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  1. K

    What Fish?

    i want to add something abit different to my tank apart from cichilds. i know there is certain fish that you can but what really?
  2. K

    What Is A Good Shoal Fish

    well last night while i was asleep all me fish died due to the heater blowing up
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    What Guppies Give You Thre Best Colour For Ur Tank?

    i geuss u like the colour orange
  4. K

    What Is A Good Shoal Fish

    i have room at the mo and i will have a new tank and much bigger when the fish are 2 big so gettin more fish aint a prob at the moment
  5. K

    What Is A Good Shoal Fish

    what do they look like
  6. K

    Can You Guys And Ladies Help

    can you lot help me here please i am wondering about getting some live plant for me new 160 litre tank which is 3ft but i dont know what plant would be good with my fish so it has a chance to survive and grown not to be just eaten away and has know chance
  7. K

    What Is A Good Shoal Fish

    i have a 160 litre tank which is 3ft and in a way any size just not really sizes of guppys and has to have good colours reallylike guppys if you know what i meen
  8. K

    What Is A Good Shoal Fish

    hey i is wondering what is the best shoal fish to go with the fish i have already
  9. K

    Black Mollie Pregnant

    erm have you got a pic of it and has the molly got rounder which makes it look like a balloon molly
  10. K

    How Can You Tell If Blue Gourami Are Going To Give Birth

    i no this is soon but i wont to be ahead of the game if you know what i meen i gto yesterday a pair of blue gourami they wicked and i am wondering how will i know when the female has eggs and how will i know when she is going to release the to be fertilised ? and what is the best thing to do...
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    Male Or Female Gourami?

    yeh it is a male you can tell by the top fin it is more pointier and long if it was female it wouldnt have a point to it like that one does :good:
  12. K

    What Guppies Give You Thre Best Colour For Ur Tank?

    na i wont a veriaty of colours in mine that electric blue one sounds col u got a pic of him/her carnt remeber what you said
  13. K

    What Guppies Give You Thre Best Colour For Ur Tank?

    hi guys since i have me new 160 litre tank (3ft) i have moved the fish out of the 60 litre(2ft) tank to it so i was thinking of turning that tank into a guppy tank and i was thinking what guppys give you a good colour in the tank
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    Clown Loaches

    o ok cool thanks
  15. K

    Clown Loaches

    she has only 2 they are fully grown and the tank size is a 4 ft tank
  16. K

    Clown Loaches

    hi people i have a question to ask what condition does your tank have to be for clown loaches to breed? and what are the signs of them breeding because my girlfriends mum has 2 of them but wonts to breed them or doesnt know if she is laying eggs at the moment
  17. K

    Pics Any One

    i ment any one have pics of there on fish
  18. K

    Just One Fry?

    so that meens you aint got none left then
  19. K

    Quick Food Question

    yeh if i was you i would use frozen blood worms they more juicy and filled wil more neutrients or try some food which aint flakes it like little pellets i carnt remeber the name of it but it has the word cichlid food on it any way plus go to the cichlid part of the site and ask them if we dont...
  20. K

    Newbie Filter Question.

    i geuss you need to turn the pump of then clean the pads would be more sense really dont know if that helps
  21. K

    New Tank Soon.....

    hi i am getting my new tank on sunday well taking it home it is a 3 ft and i have ideas on what fish i am going to put in it when i have set it all up etc. but i was wondering do you guys or girls wont to give me some more ideas etc. :rolleyes:
  22. K

    Pics Any One

    hi peeps just me i am wondering if any people have any pics of there fish wouldnt mind seeing the colours in them :good:
  23. K

    More Fry.....

    hi peeps i went to my house yesterday coz i have been staying at me girglfriends and i looked at my fish and saw that one of my chocolate mollies was really pregnant and looks like she will blow any minute i hope, plus it looks like my orange dalmation molly is a bit pregnant but she wont be...
  24. K

    Question .......?

    okay thank that is alrigth then coz i can have him in the tank i have already because i have got a new 3 foot tank what i can put my current fish in then most proberbly if i feel like it get a betta
  25. K

    Help Please. Pregnant Molly!

  26. K

    First Time Using Blood Worm

    my first time using blood worm and my fish just loved it it was great
  27. K

    Help Please. Pregnant Molly!

    dont worry bout it really my chocolate molly is pregnant i think she has been for 2 weeks now but i geuss it just takes time. what molly you got?
  28. K

    Question .......?

    hi people i havnt got a betta but i was wondering on getting one :unsure: but i dont know if they are going to attack my fish or vis versa so do you people think it would be a good idea or not? so could you lot help me please :rolleyes:
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    Pregnant Platy

    dont worry sometimes fish dont give birth for ages really like some one said to me how long is a piece of string? it reali the same consept soz about spelling
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    What Colour Molly ....... ?

    i choose what colour i wonted any way i have a white male to mix with my orange ones
  31. K

    Is There .........

    cool thanks the only thing is i now just need to find where i can buy them but the problem is i dont think my fish shop will buy them.
  32. K

    Is There .........

    cheers will they go with the fish i already have do you think . plus i tryed looking on google but nothing came up just cichlids
  33. K

    Im Just Thinking .......

    hi i think my ligthing system is 18 watts for my aquarium so what plant would u think would go well in my tank and survive you know what fish i have in my tank any way since it is in my signi
  34. K

    Is There .........

    you got any pics of them
  35. K

    What Malawi.....

    with other malawis
  36. K

    What Malawi.....

    hi erm what malawi is fairly bigish but not to agressive what i could have in my aquarium? by the way this is for my girlfriend
  37. K

    Is There .........

    hey people is there any community fish that are mouth breeders?
  38. K

    What Colour Molly ....... ?

    i have put my tank size and i dont wont to match them i just wont to mix them so i can get weird colours in the babies, like at the moment my chocolate female is breeding with my dalmation so i will get some weird colours mixes from them so that is why i wont to mix them with my orange so they...
  39. K

    What Colour Molly ....... ?

    what you can get green mollys