Two Quick Questions


New Member
Apr 27, 2007
Reaction score
Midlands, UK
Hi all,

I have (I believe) a pregnant Molly, I have a breeding net which I have put her in.
Two quick questions,
Should I put the male in with her as he was being nicely attentive and preening her under side prior to me putting her in the net.
This being the first time I have breed Mollies (or any other fish) I have put her in now not knowing how much longer is left in the pregnancy, am I correct in thinking that they take about 30 days to gestate?

Thanks a lot.

how many molly's do you have?
as in your post u say 2, but in your fish content you have just 1.....
and are these sail fin mollies?

your fish wont take long usual about 28 days.
DO NOT place the male with he can cause her stress, and then eat the young.
but in saying that the female could eat the young seperate them afterwards.
having structures in the main tank and the breeding tank (if you have one) will halp hide the small fry away from larger fishes wanting to eat them.
large pebbles are great for this job.
as well as floating surface plants.
how many molly's do you have?
as in your post u say 2, but in your fish content you have just 1.....
and are these sail fin mollies?

your fish wont take long usual about 28 days.
DO NOT place the male with he can cause her stress, and then eat the young.
but in saying that the female could eat the young seperate them afterwards.
having structures in the main tank and the breeding tank (if you have one) will halp hide the small fry away from larger fishes wanting to eat them.
large pebbles are great for this job.
as well as floating surface plants.

Thanks for the reply, I have 3 sail fin mollies, signature should now be updated...
I will make sure the male is kept separate then, thanks again..
Thanks a lot. Will it be detrimental if she is in the breeding net over 48 hours... She's been in there that long already... I'm feeling guilty and may let her out for a while... thanks...
Thanks a lot. Will it be detrimental if she is in the breeding net over 48 hours... She's been in there that long already... I'm feeling guilty and may let her out for a while... thanks...

I would let her mate, u dont want her to get stressed.
I agree with livebearer_master,let her out the net,she only really needs to be in there when shes actually dropping fry.

You say your male was being attentive preening her underside-Males will do this when the females are pregnant,the males will follow the females around a lot more when they are due to drop,ready to eat the fry and mate with them again.So dont be fooled by his 'kindness to her'
Thanks for the replies, I've let her out again, I hope I'm about when she drop's especially now knowing about the cannibalistic horny characteristics of her so called "mate" lol...


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