanks for the reply, i knew i probably should have only got one, but i was afraid of one dying. Anyways my Male green Terror is my favorite i think he is the best looking GT if seen. i just hope the flower horns wont kill him. The GT has only killed gold fish and a Trimac only cause the male and Female GT had eggs, other then that he is not aggressive at all.

Im bad for getting fish with tempers, i hope my tank is big enough.
More than big enough. Because you brought the FH's at a small size, they'll grow up with fish bigger than them, so may act less agressive than normal. But if they do act bad. Get a divider or rehome it.
Your severum is already dead.Garanteed.Please take the fh's back :good:
Are Fh's more agressive than Jaguars?

I dont know, dont know that much about FH's yet, but ive heard that Jags, FH's, GT and Trimacs have some of the meanest tempers you can get. I guess i got a very passive GT he only gets mean when the female has eggs. I would love to have a Jag cichlid some day, maybe when i get another tank.

sorry i guess i didnt answer your ? but i dont have a whole lot experience with Jags or FH's
Im presuming Jags are more agressive than FH's but I wanted to justify some things. I dont think GT's are that all agressive. But are still not placid.

i musta missed somethin, what were you trying to justify? Yeah my GT is very passive doesnt bother anybody, hes only killed two fish, Thats kinda why im worried about my impulse purchase of the FH's.

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