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  1. R

    Two Quick Questions

    Thanks for the replies, I've let her out again, I hope I'm about when she drop's especially now knowing about the cannibalistic horny characteristics of her so called "mate" lol... cheers.
  2. R

    Two Quick Questions

    Thanks a lot. Will it be detrimental if she is in the breeding net over 48 hours... She's been in there that long already... I'm feeling guilty and may let her out for a while... thanks...
  3. R

    Two Quick Questions

    Thanks for the reply, I have 3 sail fin mollies, signature should now be updated... I will make sure the male is kept separate then, thanks again..
  4. R

    Two Quick Questions

    Hi all, I have (I believe) a pregnant Molly, I have a breeding net which I have put her in. Two quick questions, Should I put the male in with her as he was being nicely attentive and preening her under side prior to me putting her in the net. This being the first time I have breed Mollies...
  5. R

    Molly - Fins Cut....

    Unbelieveable, all cuts are starting to knit together, almost back to new! I may name him Hero due to the super powers :-)
  6. R

    Molly - Fins Cut....

    Ah ok, thanks. They are pretty wide, it look's like he's got a mohican!
  7. R

    Rekord 800 Pump Arm

    Brill, thanks for the reply.
  8. R

    Molly - Fins Cut....

    Thanks for the reply, any ideas what may of caused it? My experience with fin rot is that it normally shows around the edges first. Just seems bizarre that the fin has split in three places - so cleanly....
  9. R

    Molly - Fins Cut....

    Hi, I have noticed today that the dorsal fin on my molly has 3 clean cuts in it down to the base, almost as if done by a stanley knife or similar sharp object, there is also 1 cut on the base tail, the fish is swimming normally, feeding as usual and is showing no signs of distress... up to now...
  10. R

    Rekord 800 Pump Arm

    thanks, I haven't enough plants as yet to move to co2 injecting, thats my next step, having the arm pointing upwards creates ripples but does not break the water, is this enough to introduce oxygen into the water? if so I'm going to stop using the air stone..... what do you reckon? cheers
  11. R

    Rekord 800 Pump Arm

    Thanks for the reply, I know that, but I thought you could have a balance, when I have the lights on I turn the small air stone off, and only have it on during the night, however, what I was getting at was if the pump arm is turned upward and causing ripples (not rough one just surface movement)...
  12. R

    Rekord 800 Pump Arm

    I've also got the pump arm pointing towards the surface, am I right in saying that if the surface of the water is rippling that oxygen is entering the water, if so I can stop the airstone..... relating to the previous comment about unless its a planted tank, why would you not have the arm...
  13. R

    Rainbow Platy Behaviour

    Thanks for the reply, I segregated and started to treat for internal parasites based upon, "long stringy white poo, or clear mucas poo and being bloated" Unfortunately I think I acted to late and the poor platy has passed away, she is in a bigger pond now..... Thanks again for the replies...
  14. R

    Rainbow Platy Behaviour

    Thanks for the reply, I can't see any dead fry, however it does looked beaded to a certain degree... If its internal parasites what is the best course of action, should I segregate or use a treatment in the main tank? cheers Dave
  15. R

    Rainbow Platy Behaviour

    Theres no rubbing and the skin appears to be ok, Im worried about the white stuff coming out of her back end.... :(
  16. R

    Rainbow Platy Behaviour

  17. R

    Rainbow Platy Behaviour

    Bumping this to hopefully get an idea from the pictures what could be up with the Platy... Thanks Dave...
  18. R

    Please Id These Little Monkeys... Well Fish

    Thanks all, Signature updated, cant forget now ! Dave.
  19. R

    Please Id These Little Monkeys... Well Fish

    Umm, just been checking google images.. cant find anything close on Congo or Serpea... but the heads of both the Congo and Serpea are similar so I think they are Tetras of a sort???? Come on peeps... any more ideas?
  20. R

    Please Id These Little Monkeys... Well Fish

    Umm, thanks for the reply, but I just google searched them and couldn't find anything... What about Congo Tetras???
  21. R

    Please Id These Little Monkeys... Well Fish

    Hi, Can anyone confirm what these little badgers are please.... hope the image works..... Cheers Dave
  22. R

    Rainbow Platy Behaviour

    Picture below: she appears to be excreting a white substance.. is this an internal infection? Thanks Dave
  23. R

    Rainbow Platy Behaviour

    Thanks, yes it's a female....
  24. R

    Rainbow Platy Behaviour

    Hi All, I have a Female Rainbow Platy, just over a year old, she does not seem as spritly as she used to be and appears to be secreating a white substance, pictures below, any advice appreciated......
  25. R

    Tank Light Question

    Thanks for the replies, I have removed the old "dead" plants and put in 4 new ones to help with the balance and removal of nitrates. ... going to get a bigger tank soon... I'm hooked...
  26. R

    Is Fish-keeping Cruelty To Fishes?

