Red Tail Shark + Clown Loaches


Fish Fanatic
Feb 3, 2007
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i read that the sharks can be aggressive to their own kind and clowns are similar in body shape so i'm wondering if a red tailed shark will mix with 5 clown loaches in a 75g tank

also i trust tiger barbs (around 10) would also be fine in a tank with clowns and rosy barbs?
i read that the sharks can be aggressive to their own kind and clowns are similar in body shape so i'm wondering if a red tailed shark will mix with 5 clown loaches in a 75g tank

also i trust tiger barbs (around 10) would also be fine in a tank with clowns and rosy barbs

We have a RTS and clowns in our 100gal - it does chase most fish in there at feeding time - but its nothing serious.
Like you, we had heard they can be agressive so we've kept a close eye and he been fine.

both rosy barbs and tiger barbs are quite aggressive (for a small fish) you might see some aggression...
surely rosy and tiger barbs are not so aggressive that they would harm clowns and other reasonably robust species?

the rosy barbs i already have (6) are not aggressive at all really...
I currently have clown loach (they are only small at the mo though) and they actually swim around the tank within the group of tiger barbs. No aggression as been seen as of yet

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