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  1. C

    New Plants

    I have currently had my tank set up for 4 months and all the water tests have been fine till now. My ammonia level has rocketed in the pass couple of days. The test is a 'urine' yellow (between 2.4 - 4.9 when using the colour chart). I dont know what these figures mean but i know that they are...
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    Thanks for the info :good:
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    Thanks for all the advice :good:
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    Wondering if anyone could recommend any good websites for buying tropical fish in the UK ? Can only find tropicalfish4u site. Also is there any fish which shouldnt even be considered for posting e.g would posting clown loach cause them to get stressed and therefore have whitespot. Thanks...
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    Were gonna turn up the temperature but i cant increase the aeration in the tank. Yeah sorry :blush: did just mean the carbon media
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    About two weeks ago i noticed that two of my fish had white spot so i started to use protozin, i followed the instructions but it didnt clear up, so i restarted the treatment but it still isnt working. Today i noticed that it is now spreading and about 5 of my other fish now have white spot...
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    Head Standing Tiger Barbs

    I have read some were on here that some people reckon that they are only just sleeping when they do that. i know that my tiger barbs also do that same behaviour as well. I would do some water tests just to be on the safe side though
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    Ich ?

    Dont quote me but; i am sure i have read some were that the malchite green is not safe to use on scaleless fish, but im not sure. My clown loaches have currently got white spot - yet again. I'm using protozin which seems to be working fine up to now. Before using any treatment i would read up...
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    Red Tail Shark + Clown Loaches

    I currently have clown loach (they are only small at the mo though) and they actually swim around the tank within the group of tiger barbs. No aggression as been seen as of yet
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    Too Many Questions !

    i personnally dont know, just copied the figures out of the manual, doubled check and i did write them in correctly - unless there was a printing error in the manual . :unsure:
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    Too Many Questions !

    The tank is 84 W x 58 H x 44 D cm 165 litres I am totally useless at maths, hence i dont know how to work out how the gallons. :blush:
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    Too Many Questions !

    Got a Aqua one 850 Currently holding ; 1 Golden tiger barb 2 Glowlight tetra 1 Dwarf Gourami (blue with red strips) 1 Neon Blue Gourami (i think!! it looks like it as a punk haircut if you know what i mean) 3 Neon tetra (I think, had a mixture of neons and cardinals but most died from a recent...
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    Help Too Many Questions !

    Got a Aqua one 850 Currently holding ; 1 Golden tiger barb 2 Glowlight tetra 1 Dwarf Gourami (blue with red strips) 1 Neon Blue Gourami (i think!! it looks like it as a punk haircut if you know what i mean) 3 Neon tetra (I think, had a mixture of neons and cardinals but most died from a recent...
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    My Fish Commit Suicide

    This happened to me ages ago with a blue goldfish, didnt notice at first coz i had a blue carpet at the time. Was so upset when i realised !!! Happened when doin a water change, learnt my lesson though to keep the lid closed when not watching the tank :rip:
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    Compatibility Chart - Community Fish

    Thanks, found this chart really useful has i am currently debating on some new tank mates :good:
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    Ur Favourite Cartoon?

    There are too many to chose from :crazy: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    Strange Nicknames For Your Pets.

    I use to have a dog called Pepe, she always got called pepsi cola. Now i have a mongrel called Cheeky, she has two nick names. first is Boo (dont ask y, she just seems to like it) other is cheekydevil (for obvious reasons !!!).
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    Tiger Barbs Sleeping?

    Thank god for that. I was wondering the same thing, was abit worried incase they had a swim bladder problem or something but it confused me because they swim fine. At least i know now that they are only in bo bos :good:
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    Cleaning My Tank Glass....

    Magnet cleaners are the best to use, it is quick and you dont have to get your hands wet!! Plus they come in different sizes and are available from most stores which sell pet products.
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    Clown Loach & White Spot

    how do you increase the aeration in the tank? At the mo the clown loach are only two and a half inches, have just bought a 4 foot tank for them but waiting for the white spot to clear up first before i move them. dont want to cause them any more stress.
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    Clown Loach & White Spot

    Been treating my 75 litre tank now for two weeks with white spot medication. I was using king british white spot control but it contained malachite green which i thought would harm the clown loach. So i am now using Interpet anti white spot plus which contains formaldehyde and methanol. It also...