    Friends: going on about fish and animal cruelty.... Shopkeeper: Sells shot guns... Solution: Buy the gun - shoot your friends.. job done... Tell them to get a life and worry about more important things like global warming, at the rate were going their grand kids will be swims with the...
  27. R

    Algae Reduction

    Hi, Thanks for the info, I am now doing 40 - 50% water changes, will keep you posted... Thanks again. PS. any recommendations where to get an API master test kit from online?
  28. R

    Algae Reduction

    I think the words Oh Dear are imminent:-- PH Level - About 7 (tank at 25c) Amonia - 0 Nitrite - .25 to .5 Nitrate - 75 to 100 mg/l As previously mentioned the tank has been in use for about a year, there is a pump which runs water across a sponge in the top, I occasionally lightly squeeze...
  29. R

    Algae Reduction

    Thanks for the advice so far, I will get an upto date reading of the NT's, PH's and KG etc when I get home and post them up here, we use a liquid testing kit, but unsure which one... When we do the water changes we poke around the gravel picking up the debris, but I have also read on here that...
  30. R

    Algae Reduction

    Brilliant, may I just ask if I am ok to do 10% water changes daily for the next week or so to clear any debris out of the tank without it seriously upsetting the levels / balance etc? or should I be more subtle?
  31. R

    Algae Reduction

    Thanks for the info, the tank is over a year old now, but I am sad to say fell into neglect, We are in the process of rescuing it!
  32. R

    Algae Reduction

    Hi All, My lad has a 20 litre starter tank and it has an algae problem I think as there are "clumps" of white stuff on the bottom of hte tank. We are now trying to rescue the tank / fish. We have moved the tank downstairs so we can look after it better, and I have started with adding an air...
  33. R

    Tank Light Question

    Hi All, My lad has a 20 ltr starter tank, and we are curious to know how the tank light effects the fish and the environment, also any other standard advice about length of time a light should / shouldn't be on etc. ps. there are two plants in there. Cheers Dave
  34. R

    Ageing And Shrinking

    Thanks for the info, Can I just say that as of last night the guppy appeared a lot more active already! Still monitoring...
  35. R

    Ageing And Shrinking

    Hi and thanks for the reply. The guppy was "rubbing" against the bottom of the pump occasionally, so I have added the advised amount of rock salt, I will continue to monitor over the coming week(s) and start the 10% water change to dilute the salt content. Can anyone advise on a readily...
  36. R

    Ageing And Shrinking

    Hi All, quick question I need your help on please... I bought 3 fish from my lfs last week since then I have noticed a dramatic change in the gold guppy. It's as if "he" has aged dramatically, and "he" has shrunk to almost half his size and appears a to be a darker colour, I am wondering if I...
  37. R

    Sudden Deaths

    OK, thanks for your replies, overall it sounds like I tried to do to much to soon, by doing a complete water change then adding fish 24hrs later. The 25litre tank had 5 finsh in, that went to 9 when I added the extra 4, some have die'd and were back down to 5 again. Will leave it at that for...
  38. R

    Sudden Deaths

    Hi Sorry they arent gold fish - they just look like them Yes it is heated and in the green according to the thermo The filter was still wet as the pump was still working although at a vastly reduced rate.... The kit I have is a Tetratest which shows 5 tests per strip There are a lot of snails...
  39. R

    Sudden Deaths

    Hi all, We have a 25 litre tank which was working fine with me rotating 25% of the water every 2 weeks. the pump stopped and the water "greened" up - so I completely replaced the water, I used a water softner, let it run for a couple of hours and popped the fish back into a nice clean tank...
  40. R

    Catfish Lay On Its Side

    Thanks for the info Jozlyn, I went on the advice of the shop worker - it was an aquatics shop and not just a pet shop, will follow this up with them. I will double check the NO3 level - and I need to get an amonia test kit :) thanks for the reply