Head Standing Tiger Barbs


New Member
May 6, 2007
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Hi Everyone,

I have been keeping a shoal of 9 Tiger barbs in a 30ltr Biorb for around 2 weeks now. They have been kept in a 2' 6" tank up until i transferred them. They seem to have settled in fine but one thing i have noticed is that they keep Head standing in mid water for periods of around 30 secs - 1min. I have never noticed this strange behavior until now. Is this normal or is it a sign that something isnt quite right? Any feedback on this would be great. many thanks.

I've read that this means the water params are high,but not too sure on it. Is the tank cycled? What are the water params? I'm pretty sure the tank is overstocked.
I have read some were on here that some people reckon that they are only just sleeping when they do that. i know that my tiger barbs also do that same behaviour as well. I would do some water tests just to be on the safe side though
what you have both read is wrong.
TBs do this in an effort to attract a mate. it is mostly males that do this although in a group where there are few
males the females take on this role.
it is perfectly normal behaviour and nothing to worry about.
what you have both read is wrong.
TBs do this in an effort to attract a mate. it is mostly males that do this although in a group where there are few
males the females take on this role.
it is perfectly normal behaviour and nothing to worry about.

Many Thanks "The Wolf", Finally an answer to a question ive been trying to find for ages in books and all sorts. Thanks again. p.s. We have tested the water and all within ideal tolerances.

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