Clown Loach & White Spot


New Member
Apr 10, 2007
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Been treating my 75 litre tank now for two weeks with white spot medication. I was using king british white spot control but it contained malachite green which i thought would harm the clown loach. So i am now using Interpet anti white spot plus which contains formaldehyde and methanol. It also says it is harmless to all species of fish. All the other fish have cleared up bar from the clown loach which seem to be getting worse. They are now half covered with white spot and are getting 'sluggish' in their behaviour. The temperature is set at 26C. Will be thankful for any advice on a better cure??

Other fish in the tank include 6 cardinal tetras, 2 Hoplo catfish (which had the white spot first but they now havent got any, it has fullt cleared up), 2 wood shrimp and 2 glowlight tetras
Turn temp up to 30 but you must increase aeration in the tank.
The tank is way to small for clown loaches.
how do you increase the aeration in the tank? At the mo the clown loach are only two and a half inches, have just bought a 4 foot tank for them but waiting for the white spot to clear up first before i move them. dont want to cause them any more stress.
If you can't turn your filter up to a stronger flow, invest in a air pump and airstone.
Don't turn temp up till you can get alot of aeration in the tank as the meds and high temp reduce 02 in the water.
aeration is very important when tempreture is high.

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